Sunday, November 13, 2016

English Grammar Test

1. We were surprised ___ the certainty ___ which he spoke.
 Answers: • at / with

 2. The girls are going to get _____ hair and nails done; ______ so excited!
 Answers: • Their/They're

 3. There are many kinds of pronouns in English. Which is an example of a First Person Plural pronoun?
 Answers: • We

 4. Which of the following is an example of an Imperative Sentence?
 Answers: • Go away.

 5. How would you fix the following sentence? The boy and the girl go on a date.
 Answers: • The sentence is correct in its present state.

 6. In which sentence is a semicolon used appropriately?
 Answers: • I come from a family of avid readers; I love to read.

 7. Deciding whether to first take a shower, brush her teeth, or walking the dog is always hard for Jane.
 Answers: • Change WALKING to WALK.

 8. If you ___ that, then you must have an upset stomach.
 Answers: • ate

 9. My uncle left his fortune to my brother and ___.
 Answers: • me

 10. Given the example, "Peter's dog jumped over the fence." What is "the dog" in this sentence?
 Answers: • the Subject

 11. The sun ______ at 9 last night.
 Answers: • set

 12. In formal writing (and correct speech), how would you correct the following sentence? There is 24 hours in a day.
 Answers: • Change IS to ARE.

 13. Identify the subject in the following sentence. Into the classroom ran the dog.
 Answers: • The dog

 14. The dog ______ the boy yesterday.
 Answers: • bit

 15. Which of the options represents a Plural Possesive?
 Answers: • Peters'

 16. Fill in the blank: I'm not sure if ___ still blue or if they changed its color.
 Answers: • it's

 17. Which of these sentences is grammatically correct?
 Answers: • Sharon and I drink tea.

 18. Identify the Subject(s): You and I will be good friends forever
 Answers: • You and I

 19. What is the past participle of drink?
 Answers: • drunk

 20. I'll ______________ their cat while they are away on vacation.
 Answers: • be looking after

 21. Choose the option with correct spelling and grammar.
 Answers: • The whirling tornado raced through the town and uprooted many trees.

 22. How long have you been studying in London?
 Answers: • for 5 years

 23. I live my life _____ words
 Answers: • by these

 24. Correct this sentence: "The mans yellow car rolled into the street."
 Answers: • The man's yellow car rolled into the street.

 25. "Jane and ___ had so much fun at the party last night! I wish you had been there to dance with Jane and ___."
 Answers: • I/me

 26. ______ going to drive me to the airport?
 Answers: • Who's

 27. Choose the correct sentence.
 Answers: • I should have gone to the movies yesterday.

 28. Which of the following is correct?
 Answers: • They're going to go over there to eat their lunch.

 29. There is ___ coffee in your cup. Shall I give you some more?
 Answers: • little

 30. There are many kinds of pronouns in English. Which is an example of a Third Person Plural pronoun?
 Answers: • They

 31. Jane _______ her special recipe for last night's dinner.
 Answers: • cooked

 32. Choose the option with correct spelling and grammar.
 Answers: • The girl was running too fast and tripped on the curb.

 33. Identify the adverb of degree in the sentence below. "It is extremely cold today," said Mary.
 Answers: • extremely

 34. She was wearing a skirt. She was _____-legged.
 Answers: • bare

 35. Which of the following connotes an ongoing action?
 Answers: • playing

 36. What is the past form of hit?
 Answers: • hit

 37. In November of 1863, Atlanta _______ during Sherman's famous "March to the Sea."
 Answers: • was completely burned

 38. Supply the following statements with a suitable question tag. They went swimming,--------------
 Answers: • didn't they?

 39. What is a proper noun?
 Answers: • A proper noun is a particular person, place, or thing.

 40. Which one is correct?
 Answers: • If I were you

 41. In this sentence, "Peter's dog jumped over the fence.", what kind of word is "dog"?
 Answers: • a Noun

 42. _____ going out to the movies, and it's _____ where they will meet up with _____ friends.
 Answers: • They're; there; their

 43. The Kilauea volcano......on the eastern slope of the larger Mauna Loa volcano
 Answers: • is situated

 44. How many members are there in your family?
 Answers: • There are six members in my family.

 45. What is the appropriate answer to the following question? How long have you been working for this company?
 Answers: • I have been working for this company for 15 years.

