Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Digital Marketing-1

Question 1

Marketing that moves away from a transaction-based effort to a conversation (i.e. two-way dialogue) and can be described as a situation or mechanism through which marketers and a customer (e.g. stakeholders) interact usually in real-time is known as:

Question 2

Which of the following is not a type of digital marketing activity?

Question 3

________ is a form of marketing communications that uses the internet for the purpose of advertising-delivering marketing messages to increase website traffic (i.e. click-through) and encourage product trial, purchase, and repeat purchase activity (i.e. conversion)..

Question 4

In the first 10 years, the web was heavily used as a static publishing and/or retailing (transactional) channel. This was known as:

Question 5

The development of digital media and the rise of Web 2.0 (i.e. the social web) technology saw a further evolution in marketing away from a hierarchical one-sided mass communication model. Web 2.0 used more participatory technologies, (e.g. social channels and online communities), rather than just information or transactional channels. What is the focus of this social web?

Question 6

A form of marketing communications that uses Internet-based resources for the purpose of advertising, delivering messages to drive traffic to a website ('click-through rate') and also encourage trial, purchase, or repeat-purchase activity is called:

Question 7

An advertising model used in which advertisers pay their host only when their sponsored ad or link is clicked, is called:

Question 8

A method of marketing by electronic mail wherein the recipient of the message has consented to receive it is called:

Question 9

____________ is a form of digital marketing that describes the use of the social web and social media (e.g. social networks, online communities, blogs or wikis) or any online collaborative technology for marketing activities, be it sales, public relations, research, distribution or customer service.

Question 10

Four elements that distinguish mobile marketing from traditional mass marketing are: scope of audience, type and format of messages, ___________, and response tracking.

Question 11

Websites translated for wireless devices to access and download content and to display adverts are known as:

Question 12

This refers to branded software applications for mobile devices that consumers use to access added-value information, customer service and/or entertainment where and when they want it:

Question 13

This is the process of marketing accomplished or facilitated through the application of electronic devices, appliances, tools, techniques, technologies and or systems:

Question 14

Which of the following is not an issue that marketers need to consider when using digital resources for marketing activities?

Question 15

Which of the following is not one of major considerations when using internet advertising to increase brand awareness and encourage click-through to a target site?

Question 16

Which of the following refers to unsolicited electronic messages?

Question 17

A database of information that is maintained by human editors and lists websites by category and subcategory with categorization is known as:

Question 18

This attempts to improve rankings for relevant keywords in search results by improving a website's structure and content:

Question 19

The next iteration of the web, which will be characterized by the web becoming artificially intelligent, thereby recognizing links and relationships between data sources, allowing the prediction of audience response and greater audience targeting. This is referred to as:

Question 20

This operates algorithmically or using a mixture of algorithmic and human input to collect, index, store and retrieve information on the web (e.g. web pages, images, information and other types of files). It makes the information available to users in a manageable and meaningful way in response to a search query. This is referred to as:

Question 1

Marketing that moves away from a transaction-based effort to a conversation (i.e. two-way dialogue) and can be described as a situation or mechanism through which marketers and a customer (e.g. stakeholders) interact usually in real-time is known as:
Correct answer:
b) Interactive marketing.
Interactive marketing refers to marketing that moves away from a transaction-based effort to a conversation (i.e. two-way dialogue) and can be described as a situation or mechanism through which marketers and a customer (e.g. stakeholders) interact; usually in real-time. Not all interactive marketing is electronic (e.g. face-to-face sales).
Page reference: 607

Question 2

Which of the following is not a type of digital marketing activity?
Correct answer:
c) Print advert.
Types of digital marketing activities include: internet marketing, internet advertising, search marketing, email marketing, mobile marketing, viral marketing, online retailing, advergaming, and social web marketing.
Page reference: 607-608

Question 3

________ is a form of marketing communications that uses the internet for the purpose of advertising-delivering marketing messages to increase website traffic (i.e. click-through) and encourage product trial, purchase, and repeat purchase activity (i.e. conversion)..
Correct answer:
a) Internet marketing
Internet marketing is a form of marketing communications that uses the internet for the purpose of advertising-delivering marketing messages to increase website traffic (i.e. click-through) and encourage product trial, purchase, and repeat purchase activity (i.e. conversion). Examples include display advertising, classified listings, rich media ads, search marketing and advertising on social media sites.
Page reference: 607

