Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Google Search 2016

225 Answered Test Questions:

1. How can you search property sellers of USA?
• Property
• property sellers:USA.
• Sellers
2. What symbol do you use to include synonyms of the search word in the results?
• #
• *
• ~
• :
• -
3. Your child has a school project and needs you to find pictures of animals. Which set of actions will provide you with the most options to choose from?
• Click the ANIMALS button under Images and select which types you want
• Type in the words ANIMALS PICTURES to the search box
• Search for ANIMALS and then click on the Images link at the top of the page
• Go to the zoo with 20 cameras and some dog treats
• Type in the word ANIMALS and click the Search Button
4. If you want to exclude a term, what symbol do you put in front of it?
• A forward arrow (>)
• A star (*)
• A dash (-)
• An exclamation point (!)
5. The word 'google' is commonly used as ___________?
• noun
• both
• verb
6. True or False: Searching Sqrt (4) gives you the square root of 4.
• True
• False
7. Which of the following would search the EXACT phrase, 'the early bird gets the worm'?
• {the early bird gets the worm}
• :the early bird gets the worm
• the early bird gets the worm
• "the early bird gets the worm"
8. What would you type in search bar when seeking a highly-rated event caterer in a metropolitan area?
• Seeking Caterer
• Best Caterers city name here
9. How do you search the definition of a word?
• meaning: <word>
• dictionary: <word>
• whatis: <word>
• define: <word>
10. True or False: On the occasions when you want to search for very specific words, you can use the Verbatim tool so that Google searches using the exact words you entered.
• False
• True
11. How would you search for the terms breast cancer with Safe Search on?
• ss:breast cancer
• safesearch:breast cancer
• mod:breast cancer
12. Which of these searches returns the current time in a given location?
• time . Tokyo
• All of these
• time in Tokyo
• time ! Tokyo
• time Tokyo
13. A Google Video search searches only within YouTube.
• True
• False
14. What SafeSearch filters does Google have?
• No filtering
• Strict filtering
• Moderate filtering
• All of these
15. Keywords have what kind of impact on internet marketing?
• Some
• None
• Very little
• Major
16. True or False: The query involves user intent.
• True
• False
17. Which of the following is not a search option tab at the top of Google search?
• Images
• Phonebook
• Shopping
• Maps
18. What happens when you click on the More tab at the top of the page?
• Nothing.
• Google does not have a More tab.
• It displays a drop down menu with options like Translate, Blogs, YouTube, and Photos.
19. For which browser does Google support voice search?
• Chrome
• Safari
• Firefox
• Internet Explorer
20. You can run a search on Google that returns the results of all the web pages containing links to another URL?
• True
• False
21. If you go to Google News you will get...
• The latest news from around the world
• Recent tips on how to best use Google to search
• The most recent Google stock quote from NADASQ
• The most current news about Google and the senior management at Google
22. True or False: Users are able to search for patents by clicking More under Search and choosing Patents, then continuing to type in search box for results.
• False
• True
23. Can you google yourself?
• No, someone else has to
• Yes, but only if you're famous
• Yes, anyone can
• Yes, if your 18 or older
24. True or False: You can turn off Google Instant.
• True
• False
25. How do you quickly search for the definition of abate?
• define: abate
• dictionary: abate
• meaning: abate
26. If you google bird, you are most likely to find:
• Angry Bird's wikipedia page
• Larry Bird's wikipedia page
• wikipedia's definition of a bird.
•'s definition of a bird
27. True or False:  You can search for pages that were created in the last 24 hours by clicking on 'Past 24 hours' in the Search Tools menu.
• False
• True
28. True/False: You can specify what file type(s) you want to appear in your search results.
• False
• True
29. Which searching option in Google would be best to search competitive price for a wedding gowns?
• Images
• Shopping
• Currency Exchange
• News
30. You can turn off Google's AutoFill function if you don't want it to predict your search terms.
• True
• False
31. True or False: Advanced search allows you to search pages in a particular language (for example, German)
• False
• True
32. How will you search to return only pages in which the anchor text on links to the pages contain the words ???best,??? ???museums,??? and ???sydney.???