 46. Which of the options represents a Possesive?
 Answers: • Peter's

 47. Which of these is correct?
 Answers: • They're over there near their bikes.

 48. He went to the station ______.
 Answers: • by taxi

 49. Which sentence is correct?
 Answers: • They're over there in their tent.

 50. Which of the following is the Contraction for the phrase, "did not"?
 Answers: • Didn't

 51. John and Sarah are happy because ______ spending the weekend in _______ favorite hotel in Paris.
 Answers: • they're, their

 52. Which of the options is an Adjective?
 Answers: • Loud

 53. "They're" is a contraction of _______.
 Answers: • They are

 54. Which of the options is an Article?
 Answers: • The

 55. Which question listed is a "yes or no" question?
 Answers: • Will you have cake?

 56. Which of the options is an example of a noun?
 Answers: • Car

 57. Which of the following is a Negative Question?
 Answers: • Can't the dog jump?

 58. Which is the proper spelling?
 Answers: • a lot

 59. In this sentence, "Peter's dog jumped over the fence.", what kind of word is "jump"?
 Answers: • a Verb

 60. Lou and I _____the house on Monday.
 Answers: • will clean

 61. Answer the question: What will you do this weekend?
 Answers: • I will go shopping.

 62. Which punctuation mark indicates excitement and emphasis?
 Answers: • exclamation point

 63. The javelin used in competition must be between 260 and 270 centimeters ________.
 Answers: • in length

 64. Among all the people in this class, John is.......
 Answers: • the tallest

 65. She is ___ new teacher.
 Answers: • our

 66. They cannot decide. They cannot make up ____ minds.
 Answers: • their

 67. I saw him __ school.
 Answers: • at

 68. Omar owns a large _____ of cows.
 Answers: • herd

 69. Which of the options is an adverb?
 Answers: • Loudly

 70. Which of the options is a Compound Word?
 Answers: • Armchair

 71. What is the opposite of poor?
 Answers: • wealthy

 72. Which one of these sentences is correct:
 Answers: • She was in the house yesterday.

 73. Irritated means the same as ________ .
 Answers: • annoyed

 74. Which is an example of a Comparison?
 Answers: • Peter is taller than the dog.

 75. Which of the options is a Verb?
 Answers: • Run

 76. What is a noun?
 Answers: • a person, place, thing or idea

 77. Which is the correct sentence?
 Answers: • We walked too far today.

 78. Which sentence is correct?
 Answers: • She's walking down the street.

 79. I'm going to the market, would you like to come ____?
 Answers: • too

 80. "I'm going to the store," says Sally. Tim replies, "Oh, please get napkins while ____ out."
 Answers: • you're

 81. Can't is a contraction for:
 Answers: • Cannot

 82. Which of the following is the root word for the Superlative "Happiest"?
 Answers: • Happy

 83. I want to go with her ___.
 Answers: • too

 84. It is time to do ____ homework.
 Answers: • your

 85. Which of the following is the Contraction for the phrase, "can not"?
 Answers: • Can't

 86. Which of the following is a complete sentence?
 Answers: • Peter's dog jumped over the fence.

 87. The sport of hang the Federal Aviation Administration.
 Answers: • is regulated

 88. Which is an example of an interrogative statement?
 Answers: • Did Peter's dog jump over the fence?

 89. Since I started my new job, it seems like I have very ____ time to do the things I enjoy.
 Answers: • little

 90. How old are you?
 Answers: • I am 27 years old.

 91. Which of the following demonstrates the imperative?
 Answers: • Open your book and turn to page twenty-five.

 92. There are many kinds of pronouns in English. Which is an example of a First Person Singular pronoun?
 Answers: • Me

 93. Select the list of singular personal pronouns.
 Answers: • I, you, he, she, it

 94. Keynes argued that to avoid an economic depression, the government _________ spending.
 Answers: • should increase

 95. Pattni owns a _________ of vehicles
 Answers: • fleet

 96. Which of the following are articles?
 Answers: • a, an, the

 97. If you want to be the ______ of this school, you must stick to your ______.
 Answers: • principal; principles

 98. I can't go right now because I still have ..... orders to fill by 5 o'clock.
 Answers: • a few

 99. There are many kinds of pronouns in English. Which is an example of a Second Person Singular pronoun?
 Answers: • You

