Sunday, November 13, 2016

English Language Test

1. What is an adjective?
 Answers:• A part of speech that modifies a noun or a pronoun.

 2. Correct the fault in the following sentence: "During his childhood, his mother had died."
 Answers:• Delete "had"

 3. Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct.
 Answers:• The cupboard is comprised of 3 shelves and 2 drawers.

 4. This shop is ___ on Sundays.
 Answers:• open

 5. Mom said she wants only one ____, but I would like four _____ with my dinner.
 Answers:• potato, potatoes

 6. He went to the station ______.
 Answers:• by taxi

 7. Ingrid and ___ know the answer.
 Answers:• I

 8. What's the opposite of 'optimistic'?
 Answers:• pessimistic

 9. Irritated means the same as ________ .
 Answers:• annoyed

 10. Which is correct?
 Answers:• Six o'clock

 11. Which of the following is not a word?
 Answers:• suppressional

 12. Jenny, Tommy and ___ are in the car.
 Answers:• I

 13. Which of the following phrases is correct?
 Answers:• in its own right

 14. What is an example of a homophone?
 Answers:• wear, where, ware

 15. My life experiences _____ been, for me, an amazing journey
 Answers:• have

 16. What is the opposite of poor?
 Answers:• wealthy

 17. You ___ come.
 Answers:• shouldn't have

 18. The reporter kept ________ me, so I decided ________ the interview.
 Answers:• interrupting; to leave

 19. Which word is the adjective in this sentence? "Laura is a pretty woman."
 Answers:• pretty

 20. The flowers need to be
 Answers:• watered.

 21. What is a noun?
 Answers:• a person, place, thing or idea

 22. Which is the proper spelling?
 Answers:• a lot

 23. "It's raining cats and dogs." means:
 Answers:• The rain is falling very hard.

 24. ___ quite far from ___ home.
 Answers:• You're, your

 25. What ___ they ___ to you?
 Answers:• did, do

 26. Varying punctuation in a sentence can change its meaning.
 Answers:• True

 27. Which is the correct usage of the word "too"?
 Answers:• There are pears. There are apples, too.

 28. Which is the correct usage of the word "too"?
 Answers:• There are pears. There are apples, too.

 29. Which word is NOT correct?
 Answers:• funner

 30. Which is the correct usage of English Grammar?
 Answers:• She was full of grit and determination.

 31. Which one of these sentences is correct:
 Answers:• She was in the house yesterday.

 32. It is time to do ____ homework.
 Answers:• your

 33. Past tense of "run"?
 Answers:• ran

 34. In _______ opinion, do you think _______ the best at this test?
 Answers:• your; you're

 35. He went with ___ to visit my friend.
 Answers:• me

 36. How old are you?
 Answers:• I am 27 years old.

 37. Which sentence reads correctly?
 Answers:• We went to their house.

 38. "I'm going to the store," says Sally. Tim replies, "Oh, please get napkins while ____ out."
 Answers:• you're

 39. Which is correct?
 Answers:• They're buying a house.

 40. ___ one do you like best?
 Answers:• Which

 41. I want to go with her ___.
 Answers:• too

 42. "Can't" is a contraction for:
 Answers:• Cannot

 43. Which sentence is correct?
 Answers:• Students get confused, but sometimes they're too shy to ask questions.

 44. Which is the correct spelling?
 Answers:• Restaurant

 45. I am ____ than you.
 Answers:• smarter

 46. Do you know _____ way they went?
 Answers:• which

 47. ___ did this?
 Answers:• Who

 48. Which sentence is correct?
 Answers:• Will you marry me?

 49. ___ getting ___ numbers all wrong.
 Answers:• You're, your

 50. Which sentence is correct?
 Answers:• She's walking down the street.

 51. Mr. Miller _______ own a car.
 Answers:• doesn't

 52. I will buy a bicycle instead of ___ the car.
 Answers:• buying

 53. Lou and I _____the house on Monday.
 Answers:• will clean

 54. "Could I ________ your pen?"
 Answers:• borrow

 55. What is the plural form of WOMAN?
 Answers:• women

 56. Which of the following is a grammatically correct sentence?
 Answers:• We walked too far today.

 57. Which example is grammatically correct?
 Answers:• You are invited to attend my party.

 58. What is a verb?
 Answers:• A word that conveys action, occurrence, or state of being.

 59. What is the proper format?
 Answers:• Mr. John Smith

 60. He's smarter ___ Jane.
 Answers:• than

 61. They cannot decide. They cannot make up ____ minds.
 Answers:• their

 62. "...... I take your coat, Sir?" asked the porter.
 Answers:• May

 63. Give this to him, ___ give that to her.
 Answers:• then

 64. Give this to him, ___ give that to her.
 Answers:• then

 65. Which phrase is grammatically correct?
 Answers:• If I were you

 66. She was wearing a skirt. She was _____-legged.
 Answers:• bare

 67. ______ going to the fair. While they are ______, they will enter ______ pies in the contest.
 Answers:• They're; there; their