Question 4

In the first 10 years, the web was heavily used as a static publishing and/or retailing (transactional) channel. This was known as:
Correct answer:
b) Web 1.0.
The first 10 years of the web was characterized by what we call Web 1.0, wherein the web was heavily used as a static publishing and/or retailing (transactional) channel.
Page reference: 610

Question 5

The development of digital media and the rise of Web 2.0 (i.e. the social web) technology saw a further evolution in marketing away from a hierarchical one-sided mass communication model. Web 2.0 used more participatory technologies, (e.g. social channels and online communities), rather than just information or transactional channels. What is the focus of this social web?
Correct answer:
b) User.
The development of digital media and the rise of Web 2.0 (i.e. the social web) technology saw a further evolution in marketing away from a hierarchical one-sided mass communication model. Web 2.0 used more participatory technologies, (e.g. social channels and online communities), rather than just information or transactional channels. These newer digital technologies facilitated the practice of user-generated, co-created, and user-shared content with a focus on the active (not passive) user/participant rather than the website or marketer (as per Web 1.0).
Page reference: 610

Question 6

A form of marketing communications that uses Internet-based resources for the purpose of advertising, delivering messages to drive traffic to a website ('click-through rate') and also encourage trial, purchase, or repeat-purchase activity is called:
Correct answer:
c) Internet advertising.
Internet advertising is a form of marketing communications that uses internet-based resources for the purpose of advertising, delivering messages to drive traffic to a website ('click-through rate') and also encourages trial, purchase, or repeat-purchase activity ('conversion rate') (Cheng, et al, 2009).
Page reference: 614

Question 7

An advertising model used in which advertisers pay their host only when their sponsored ad or link is clicked, is called:
Correct answer:
d) Pay Per Click (PPC).
Pay Per Click (PPC) is an advertising model used in which advertisers pay their host only when their sponsored ad or link is clicked. Advertisers typically bid on keywords or phrases relevant to their target market, with sponsored/paid search engine listings to drive traffic to a website. The search engine ranks ads based on a competitive auction and other related criteria (e.g. popularity, quality).
Page reference: 616

Question 8

A method of marketing by electronic mail wherein the recipient of the message has consented to receive it is called:
Correct answer:
c) Permission-based email marketing.
Permission-based email marketing is another highly cost effective form of digital marketing (Waring and Martinez, 2002, Cheng, et al, 2009). It is a method of marketing by electronic mail wherein the recipient of the message has consented to receive it. As a marketing tool it is easy to use, costs little to produce, costs next to nothing to send, and has the potential to reach millions of willing prospects in a matter of minutes.
Page reference: 618

Question 9

____________ is a form of digital marketing that describes the use of the social web and social media (e.g. social networks, online communities, blogs or wikis) or any online collaborative technology for marketing activities, be it sales, public relations, research, distribution or customer service.
Correct answer:
c) Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a form of digital marketing that describes the use of the social web and social media (e.g. social networks, online communities, blogs or wikis) or any online collaborative technology for marketing activities, be it sales, public relations, research, distribution or customer service.
Page reference: 622

Question 10

Four elements that distinguish mobile marketing from traditional mass marketing are: scope of audience, type and format of messages, ___________, and response tracking.
Correct answer:
a) location-based targeting
Mobile marketing differs from traditional mass marketing across four elements:
1. Scope of audience: mobile marketing audiences are restricted to owners of mobile devices who opt-in to receive communications.
2. Type and format of messages: bandwidth capacity and tight screen size constraints restrict the format and type of message possible.
3. Location-based targeting: location-based and time-based targeting of messages are facilitated through mobile devices.
4. Response trackingmarketers can better track and measure audience responses to mobile messages.
Page reference: 629

