Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Upwork Marketing Methods and Techniques Test Answers 2022

Upwork Marketing Methods and Techniques Test Answers 2019

1. How did the term Marketing come into existence?
� It evolved from the term Marketio used in Italy
� It is a haphazard term created in the 1800s
� It evolved from the original meaning, going to the market to sell products
� None of the above
2. How does Process impact a customer?
� It assures a quality product is sold
� It influences the color offerings of the product
� It determines how long it takes to ship a product
� It impacts overall customer satisfaction

72 NOT Answered Yet Test Questions:
(hold on, will be updated soon)
3. Which of the following is involved in the Publicity aspect of Promotion?
� Determining what product mix to offer to the customers
� Creating advertisements for different markets
� Managing the public perception of the product
� Setting sales goals for each product line
4. How does a successful advertisement help the sales team?
� It eliminates their jobs
� It reduces their burden as the customers are already inclined to purchase
� It shows the customers the sales team is effective
� It reduces the amount of paper work they have to do
5. Which of the following would Pricing include beyond the price for the product?
� How the client receives the product
� Shipping options if purchased online
� Discounts available to the client
� Colors the product is available in
6. Which of the following companies would be considered a trail blazer in Personalization?
� Procter & Gamble
� Ford Auto Corporation
� Dell Computers
� Canon Cameras
7. What time frame does marketing focus on?
� The past only
� The past as well as the current month
� The Past, Present and Future
� Current as well as future needs of the customers
8. Which of the four Ps would ‘Solution’ from SIVA be associated with?
� Price
� Place
� Product
� Promotion
9. What is meant by Process?
� The process of ordering online
� The designing of the product
� How a product or service is delivered to a customer
� How a product is manufactured
10. Why would Product Focus Marketing almost not be considered marketing at all?
� It is not as expensive as traditional marketing
� Companies do not devote enough time to it
� There is no head count involved
� It does not look to the market to assess the customers’ needs; instead, it pushes new products to the market
11. Which of the following would the scope of Product include?
� How the product is delivered to a customer
� The packaging of the product
� Warranties and support services
� The bill of materials for the product
12. What supplementary areas of study play into marketing?
� Accounting and Finance
� Psychology and Sociology
� Geography
� Computer Science
13. How might a company overcome the hurdle of demonstrating their services?
� Write stronger language in the advertising campaign
� Have clients sign a promise agreement
� Provide demonstrations, customer testimonials, and case studies
� Tell potential clients to take their word for it
14. What would be the most important skill required of the people who interact with the customers?
� Being well trained and motivated
� Having a general idea of the product and how it works
� Having interest in the product
� Being energetic and enthusiastic
15. Which of the following does Marketing Communication cover in general?
� How advertisements should be worded
� Where the company will market
� What type of branding the company wants to accomplish
� Breaking down the strategies for marketing messages into specific categories
16. Why is it wrong to imitate the product of a company that has successfully launched a new product and created a market for it?
� Only the company that enters the market first will reap profits
� Imitating their product will saturate the market and the imitator will not have enough market share to thrive on
� Imitators have to pay higher taxes
� The marketing budget is wasted
17. Why would People be an important aspect in the customers’ eyes?
� The people are the customers
� The people handle the product and manufacture it; so it should be of good quality
� The people who designed the product should make something the customer wants
� The people who represent the company are inseparable from the entire service or product
18. What method/s is/are used to determine customers’ needs?
� Examining sales history
� Speculation based on prior market research of other products
� Looking to competitors
� Market research
19. What is meant by the “end user”?
� The marketing manager who decides what ad campaigns to pursue
� The final consumer who purchases the product or service for their use
� The marketing staff where the marketing process begins
� The competitors who are in the same market space
20. What do the four Ps reflect?
� The steps required by law regarding marketing
� The marketing equivalent of GAAP in accounting
� The actions a company can take to motivate consumers to buy
� The four sections of a marketing department
21. What is meant by “branding”?
� Creating a certain image for a product
� Physically marking each product with the company logo
� Determining the customers’ needs
� Setting the price for a product
22. What is meant by Personal Selling?
� Creating advertisements for the television
� A salesman approaching potential customers
� Creating banner ads for online sites
� Emailing customers coupons
23. What is meant by SIVA?
� The governing body over Marketing
� Solution, Information, Value, Access
� Sales, Information, Vehicle, Attributes
� Sales, Information, Value, Access
24. What are some of the steps in an advertising campaign?
� Designing, Budgeting, Determining the point of sale
� Assembly, Painting, Distribution
� Market research, Budgeting, Choice of the media, Designing, Testing results