 68. Manny Pacquiao _____ deserve to be the subject of booing.
 Answers:• doesn't

 69. If I _______ about the test, I would have studied for it.
 Answers:• had known

 70. Since I started my new job, it seems like I have very ____ time to do the things I enjoy.
 Answers:• little

 71. Whose turn is it? It is the ____ turn.
 Answers:• boy's

 72. Choose the correct sentence.
 Answers:• When John came, they were already sitting at the table.

 73. What is the past tense of "go"?
 Answers:• went

 74. Which answer is worded correctly?
 Answers:• If I were you, I would go to the library to pick up the book.

 75. Tom watches this TV show once in a blue moon. This means:
 Answers:• Tom rarely watches this TV show.

 76. Complete the following sentence: "What will happen ..."
 Answers:• ... if she fails the exam?

 77. There is ___ coffee in your cup. Shall I give you some more?
 Answers:• little

 78. Which punctuation mark indicates excitement and emphasis?
 Answers:• exclamation point

 79. Jane _______ her special recipe for last night's dinner.
 Answers:• cooked

 80. I live my life _____ words
 Answers:• by these

 81. Three ___ sat in the tree.
 Answers:• monkeys

 82. We will meet ____ the afternoon. He arrived ____ Friday. Please don't call me ____ seven o'clock.
 Answers:• in; on; at

 83. If you had advised me earlier...
 Answers:• ... I wouldn't have made this mistake.

 84. We weren't surprised by the ......... of traffic going to the coast, but we did notice the .......... of cars towing caravans.
 Answers:• amount, number

 85. Swimming in heated pools ___ very common in this part of the country.
 Answers:• is

 86. This book is ___. That book is ___.
 Answers:• yours, theirs

 87. Despite _______________, he still couldn't convince them to invest.
 Answers:• numerous attempts

 88. How long have you been studying in London?
 Answers:• for 5 years

 89. Pattni owns a _________ of vehicles
 Answers:• fleet

 90. The special _____ in the show have greatly ______ my impression of its quality.
 Answers:• effects; affected

 91. Omar owns a large _____ of cows.
 Answers:• herd

 92. What form of speech is "and"?
 Answers:• Conjunction

 93. The dog ______ the boy yesterday.
 Answers:• bit

 94. "Could you _________ me your stapler?"
 Answers:• lend

 95. His house is ___ the Downtown Area.
 Answers:• in

 96. Would you mind _______ that restaurant to make a reservation?
 Answers:• calling

 97. I can't go right now because I still have ..... orders to fill by 5 o'clock.
 Answers:• a few

 98. ______ going to drive me to the airport?
 Answers:• Who's

 99. Which is correct?
 Answers:• Whose books are these?

 100. If you want to be the ______ of this school, you must stick to your ______.
 Answers:• principal; principles

 101. Who is _____, Keshi or Lhiandra
 Answers:• prettier

 102. Which of these is correct?
 Answers:• They're over there near their bikes.

 103. I ___ the ___ in ___ feet and I stepped on a rock.
 Answers:• mowed / lawn / bare

 104. They're is a contraction of _______.
 Answers:• They are

 105. The past perfect simple is often used when we report what people had said/thought/believed.
 Answers:• Truth

 106. If it ____ rained, we would have canceled the party.
 Answers:• had

 107. We have _____ money left. We can't afford this ring.
 Answers:• little

 108. _______ makes the heart grow fonder.
 Answers:• Absence

 109. This is my ___ dress.
 Answers:• mother-in-law's

 110. Does this sentence use active or passive voice? "The pumps were destroyed by a surge of power."
 Answers:• Passive

 111. I __ my key before I __home.
 Answers:• had lost, returned

 112. My dog loves to chase ___ tail.
 Answers:• its

 113. Fill in the blank: I'm not sure if ___ still blue or if they changed its color.
 Answers:• it's

 114. Kim ____ milk with her cookies.
 Answers:• drank

 115. Which of the following is correct?
 Answers:• I, John Walter, am a student of engineering.

 116. Which of these best describes writing in the "first person"?
 Answers:• A story from the perspective of a specific character, using the word "I"