 100. Which of the options is a Proper Noun?
 Answers: • Peter

 101. My life experiences _____ been, for me, an amazing journey
 Answers: • have

 102. In this sentence, "Peter's dog jumped over the fence.", what kind of word is "the"?
 Answers: • an Article

 103. Which sentence is grammatically correct?
 Answers: • Sophie has never written any novels and doesn’t think she ever will.

 104. Does this sentence use active or passive voice? "The pumps were destroyed by a surge of power."
 Answers: • Passive

 105. Which of the following words contains a Prefix?
 Answers: • Undo

 106. Which of the following sentences is an example of simile?
 Answers: • Bill is as powerful as an ox.

 107. Who is _____, Keshi or Lhiandra
 Answers: • prettier

 108. Complete the question tag: They worked for Kaufman's, ________
 Answers: • didn't they?

 109. He found she was particularly good ___ attending ___ the correspondence.
 Answers: • at / to

 110. Which sentence uses whom correctly?
 Answers: • Garry, with whom I went to the dance, asked me on another date.

 111. Which of the options is a preposition?
 Answers: • Before

 112. My friend traveled _____ to _____ America
 Answers: • south, South

 113. Which of the options represents a Singular Possesive?
 Answers: • Peter's

 114. Fill in the blank: I'm going to wring ___ neck!
 Answers: • its

 115. Identify the adverb: I must finish the test as quickly as I can.
 Answers: • quickly

 116. Which sentence is punctuated properly?
 Answers: • When I'm busy (like now), I don't answer the phone.

 117. Carla is ______ focus on what she is good at.
 Answers: • losing

 118. He is stronger than she is.
 Answers: • The sentence is correct in its present state.

 119. Which is grammatically correct?
 Answers: • People continue to worry about the future; our failure to conserve resources has put the world at risk.

 120. Select the verb in the past participle of "pass":
 Answers: • passed

 121. Which of the following is the plural of CD?
 Answers: • CDs

 122. Choose the option with correct spelling and grammar.
 Answers: • My classroom became very quiet when the soldier began to tell his stories.

 123. If she ___________ about his financial situation, she would have helped him out.
 Answers: • had known

 124. In this sentence, "Peter's dog jumped over the fence.", what part of speech is the word "over"?
 Answers: • a Preposition

 125. Jenny, Tommy and ___ are in the car.
 Answers: • I

 126. We have _____ money left. We can't afford this ring.
 Answers: • little

 127. Which of these is correct?
 Answers: • The school has fewer teachers than schools in surrounding districts.

 128. That's Jeremy's and ____ favorite movie.
 Answers: • my

 129. What is the subject of the following sentence: Go to the park!
 Answers: • you (implied)

 130. I inferred ______ her letter that she hadn't enjoyed her holiday
 Answers: • from

 131. Which of the following words contains a Suffix?
 Answers: • Fences

 132. True or False: The following sentence is grammatically correct: "What time are you going to be there at?"
 Answers: • False

 133. Select the irregular comparatives and superlatives.
 Answers: • Bad, worse, worst

 134. Running and swimming are what?
 Answers: • Gerunds

 135. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
 Answers: • The woman who got the job is highly qualified.