• allinanchor: best museums Sydney
• best museum
• museum
• best
33. How can you find the time in London in a Google Search?
• All of these
• search: what time is it in london?
• search: current time in london
• search: time in london
34. True/False: Google is considered the most dominant search engine in the world.
• True
• False
35. You can search for terms in the whole page, page title, or web address, or links to the page you're looking for.
• True
• False
36. How would you find information about the website
37. The query cache:url will display Google???s cached version of a web page, instead of the current version of the page.
• True
• False
38. You can turn SafeSearch on or off for Google Images.
• True
• False
39. True or false: You can add an alert for discussions.
• True
• False
40. True or False: Google is a search engine.
• True
• False
41. True or False? Google???s mission is to organize the world???s information and make it universally accessible and useful.
• False
• True
42. True or False: If you have Google Instant enabled, results may appear as you type.
• False
• True
43. How do you get travel directions from Google?
• Enter the information into the search box
• Input the destination address into Google Maps
• Google does not have a map program
44. True or False: You can use Google to convert between many different units of measurement.
• False
• True
45. Which search will return directory listings?
• all of these
• intitle:index.of
• intitle:index.of "parent directory"
• intitle:index.of name size
46. You are able to use your location to search for a specific topic
• Yes
• No
47. Your Google searches are usually improved to minimize your time spent searching and retrieve relevant information.
• True
• False
48. True or False: Google is international?
• False
• True
49. True or False: You can click on a filtering option to customize the search results page you are looking at.
• False
• True
50. True or False: You can use Google to translate.
• False
• True
51. Can Google translate web pages into a different language?
• No
• Only to English
• Yes
52. Google is the most used search engine. True or False?
• True
• False
53. True or False:  You can adjust your Google search settings.
• True
• False
54. Will Google search in another language other that English?
• No, Google does not have this ability.
• Yes, Google has Language Tools
55. Google
• All of the above
• has published guidelines for website owners who would like to raise their rankings
• provides information faster than traditional reporting methods and government surveys
• is the most-used search engine on the World Wide Web
• started as a research project at Stanford University
56. What does SEO stand for?
• Share Engine Online
• Skill of Education Online
• Search Engine Office
• Search Engine Optimization
57. Can you shop using the Google search engine?
• No
• Yes
58. How much does it cost to create a Google account?
• $4
• $0
• $6
• $2
59. Which of the following would be called stop words?
• for
• All of these.
• a
• the
60. How would you find the definition for the word enigma?
• lookup: enigma
• define: enigma
• word: enigma
61. Can you view maps with Google?
• No
• Yes
• Maybe
62. Which of the following is a search tool?
• Translated foreign pages
• +1
• Timeline
• All of these
• Reading level
63. How can you add 6 and 7 using the Google search bar?
• 6 but 7
• 6-7
• 6+7
• 6 to 7
64. Google was originally designed to be...
• A NFL scorekeeping site
• A search engine
• A how-to site
• A music site
• A social networking site
65. Is a google account free?
• Yes
• No
66. Is Google strict about copyright issues?
• Yes, and it takes legal action on this point
• No, Google isn't strict about copyright
67. True or False: Advanced search allows you to narrow your results by usage rights (whether you can reuse, share or modify).
• False
• True
68. How would you divide the following numbers: 298, 331?
• 298/331
• 298^331
• 298 divide 331
69. What tab should you select when searching for pictures of new model homes?
• Local
• Images
• Products
• Places
70. Do you need to log in to a Google account to use Google search?
• Yes, only Google Account holders have access to it.
• No, it is not necessary to log in.
71. What can you do with Google Maps?
• All of the above
• Print out maps
• View save searches
• Link webpage of map to email or your own website
• Get directions
72. True or False: Google cannot look up stock quotes.
• False
• True
73. Does Google allow advertising on the results screen?
• Yes
• No
74. What search term would return only Government websites?
• site[gov]