 117. My friend traveled _____ to _____ America
 Answers:• south; South

 118. Have you ever been guilty ___ a driving offense?
 Answers:• of

 119. Identify the verb in this sentence: He is here.
 Answers:• Is

 120. Which is the correct usage of English grammar?
 Answers:• You're going to regret crossing me.

 121. Which of the following is not a possible definition of the word 'destroy'?
 Answers:• rove

 122. Which sentence is correct?
 Answers:• The family's dogs are not housebroken; the puppies are constantly peeing on all of the three kids' toys.

 123. Carla is ______ focus on what she is good at.
 Answers:• losing

 124. If you ___ that, then you must have an upset stomach.
 Answers:• ate

 125. Which part of speech are I, he, you, she, and it?
 Answers:• pronouns

 126. That's Jeremy's and ____ favorite movie.
 Answers:• my

 127. The books are ___ and ___ here to claim ___.
 Answers:• theirs, they're, them

 128. Fill in the blank: I'm going to wring ___ neck!
 Answers:• its

 129. Select the correct sentence:
 Answers:• Which sandwich would the witch want?

 130. Which one is an article
 Answers:• the

 131. What is the correct way to edit this sentence without changing its meaning? "Who'd you get those directions from?"
 Answers:• From whom did you get those directions?

 132. "Phenomenon" and "Phenomena" - which is the plural form?
 Answers:• Phenomena

 133. When the clock _____ twelve, Cinderella's carriage ____ back into a pumpkin.
 Answers:• struck; turned

 134. The monster's ire was ___ ___ the dwarf's accusation.
 Answers:• aroused by

 135. What is the plural of SHEEP?
 Answers:• sheep

 136. Which of the following is NOT a preposition?
 Answers:• Where

 137. Which is grammatically correct?
 Answers:• People continue to worry about the future; our failure to conserve resources has put the world at risk.

 138. Which sentence properly uses semicolons?
 Answers:• The first part of this sentence could stand alone; this related second part justifies the semicolon.

 139. Which is first person plural past tense?
 Answers:• We were wrong.

 140. They ___ his passport carefully.
 Answers:• (All are correct)

 141. Which of the following sentences is an example of simile?
 Answers:• Bill is as powerful as an ox.

 142. Which of the following sentences is an example of simile?
 Answers:• Bill is as powerful as an ox.

 143. That ___ purse was stolen, and those ___ passports went missing.
 Answers:• woman's, men's

 144. Which sentence is correct?
 Answers:• It isn't fair that she gets to go to the fair.

 145. My uncle left his fortune to my brother and ___.
 Answers:• me

 146. Which is correct?
 Answers:• It's been a while since I've seen it.

 147. Which sentence has the correct use of a semicolon?
 Answers:• Using a semicolon isn't hard; I once saw a party gorilla do it.

 148. What is the subject of the following sentence: Go to the park!
 Answers:• you (implied)

 149. 'The kitten's paw prints were all over the floor.' How many kittens were there?
 Answers:• One

 150. Past Tense of sentence "The barber cuts the hair".
 Answers:• The barber cut the hair.

 151. Words that sound the same are called:
 Answers:• homophones

 152. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
 Answers:• The jeans are on sale. They're 25% off the original price.

 153. 'The kittens' paw prints were all over the floor.' How many kittens were leaving paw prints?
 Answers:• More than one

 154. The judges considered his opinion to be myopic. What other word could replace the word "myopic"?
 Answers:• Shortsighted

 155. I ___ call him tomorrow.
 Answers:• all are correct

 156. "Running" and "swimming" are examples of what?
 Answers:• Gerunds

 157. Did you find out if you can come to the movies with __________?
 Answers:• Sam and me

 158. Ted had three sisters, so by marrying him, Susan gained three ___.
 Answers:• sisters-in-law

 159. Which of these is an example of an oxymoron?
 Answers:• Civilized warfare

 160. ___ should I help?
 Answers:• Whom

 161. Identify the adverb: Broken baskets nearly ruptured my internal organs.
 Answers:• Nearly

 162. Which of the following sentences uses the passive voice?
 Answers:• The hunter was mauled by a velociraptor.

 163. Juniper brought me a cheese croissant instead of a chocolate one. What is the direct object?
 Answers:• a cheese croissant

 164. The _____ man spoke _____ in his _____ 101 class.
 Answers:• English; English; English

 165. The combination of three periods (. . .) is known as a(n)____ ?
 Answers:• Ellipsis

 166. What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?
 Answers:• A simile uses 'as' or 'like' while a metaphor does not.