Question 11

Websites translated for wireless devices to access and download content and to display adverts are known as:
Correct answer:
c) WAP sites
Websites translated for wireless devices to access and download content and to display adverts are known as WAP sites.
Page reference: 629

Question 12

This refers to branded software applications for mobile devices that consumers use to access added-value information, customer service and/or entertainment where and when they want it:
Correct answer:
b) Apps.
Applications or Apps refer to branded software applications for mobile devices. Consumers use Apps to access added-value information, customer service and/or entertainment where and when they want it.
Page reference: 630

Question 13

This is the process of marketing accomplished or facilitated through the application of electronic devices, appliances, tools, techniques, technologies and or systems:
Correct answer:
a) Electronic marketing.
Electronic marketing is the process of marketing accomplished or facilitated through the use of electronic devices, applications, tools, technologies, platforms and or systems. It is not limited to one specific type or category of electronic technology (e.g. Internet, TV) but includes both older analogue and developing digital electronic technologies.
Page reference: 607

Question 14

Which of the following is not an issue that marketers need to consider when using digital resources for marketing activities?
Correct answer:
b) Disclosure.
With the rise in digital resources, and their increasing use for marketing activities, come complications and changes to legislation and regulated business practices. The sorts of legal and regulatory issues that marketers need to increasingly consider include: jurisdiction, ownership, permissions, security, and accessibility.
Page reference: 634-636

Question 15

Which of the following is not one of major considerations when using internet advertising to increase brand awareness and encourage click-through to a target site?
Correct answer:
c) Interactivity.
Major considerations when using internet advertising to increase brand awareness and encourage click-through to a target site include:
· Cost-internet adverts are still relatively cheap compared to traditional advertising.
· Timeliness-internet adverts can be updated at any time with minimal cost.
· Format-internet adverts are richer, using text, audio, graphics, and animation. In addition, games, entertainment, and promotions can be incorporated.
· Intrusive -internet adverts can be interactive and targeted to specific interest groups and/or individuals.
· Location-based-using wireless technology and geo-location technology (GPS), internet advertising can be targeted to consumers wherever they are at (e.g. near a restaurant or a theatre).
· Intrusive-some internet advertising formats (e.g. pop-ups) are seen as intrusive and suffer more consumer complaints than other formats.
Page reference: 615

Question 16

Which of the following refers to unsolicited electronic messages?
Correct answer:
c) Spam.
Spam is unsolicited electronic messages, the junk mail of the 21st century, which clogs email servers and mobile networks and uses up much-needed bandwidth on the internet.
Page reference: 725

Question 17

A database of information that is maintained by human editors and lists websites by category and subcategory with categorization is known as:
Correct answer:
a) A search directory.
A search directory is a human-edited database of information. It lists websites by category and subcategory, with categorization usually based on the whole website rather than one page or a set of keywords. Search directories often allow site-owners to directly submit their site for inclusion, and have editors review submissions for fitness.
Page reference: 615

Question 18

This attempts to improve rankings for relevant keywords in search results by improving a website's structure and content:
Correct answer:
b) SEO.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is where a website's structure and content is improved to maximize its listing in the organic search engine results pages according to relevant keywords or search phrases.
Page reference: 616

Question 19

The next iteration of the web, which will be characterized by the web becoming artificially intelligent, thereby recognizing links and relationships between data sources, allowing the prediction of audience response and greater audience targeting. This is referred to as:
Correct answer:
a) Web 3.0.
The next iteration of the web, Web 3.0 or the semantic web, will be characterized by the web becoming artificially intelligent, thereby recognizing links and relationships between data sources, allowing the prediction of audience response and greater audience targeting.
Page reference: 636

Question 20

This operates algorithmically or using a mixture of algorithmic and human input to collect, index, store and retrieve information on the web (e.g. web pages, images, information and other types of files). It makes the information available to users in a manageable and meaningful way in response to a search query. This is referred to as:

Correct answer:
c) A search engine.
A search engine operates algorithmically or using a mixture of algorithmic and human input to collect, index, store and retrieve information on the web (e.g., web pages, images, information and other types of files), making this information available to users in a manageable and meaningful way in response to a search query.
Page reference: 615


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