• Government
• +gov
• site:gov
75. True or false:  You can speak the topic you want Google to search
• False
• True
76. How do you turn on Safe search?
• Click on the share button
• Click on the option icon and click on Turn on Safe Search
• Click on search tools
• Click on hide private results
77. How would you find 3 raised to the power of 5?
• 3^5
• 3!5
• 3*5
• 3***5
78. True or False: Users are able to customize the range of Google Search results by time.
• True
• False
79. True or False: The following two search terms will give the same results:  "nikon 400" and "nikon $400"
• True
• False
80. How can you divide 234 with 89 using the Google search bar?
• 234/89
• 234 to 89
• 89/234
• 89 to 234
81. How would you search for quotes for the DOW stock?
• info:dow
• real-time:dow
• stocks:dow
82. True or False: "I Feel Lucky" sends you to a casino website?
• True
• False
83. How can you search mosques of India?
• Indian mosque
• mosques of India
• mosque:India
• all of these
84. How can you use google to find out exactly how much 10 USD is worth in GBP using current exchange rate?
• 10 USD to GBP
• 10 USC = x GBP
• 10 USD
• 10 USD to british
85. True or False.  Google can be used as a Calculator.
• True, as long as you use MathType software
• True, just enter your arithmetic into the query
• False, you have to pay for this feature
• False, there are no symbols on a QWERTY keyboard available for inputting mathematics
86. How would I find stock information about Apple?
• info: Apple
• stocks: Apple
87. How would you search for universities in Philadelphia
• universitiesin:philadelphia
• universities findin:philadelphia
• searchin:philadelphia for universities
• universities in philadelphia
88. True or False: To search for web pages that link to a URL, use the "link:" operator.
• False
• True
89. The "I'm feeling lucky" button :
• Takes you to the Google Doodle page.
• Takes you to the first result of the search.
• Takes you to Google Plus.
90. True or False: Google's main search invisibly combines search terms with the Boolean construct "AND"
• False
• True
91. How can you calculate 12% of 100 using Google search?
• 12 percent 100
• 12,%, 100
• 12% of 100
• 120
92. To search a word and its synonyms, include ???~??? before the word. For example, ~butter.
• False
• True
93. What is a Google Custom Search Engine?
• A search engine set up by a user to search a specified site or set of sites
• A search engine that uses what your friends have shared on Google Plus
• An educational tool for looking up traditions in other countries
• A generic term for specialized search engines such as Google Patents or Google Books
94. What search will produce the temperatures for each day of next week in Johannesburg?
• Google does not give you a weather forecast
• Johannesburg climate
• Weather Johannesburg
• climate Johannesburg
95. What are the two buttons below the search bar on the Google home page?
• Search and Advanced Search
• Google Search and I'm Feeling Lucky
• Search and Google Services
• Go and Popular Searches
96. Which of the following operators is used to exclude an item from results?
• -
• =
• +
• ~
97. What is the correct syntax for searching the meaning of a specific term on Google?
• define:
• details:
• what is:
98. What does "Change background image" do?
• Allow you to select a background image for your Google homepage.
• Select a different color background for your Google homepage.
• Select a different Google Doodle to be displayed.
• Select a different color background for Google's logo.
99. Which of the following is the proper way to optimize your blog on search engine?
• marking blue
• Adding tags
• underlining the key words
• marking red
100. Which search query will convert 40 Celcius to Fahrenheit?
• 40 Celusius -Fahrenheit
• 40 Celsius to Fahrenheit
• 40C/F
• 40 Celsius^Fahrenheit
101. The search results that show up for you on Google can be different than those that show up for someone else.
• True
• False
102. Google can help you find a sale on a particular item by:
• Searching the item in ???Google Finance???
• Searching the item in ???Google Shopping???
• Feeling Lucky search in the main window
• Searching the item in the main window
103. Where do you view your Google search history?
• By Googling "user:history"
• In your Google account profile
• In your Google account webmaster tools
• In your browser's "history" menu/section
• You can't view your search history
104. You wish to change the number of results on a page to 50 when searching. How will you achieve this?
• Append :50 to the end of the search string
• Choosed Advanced Search and change the Reading Level to 50
• You cannot do this
• Choose Advanced Search and change the setting for Results per Page to 50
105. What information is entered into the search bar to track a package?
• Tracking number
• Receipt number
• This is an extra service that must be requested when delivering the package.
• This is not possible.