 136. Which of the following phrases is correct?
 Answers: • in its own right

 137. Now he is no longer as indifferent ___ criticism as he used to be.
 Answers: • to

 138. Which sentence is grammatically correct?
 Answers: • The captain had no alternative; smugglers must face judgment.

 139. The combination of three periods (. . .) is known as a(n)____ ?
 Answers: • Ellipsis

 140. The car went slower and slower until it stopped........
 Answers: • altogether

 141. What is an adjective?
 Answers: • A part of speech that modifies a noun or a pronoun.

 142. Which of the following is an irregular verb?
 Answers: • go

 143. Which of the following sentences is correct?
 Answers: • The jeans are on sale. They're 25% off the original price.

 144. Identify the adverb: Broken baskets nearly ruptured my internal organs.
 Answers: • Nearly

 145. Which of the following sentences uses the passive voice?
 Answers: • The hunter was mauled by a velociraptor.

 146. Which is correct?
 Answers: • It's been a while since I've seen it.

 147. The _____ man spoke _____ in his _____ 101 class.
 Answers: • English; English; English

 148. _____ peaches are classified as freestone or clingstone depends on how difficult it is to remove the pit.
 Answers: • Whether

 149. I ___ call him tomorrow.
 Answers: • all are correct

 150. What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?
 Answers: • A simile uses 'as' or 'like' while a metaphor does not.

 151. "Juniper brought me a cheese croissant instead of a chocolate one." What is the direct object?
 Answers: • a cheese croissant

 152. Did you find out if you can come to the movies with __________?
 Answers: • Sam and me

 153. There are many kinds of pronouns in English. Which is an example of a Third Person Singular pronoun?
 Answers: • He

 154. Everything is permitted in our secret club. In this sentence, "everything" is an example of a[n] _________.

 Answers: • indefinite pronoun

 155. It is unreasonable to regard any language ___ the possession of a particular nation.
 Answers: • as

 156. Select the infinitive.
 Answers: • to jump

 157. Which is the predicate in the sentence, "Peter's dog jumps over the fence."
 Answers: • Jumps over the fence

 158. Which of the following phrases is written CORRECTLY?
 Answers: • "We're one and the same."

 159. The word "whom" is:
 Answers: • Only used when it is the object of a sentence.

 160. Which sentence is correct?
 Answers: • When he was assassinated, Abraham Lincoln had been in office for a full term.

 161. Which of these is correct?
 Answers: • The pouring rain didn't faze the marathon runners.

 162. Which is an example of a Split Infinitive?
 Answers: • to boldly go

 163. Adjectives have three degrees of comparison. List them.
 Answers: • positive, comparative, superlative

 164. Which part of the following sentence is the predicate? "The fluffy cat jumped on the chair with graceful agility."
 Answers: • jumped on the chair

 165. Which of the following is a split infinitive?
 Answers: • to accurately be drawn

 166. Identify the gerund in the sentence below. "Driving to the store without my glasses is always a bad idea."
 Answers: • Driving

 167. Identify the subordinate conjunction in the sentence "Nobody even questioned it when a baboon was seen in the garden."
 Answers: • when

 168. Some stores reserve a checkout lane for people with 10 or _______ items.
 Answers: • fewer

 169. Select the sentence containing a transitive verb.
 Answers: • She plays the flute.

 170. Select the sentence containing a transitive verb.
 Answers: • She trains dogs.

 171. The man recently _______ from New Zealand to his new home in France.
 Answers: • emigrated

 172. Select the sentence containing an intransitive verb.
 Answers: • He trains.

 173. Nouns are not inflected by the following:
 Answers: • prosody (manner of speaking)

 174. Correct the following sentence: Dirt roads cost twice as much as maintaining paved roads
 Answers: • Dirt roads cost twice as much to maintain as paved roads do.

 175. Which sentence is correct?
 Answers: • The only people left in the room were my father and I.

 176. Select the relative pronoun in this sentence: He has done well for her, which gives me pleasure.
 Answers: • which

 177. In the following sentence, what term properly describes the phrase "an English Terrier with white fur"?" The dog, an English Terrier with white fur, chased after the cat."
 Answers: • Appositive

 178. Verbs are typically classified into three moods. What are they?
 Answers: • Indicative, Imperative, Subjunctive

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