� Financing, Operations, Accounting, Marketing
25. What is another term for Peer-to-Peer?
� Social Computing
� Internet Marketing
� Blanket Advertising
� Selling
26. What does Predictive Modeling accomplish in the marketing mix?
� It is subjective and allows for creativity in marketing
� It replaces market research
� It uses algorithms to solve marketing problems
� It leaves marketing to the discretion of the management
27. What is another term for “Placement”?
� Accounting
� Publicity
� Distribution
� Branding
28. What does ‘Solution’ look to accomplish?
� Solves the problem of how much to spend on marketing
� Solves the logistics problems on delivery to the customer
� Anticipates how the customer will respond to pricing changes
� Ensures the appropriateness of the product or service to the customer’s problem
29. What are the objectives of a successful advertising campaign?
� To introduce new age products to the market
� To spend more than the competitors on marketing
� To eliminate marketing head count
� To maintain demand for the current products and introduce new products to the market
30. What are the traditional four Ps of marketing?
� Pricing, People, Performance, Promotion
� Promotion, People, Pricing, Performance
� Product, Pricing, Promotion, Placement
� Product, Promotion, People, Performance
31. Which of the following would be considered the result of Product Focus Marketing?
� Nintendo Wii video game system
� Dell laptop
� Campbell’s Soup
� Candle Manufacturing
32. What is meant by Peer-to-Peer in the marketing sense?
� Allowing a customer to interact with other customer via forums and communities
� Selling directly to customers door to door
� Creating blanket ads for the television
� Offering coupons
33. What is the purpose of marketing?
� To gain customer trust in a company
� To create and deliver value to customers
� To learn more about the customer and what their needs are
� All of the above
34. Which of the following does ‘Access’ in the SIVA model apply to customers?
� How the company gains access to the materials used in manufacturing
� How the customers access the company’s website
� How the customers can get the solution and how they take delivery
� How the customers can order
35. How does Product Focus Marketing differ from Customer Focus Marketing?
� PFM will always cost more to perform
� PFM does not usually result in as many sales
� PFM relies on changing pricing to gauge demand
� PFM looks to create a market whereas CFM responds to the existing market
36. Which of the following is a demerit of Product Focus Marketing?
� It costs too much
� It relies on past successes
� It is taxed at a higher rate
� A company takes a big risk in creating products that the market may not adapt to
37. What are the overall areas covered by Marketing Communication?
� Distribution
� Order Fulfillment and Process Management
� Advertising, Personal Sales, Sales Promotion, Marketing Public Relations
� Pricing and Branding
38. Which of the following is an example of Placement?
� A new ad campaign
� Allocating $10,000 to marketing
� The point of sale
� Increasing the marketing staff
39. What are the four new Ps?
� Pricing, Promotion, Placement, Product
� Product, Peer-to-Peer, Potential Clients, Pricing
� Promotion, Personalization, Participation, Product
� Personalization, Participation, Peer-to-Peer, Predictive Modeling
40. Who has control over a company’s Advertising?
� The company has complete control over what goes into an ad
� The company has limited control over the ads
� The customer and the company share it
� The customer has complete control over a company’s advertisements
41. Why is marketing considered a progressive activity?
� It has adapted over time to current trends and culture
� It has set rules that are followed and can not be broken
� It is a relatively new function of companies
� It focuses on creating new age products and surprising customers
42. What is determined through marketing research?
� The price competitors charge for the product
� The customers’ wants and needs
� Ideas on products that the customers have no idea about
� Specific sales figures
43. How does a Sales Promotion Campaign impact a customer’s desire to buy?
� It appeals to their desire for a deal and increases the speed at which they buy
� It creates the apprehension the product will cost more later
� It does not have any impact
� It is just another form of advertising and has no impact on buying
44. What is covered by Participation?
� Customer surveys
� Progressively marketing new products to untested markets
� Allowing the customers to be actively involved in shaping a company and its image
� Selling to new markets
45. What does Peer-to-Peer look to replace?
� Active Customers with those who are more Passive
� Buyers
� Passive Customer Bases with Active Customer Bases
� Low Income Purchasers
46. What is meant by Customer Focus Marketing?
� Selling only to past customers
� Creating email campaigns for past customers
� Focusing on customers and their relatives
� Listening to the customers and tailoring the products and services to their demand
47. Which of the following does the Product portion of the marketing mix encompass?
� How the product is delivered to the customers
� The pricing of the product
� What ad campaigns are the best to be used
� Specifications of the actual product
48. How does Personal Selling differ from Advertising?
� It is more progressive than advertising
� It allows for a direct, tailored message to be given to the potential client
� It is cheaper
� There is no real difference
49. Which of the following does ‘Value’ in the SIVA model focus on?
� Whether the customer knows other alternatives
� Whether the customer responds to spending more on marketing
� Whether the customer knows the costs and benefits of the company’s products