106. True or False: The more words you add into the query, the more you limit the search results
• False
• True
107. How would you find weather information for the zip code 02118 in Boston, MA?
• boston: 02118
• info:02118
• weather MA
• weather: 02118
108. How can you ask Google what time it is in your current location?
• system time
• clock
• Local time
• google time
• my time
109. What can you use as the multiplication symbol used in arithmetic queries in the Google search bar?
• x or *
• t or x
• ^ or *
• t or *
• ^ or t
110. How do you search for PDF results only?
• files:.pdf
• file.pdf
• filetype:pdf
• .pdf
111. You are searching for sites that contain stored copies of a specific format of document (for example a .pdf), what is the appropriate Operator?
• filetype:
• file:
• doc:
• format:
112. How would you find the answer to the conversion of 10 mm to Meters?
• 10mm- Meters
• None of these
• mm to meters (10)
• 10mm to Meters
• 10:mm to meters
113. How do you change your location when searching for a particular place near you?
• By searching for your location
• Turn on your computer's GPS
• Click on Change Location on the left side of the screen
• None of these
114. How would you search for the phrase "puppy food" in the site
• ???puppy food???
• ???puppy food???
• "puppy food"
115. If you leave the search engine box empty and click on the News tab on the Google search engine what will happen?
• It will ask you to type in what you are searching for.
• Nothing
• It will give you the top news stories on the internet.
116. How would you search for local weather for zip code 19104?
• forecast 19104
• forecast in 19104
• all of these
• weather in 19104
• weather 19104
117. True or False: Advanced search DOES NOT allow you to learn the reading level of your search results
• True
• False
118. True or False: Advanced search does not allow you to decide how many results per page you want to see.
• True
• False
119. What Google product does not appear in the toolbar?
• Shopping
• News
• Voice
• Videos
• Maps
120. How would you find Groups messages containing 'alternative music' in the subject?
• intitle: "alternative music"
• insubject: "alternative music"
121. True or False? You can only find images in Google by clicking on the 'Images' tab first.
• True
• False
122. You need to find information on the Canon MX340 printer.  You only wish to view results from websites.  Which is the correct entry?
• MX340
• MX340
• -MX340
123. What kinds of directions are given in Google Maps?
• Walk and Drive Only
• Drive Only
• Public Transit, Drive, and Walk
• Drive, Walk, Public Transit, and Bicycling
124. What happens when you include double quotes around a phrase when searching?
• Google search looks for quotations
• Google search performs a phrase match
• Google search performs a broad match
• Google search excludes the words inside the quotes
125. What does Fusion Tables let you do?
• see the current market rates
• research information that contains statistics ONLY
• convert units back and forth
• see another person's work
• visualize, combine, host and share your data tables.
126. True or False:  You can track your UPS, FedEx, or USPS packages by typing the tracking number directly into the search box.
• False
• True
127. Which of the following is not offered as a default date range modifier?
• Past year
• Past month
• Past 2 days
• Past fortnight
• Past 24 hours
128. You enter:  "I have a dream" into the search box with the quotation marks.  What results will be displayed?
• No results because you cannot put more than two words into the search box
• Pages with the words I or have or a or dream
• Pages with the exact phrase I have a dream
• Pages with all the words I and have and a and dream anywhere on the pages even if not a phrase.
129. Which of the following will retrieve pages containing the exact phrase "all cats are grey in the dark"?
• (all cats are grey in the dark)
• phrase:all cats are grey in the dark
• allintext:all cats are grey in the dark
• all cats are grey in the dark
• "all cats are grey in the dark"
130. How would you use Google to find all PDF files on the website
• file:pdf
• "pdf"
• +pdf
• file:pdf
• filetype:pdf
131. What is the shortcut to find definitions of the word google?
• define:google
• definitions & google
• "define google"
• definitions:google
• google:define
132. What symbol is used for a wildcard search?
• *
• #
• $
• !
• &
133. How would you search yoga in all .ca (Canadian) websites?
• canada ???yoga???
• .ca ???yoga???
• ???yoga???
134. Which character can you use as a wildcard in Google Searches?
• $
• #
• *
• ^
135. Which of the following products is not a part of the Google suite?
• Gmail
• Places
• Youtube
• Mapquest
• Shopping
136. What symbol(s) would you use to omit a keyword from your search results?
• *
• -
• :
• <>
• /
137. If you precede a word with a hyphen in a search criteria, e.g. salsa -dance, what results will be found?
• Pages with the word Dance but NOT the word Salsa
• Pages with the word Salsa but NOT the word Dance
• No results
• Pages with both words, the hyphen is ignored
138. Which of the following would exclude "Cowell" from a search on American Idol?
• American idol /Cowell
• American idol -Cowell
• "American idol", Cowell
• American idol (Cowell)
• American Idol: Cowell
139. What does clicking the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button do?
• provides you with pictures of various items believed to be lucky
• directly takes you to a random search result page
• gives you a randomized list of your search
• directly takes you to the first ranked page of your search
140. Which Safe Search mode does Google recommend when searching for images?
• Off
• Light
• Strict
• Moderate
141. On tablets, it???s best to look at streetview in the browser instead of using the Google Maps application.
• True
• False
142. How many pages of results are available for you to click on at the bottom of the page after you click 'Search'?
• 15 is the default value and 30, 50, and 100 are the available options.
• 15 is the only possible value.
• 9
• 10 is the only possible value.
• 10 is the default value and 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 are the available options.
143. When you hover over related searches in Google Image results, what happens?
• Google replaces your current search with that suggestion
• Google searches that suggestion in a separate tab
• Google hides that suggestion
• Preview images appear for each search
• Google displays statistics for how many other people search for that suggestion
144. What happen when you type 6 + 6 in the search box
• Elementary school math comes up
• 12 comes up as the Calculator result
• Search results labeled "12" come up
• Websites with 6 + 6 comes up
145. What happens if you click "I'm Feeling Lucky" instead of " Google Search"?
• The top news story for your search results appear
• One result from each category will appear as your results
• A random site from the search is automatically opened
• The highest ranked site for your search automatically opens
146. Searching for ""...
• shows pages containing the words "cache" and ""
• shows only pages from website
• doesn't do anything
• hides all results from
• shows Google's cached version of the website
147. To search for "Zune" on Microsoft's official website, what search terms would you use?
• zune
• zune microsoft only
• zune (
• - zune
• "zune" "website:microsoft"
148. What happens when you click "cached" under a link?
• The link is stored on a list of links on the side of your screen
• The link opens Google's backup version of the site
• The link opens in a new tab
• The link is saved in your bookmarks
149. Formerly, if you wanted Google to include only a specific word, and not just similar words, you used a plus sign, like this: [ +purple ]. What does Google now use in place of this syntax?
• Double-quotes, like this: [ "purple" ].
• Two plus signs, like this: [ +purple+ ]
• Single-quotes, like this: [ 'purple' ].
• One equals sign, like this: [ =purple ]
• Two plus signs, like this: [ ++purple ]
150. What does the symbol ~ do when you put it in front of a word in your search?
• Google will search for that word and related words.
• Google will omit that word from its results.
• Google will search for related words only (results will not include original word).
• Google will search for that exact word only.
151. What does it mean when a link in the results area is indented?
• It is a shopping website
• It is one of the best sites found for the search criteria
• It is a site that should not be viewed by children
• It is from the same website as the last unindented link listed
152. How can you limit your search to only U.S.-accredited higher educational institutions?
• inurl:edu
• site:edu
• filetype:edu
• link:edu
153. What happens when you leave the search bar blank and click the Google Search button?
• You are sent to the Google Doodles home page.
• Google does a search for "google."
• Google does a search for "blank."
• The screen begins to shake.
• Nothing
154. What query is the best way to search for PDF files including the exact phrase: high school
• high school filetype:pdf
• "high school" ext:pdf
• "high school" file:pdf
• "high school" filetype:pdf
• high school file:pdf
155. How would you search for an exact quote if you only remembered the start, e.g. "a penny saved is a penny earned"?
• [ start: a penny saved ]
• [ start:"a penny saved" end:unkown ]
• [ quote about penny ]
• [ penny quotes ]
• [ "a penny saved *" ]