� Whether the customer values the color options
50. Which of the following would Promotion include?
� Advertising
� Setting price levels
� Determining customer wants
� Allocating marketing salaries
51. Why is it important that companies pursue Product Focus Marketing even if it is risky?
� Because it is required by law
� Because it diversifies their marketing efforts
� Because it is entrepreneurial and helps push the development of new products
� Because other companies do not do it
52. How is marketing defined in general?
� Maintaining accounting records
� Creating advertisements for television
� Promotion of products and services, advertising, and branding
� Development of products according to customer needs
53. What is meant by Product Focus Marketing?
� Focusing on the customers and their wants
� Focusing on selling the previous year’s products
� Trying to develop a market for a product
� Diversifying the product mix
54. What would a breakthrough product which ends up being a failure be a child of?
� Four Ps
� Market Research
� Accounting Error
55. Which of the following would be included in the marketing process?
� Order Fulfillment
� Improving product features
� Improving efficiency in the warehouse
� Distribution
56. Which of the following options would a company heavily involved in Research & Development most likely follow?
� Product Focus Marketing
� Customer Focus Marketing
� Advertising
� Direct Sales
57. What is meant by Intangible in relation to marketing?
� The patents the client owns
� The physical evidence of goods as a sample
� Something a customer can not see, such as a service.
� An asset that will depreciate in value, such as a car
58. What is the rationale for Product Focus Marketing?
� Customers come first
� Customers will buy whatever a company gives them as options
� Customers may not know what they want, so it is up to the company to create products they would want
� It costs less than Customer Focus Marketing
59. Which of the following is the most important aspect of Product Focus Marketing?
� It costs as little as possible
� It is multi-tiered and has growth ability
� It relies on the customers and their feedback
� It replaces traditional advertising
60. What does SIVA essentially accomplish?
� It takes the four Ps of marketing and reorients them to focus more on the customer
� It regulates the world of marketing
� It is a throwback to the marketing techniques of old days
� It helps sales people sell more
61. Which of the following does Pricing involve?
� Determining how to get the product to the customer
� Setting a price which will create the maximum demand for the product
� Setting a bill of materials for the product
� Determining the end users preferred purchase place
62. How would Advertising be categorized?
� Directly targeting specific crowds
� An ineffective method of marketing
� The same as mail marketing
� Aiming at mass markets
63. What is another term for the four Ps?
� Marketing Mix
� Marketing Management
� Marketing Pros and Cons
� Marketing Requirements
64. Why would a company engage in Personal Selling?
� It is cheaper than other methods
� It allows sales people to push the product on potential customers who do not really need it
� It diversifies their marketing mix
� It allows a face to face method of introducing potential clients to the company’s products
65. What is an example of Personalization?
� Customizing the product for the users through the use of the internet
� Offering three color variations instead of two
� Setting different pricing levels based on the end users’ ability to pay
� Offering only one product in one color
66. Which of the following does Placement involve?
� How the company is perceived in the market
� How the product gets to the customer
� How the marketing budget is allocated
� How the company logo is placed on the packaging
67. Which of the following are the aspects of the Extended Marketing Mix?
� Product, Placement, Pricing, Procurement
� People, Performance, Pricing, Process
� Process, Pricing, Placement, Procurement
� People, Process, Physical Evidence
68. What would a company hope a potential customer would do after seeing an advertisement for a new product?
� Perform some action related to purchasing the product
� Remember to tell their friends
� Sell their current solution and buy the new one
� Do nothing
69. What is meant by the ‘People’ aspect of Extended Marketing?
� The actual customers
� The people who design the product being sold
� The manufacturing staff who physically touch the product
� The people who come in contact with the customer, having an impact on overall satisfaction
70. How does the SIVA model differ from the four Ps model?
� It focuses on pricing
� It gains more loyal customers
� It focuses on the company and budget cuts
� It focuses heavily on the customers and how they view the transaction
71. What is accomplished by successfully using communication in marketing?
� It helps create the company image
� It turns strangers into customers
� It uses the marketing budget effectively
� It turns away customers the company does not want
72. What is the nature of marketing?
� A creative industry which uses several methods of delivery
� A clear cut, black and white industry with set methods
� A science involving the use of math
� A loosely based industry with no real solid methods
73. Would Pricing always be a monetary amount?
� No, it is almost never monetary
� No, it is what is exchanged for the product and could include time, energy, attention
� Yes, but only when looking at the near term
� Yes, it is always monetary
74. How is Advertising different from Personal Sales?
� It costs more
� It is much more effective
� They are pretty much the same

� It is considered pervasive and impersonal

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