156. What is the symbol to find similar search terms?
• " "
• ,
• ~
• /
• =
157. What is the shortcut to find the weather near a zip code? (example 90210)
• weather near 90210
• weather=90210
• weather:90210
• 90210,weather
• 90210/weather
158. Search by Image is supported on these browsers:
• Chrome and Safari 5.0+
• All of these answers are true except Internet Explorer 7
• All of these answers are true except Firefox 3.0
• Internet Explorer 7+
• Firefox 3.0+
159. What is the name of the filter that blocks/limits objectionable content?
• ContentFilter
• SafeGoogle
• SafeSearch
• GoogleProtection
• ChildLock
160. What can you use to filter the search results by a specific website?
• url:
• website:
• site:
161. If Google Instant is enabled, what changes?
• After you type in your query and press enter, Google will automatically bring you to the first site on its list
• When you open Google, it will have your most recent search already showing
• As you type Google shows the most popular searches with the letters you have started typing
• Google Instant does not exist.
162. Which of the following would exclude .doc files from search results:
• cats -filetype=doc
• cats w/o filetype:doc
• cats -filetype:doc
• cats except:.doc
163. What symbol works as a "fill in a blank" for an unknown search term?
• :
• -
• *
• ~
164. Is there such a thing as a Google URL shortener?
• Google shortens URLs internally, but has not released the tool for public use.
• No, you have to use an external website to shorten any google or other URL's
• Yes, is Google's URL shortener.
• Yes, use and select "Google shortlink" to create a based shortlink.
165. To get door to door directions, after typing destination address, what tab would you use?
• Street View
• Places
• Maps
• Locations
166. Which of the following will retrieve only .pdf documents with the word "addiction" in the title?
• format:pdf title:addiction
• doctype:pdf heading:addiction
• filetype:pdf intext:addiction
• filetype:pdf intitle:addiction
• file:pdf intitle:addiction
167. How would you search for as saved by Google?
168. The operator related: lists pages that are:
• available in the title of web page.
• files of the desired type.
• Prefix does not exist.
• similar to a specified web page.
169. In Google News, putting "allintitle:" before your search will return results which...
• contain all your keywords in the post title.
• contain all your search terms in the article, with at least one appearing in the post title.
• have been deemed by Google's quality standards to summarize the article's content in the title for easy browsing.
• include ONLY your search terms (and nothing else) in the post title.
170. "Google Search" uses ______, a patented algorithm to prioritize relevant search results.
• GoogleSearch
• PageRank
• Chromium
• BackRub
• PageSearch
171. Which of the following queries returns the flight status of Southwest Airlines flight #11?
• Track: Southwest 11
• Flight: Southwest 11
• Southwest 11
• All of these
172. The "intitle:" search option is used to search _____.
• None of these
• the title bar of the browser (along with the menu bar)
• only the page titles (and not the remaining text in the page)
• only the title bar of the browser
• the page titles (along with the remaining text in the page)
173. What is the term for capitalized words that join or separate key words and phrases, such as "AND," "OR" and "NOT"?
• Conjunctionites
• Boolean operators
• Splicers
• Search specializers
174. What is the alternate for an OR search in Google ? eg. Term1 OR term2
• term1 | term2
• term1/term2
• term1%term2
• term1,term2
175. When searching for an image, how do you filter by a primary color?
• You can't
• Select "Search similar" when you find one with the color you want
• Click a color swatch under "Search Tools" in the top sidebar.
• Add the color name after the search term
176. What symbol can be substituted for "OR" in a Google search?
• |
• :
• /
• ^
• -
177. How to perfectly search a document from 1-jan-1950 to 31-Dec-1950 ?
• search with query [ Document date:1-1-1950 to date: 31-12-1950 ]
• Documents 1-jan-1950 to 31-12-1950
• click "Search Tools" next click "Any Time" and set custom range.
• Documents
178. Which of these searches shows an effective use of multiple operators?
• [site:edu site:org forms for citizens]
• [forms for citizens site:edu OR org]
• [ filetype:pdf forms for citizens]
• [forms for citizens site:org -site:edu]
179. If you are searching for "food facts," how could you extend the search to include synonyms for food, including (but not limited to) "nutrition?"
• ~food facts
• food OR nutrition facts
• food OR nutrition OR other facts
• food synonym facts
180. What is a sitemap?
• XML document which tells Google's crawlers what to index on your site.
• Sitemap is not relevant to Google services.
• A "heat map" of the most visited pages on a website.
• A tool which visually maps out topical similarities among websites retrieved by your search terms.
181. Does Google search look at words like "of", "a" and "the"?
• No.
• Only when they are in quotes.
• Only when they rarely come up in relation to what you are searching for.
• Yes.
182. If you google " bird watching", which will you NOT find in your search results?
• Videos of bird watching, at all
• Informational websites about bird watching
• None
• YouTube videos of bird watching
183. On the main Google Search page, what occurs when you leave the search bar empty and click the "I'm Feeling Artistic" button (if the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button spins to this option)?
• Google does a search for "art."
• Google searches for museums in your area.
• Google sends you to the Google Doodles home page.
• Google sends you to a random artwork at
• Google does a search for "artist."
184. Will Google process the rel="canonical" tag between two domains?
• Yes, but Google may choose to ignore it
• No, never
• Yes, always
• No, this is considered spam
185. An asterisk (*) is an operator that represents what?
• the same word
• all conjugations of a word
• a blank
• any string of characters or words
• none of these
186. How would you search for the word biking in a url?
• inurl:biking
• url:biking
• pageurl:biking
187. How would you get the definition of the word "amphibious" in Google?
• All of these work
• define: amphibious
• definition amphibious
• amphibious: definition
• what is amphibious
188. Google can filter results by:
• publishing date
• number of pageviews during a determined time period
• website size
189. How would you search for the decimal equivalent of 4/5?
• decimal:4/5
• convert:4/5
• 4/5, Google automatically displays the answer as a decimal
190. Google's patented PageRank algorithm utilizes The Intentional Surfer Model.  What is The Random Surfer Model a model of?
• link analysis
• wave motion
• user behavior
• document structure
191. True or False: You can search for specific text through the "highlight and right-click" method (then choosing the Google Search option).
• True... only if you are using Chrome.
• False
• True... only if your browser has Google installed as a Search Provider.
• True... always
192. The Google Search feature called "Instant Predictions" does what?
• Instantly shows related search terms for queries with few results.
• Shows you search results as you type your query.
• Makes predictions to questions you may search in Google.
193. When searching for specific keywords contained within a web site address what is the appropriate Operator?
• inurl:
• site:
• url:
• contains:
194. What is the suggested shortcut to search for a Ford truck within the range of $25000 to $50000?
• "ford" + "truck" $25000-$50000
• ford truck $25000..$50000
• "truck ford $25000...$50000"
• truck "ford" $25000 & $50000
• ford $25000-$50000 truck
195. How would you use Google to search for yoga in only the text of a page?
• intext:yoga
• pagetext:yoga
• text:yoga
196. How can you include a range of numbers in your search, for example if you wanted to search for jeans sizes 8 to 12?
• Jeans:8-12
• Jeans 8..12
• Jeans 8-12
• eight to twelve, jeans
197. To search for results related to freedom fighters or insurgents, enter:
• "freedom fighters" AND/OR "insurgents"
• ~"freedom fighters" OR ~"insurgents"
• ~"freedom fighters" AND "insurgents
• ~"freedom fighters" AND/OR "insurgents"
• ~freedom fighters Or ~insurgents
198. If your Google search uses confusing or nonsensical search phrases (eg banana wingbat England), what will occur?
• Google will interpret your intentions based on your search history and take its best guess at what you meant.
• Google will return no results if it doesn't understand your keywords.
• Google will correct your terms to align with its Verified Search Database, and search a known term instead.
• Google will use your keywords to serve results, even if the keywords don't make sense.
199. In the "Search Tools" bar, what is one option you have that you would not get immediately by searching in the Google Search bar?
• The map appears next to the search.
• The exact definition of the word searched.
• The day it was searched.
• The name highlighted in the search.
• Anytime in the past hour, 24 hours, week or month.
200. How do you hide personal search results?
• Google does not provide personal search results
• Click on the globe symbol in the upper right corner
• prepend searches with the "global:" modifier.
• Email with subject line "Unsubscribe"
201. How would you search for a page containing both hiking and Mt. Washington in the title?
• pagetitle:hiking mt washington
• title: hiking mt washington
• allintitle: hiking mt washington
202. What is the best way to search for photos of people only in the Images section? (By filtering out inanimate objects).
• Add ":person" to the end of your search.
• Add "people:only~" to the beginning of your search.
• Click the "Face" link on the left side of the screen after the search is complete.
• Add ":face" to the end of your search.
• Check the "People" box below the search field before your search.
203. There are 7 symbols that Google recognizes to have special meaning.  Which of the following symbols is NOT on that list?
• &
• !
• #
• _
• @
204. Will Google Scholar search limit date criteria when searching?
• No, results show as "Any time" by default
• Yes, results show last ten years by default.
205. True or False: Correct punctuation increases the accuracy of your search.
• False
• True
206. Which are/is correct about intitle: and allintitle:
• allintitle: search titles only whereas intitle: search both titles and meta description
• They both are same
• intitle: is an old version of allintitle:
• Putting intitle: in front of every word in your query is equivalent to putting allintitle: at the front of your query
• All of Them are correct
207. According to Google Search, a short video is between what time limits?
• Only 2 minutes or less
• 20+ minutes
• 0-4 minutes
• 4-20 minutes
208. True or False: Google Answers is retired and no longer accepts questions.
• True
• False
209. What search term would NOT create a graph of the function (x squared)?
• graph x^2
• plot x^2
• x^2
• map x^2
210. How would you search for a page that includes the following terms: dog, cat?
• dog + cat
• dog, cat
• dog cat
211. Which of these will show a schedule of flights from Atlanta to Boston?
212. Which of the following correct searches is the simplest way to find both 2004 and 2005 results?
• San Francisco Giants years:2004-2005
• San Francisco Giants 2004 AND/OR 2005
• San Francisco Giants from 2004 to 2005
• San Francisco Giants 2004 2005
213. According to Google, how does their crawler interpret the rel="nofollow" tag?
• Passes PageRank in some cases.
• Doesn't pass PageRank and de-indexes the target page.
• Does not pass PageRank but may discover and crawl the target page.
• Passes PageRank and de-indexes the target page.
• Does not pass PageRank and does not crawl the target page.
214. Where are advertisements located on a Google search?
• On the side bar
• In the advertisement tab
• Advertisements do not exist on Google
• In the tan box
215. What is the difference between strict and moderate filtering?
• Strict filtering filters results that might link to explicit content while moderate filtering does not
• Strict filtering filters videos and images, while moderate filtering only filters web content
• Strict filtering is filtering for under 13 years old while moderate filtering is for under 18 years old
216. How would you search for web pages that contain the phrases "Rolling Stones" and "Pink Floyd" separated by no more than 4 words?
• "Rolling Stones" NEAR(4) "Pink Floyd"
• "Rolling Stones" ~(4) "Pink Floyd"
• "Rolling Stones" *(4) "Pink Floyd"
• "Rolling Stones" AROUND(4) "Pink Floyd"
217. Which of the following will retrieve search results from government and educational sites on the topic of homelessness?
• ( (topic:homelessness)
• ( AND homelessness
• ( OR homelessness
• ( OR homelessness
• ( OR OR homelessness)
218. Which operator can be used to search for keywords appearing in hyperlinked text?
• inranktext: or allinranktext:
• inclicktext: or allinclicktext:
• inanchor: or allinanchor:
• linktext:
• inlink: or allinlink:
219. What's the maximum number of search results Google will display?
• 250,000
• 1,000
• There's no upper limit, although some may be hidden as being "similar".
• 100
• 100,000
220. Google Social Search was introduced in what year?
• 2007
• 2006
• 2008
• 2010
• 2009
221. For which occasion was the first Doodle created?
• Moon landing
• Christmas
• Thanksgiving day
• Olympic games
• Burning Man Festival
222. What parameter in a Google query would override language of the interface to German?
• l=de
• lang=de
• hl=de
• lr=de
223. True or false: If there are no ads relevant to your search, Google will show none.
• False
• True
224. True or False: You can limit your search results to websites with less than 5 pages.
• True
• False
225. Google's main search invisibly combines search terms with the Boolean construct "OR"
• True
• False


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