 167. Which is NOT a synonym pair?
 Answers:• gullible : ingenious

 168. Which of the following is NOT an adverb?
 Answers:• Red

 169. Which of these is the strongest example of alliteration?
 Answers:• A bumbling bunch of big baboons.

 170. Which is an example of onomatopoeia?
 Answers:• zooming

 171. Which of the following demonstrates INCORRECT syllabication?
 Answers:• knowl-edge

 172. Which of the following words is not like the others?
 Answers:• reticent

 173. The word "Cognate" refers to
 Answers:• words in different languages that derive from the same original root

 174. The word "whom" is:
 Answers:• Only used when it is the object of a sentence.

 175. Which part of the following sentence is the predicate? "The fluffy cat jumped on the chair with graceful agility."
 Answers:• jumped on the chair with graceful agility

 176. That was intense; I need to ___ down for a second.
 Answers:• lie

 177. What is an example of a palindrome?
 Answers:• Hannah

 178. When asked "____ did you see?" the reply is "I saw Nicolas Cage yesterday."
 Answers:• Whom

 179. Which of the following is not a phrasal verb?
 Answers:• Gut in

 180. In stories written in the second person, which of these words would be used to reference the main character?
 Answers:• You

 181. The punctuation is correct in which of these sentences? (American English)
 Answers:• "Kiss me, Kate!" said Job sadly.

 182. Which of these is an irregular verb?
 Answers:• All of these verbs are irregular.

 183. "Everything is permitted in our secret club." In this sentence, "everything" is an example of a[n] _________.
 Answers:• indefinite pronoun

 184. She was so exhausted that she _____ down for a nap.
 Answers:• lay

 185. Which of the following is a split infinitive?
 Answers:• to accurately be drawn

 186. Which is correct?
 Answers:• Six o'clock

 187. Which of the following sentences uses the passive voice?
 Answers:• The hunter was mauled by a velociraptor.

 188. Fill in the blank: I'm going to wring ___ neck!
 Answers:• its

 189. My dog loves to chase ___ tail.
 Answers:• its

 190. Which answer is worded correctly?
 Answers:• If I were you, I would go to the library to pick up the book.

 191. Which example is grammatically correct?
 Answers:• You are invited to attend my party.

 192. In _______ opinion, do you think _______ the best at this test?
 Answers:• your; you're

 193. Which sentence is correct?
 Answers:• Will you marry me?

 194. ___ getting ___ numbers all wrong.
 Answers:• You're, your

 195. "I'm going to the store," says Sally. Tim replies, "Oh, please get napkins while ____ out."
 Answers:• you're

 196. It is time to do ____ homework.
 Answers:• your

 197. Which sentence reads correctly?
 Answers:• We went to their house.

 198. Which is correct?
 Answers:• They're buying a house.

 199. He went with ___ to visit my friend.
 Answers:• me

 200. You should ___ turned left.
 Answers:• have

 201. Which is the correct usage of English Grammar?
 Answers:• She was full of grit and determination.

 202. Which sentence is correct?
 Answers:• She's walking down the street.

 203. Which sentence is correct?
 Answers:• Students get confused, but sometimes they're too shy to ask questions.

 204. Mr. Miller _______ own a car.
 Answers:• doesn't

 205. They cannot decide. They cannot make up ____ minds.

 Answers:• their

 206. Can this camera ___ good photos?
 Answers:• take

 207. Andina is ___ girl in her college.
 Answers:• the most beautiful

 208. ___ quite far from ___ home.
 Answers:• You're, your

 209. ______ going to the fair. While they are ______, they will enter ______ pies in the contest.
 Answers:• They're; there; their

 210. Manny Pacquiao _____ deserve to be the subject of booing.
 Answers:• doesn't

 211. Please insert missing verb in a sentence "We ___ very glad that you joined us"
 Answers:• were

 212. I'm not speaking with ________ in the class.
 Answers:• anybody

 213. I ___ of money, that is why I will not go to the cinema.
 Answers:• ran out

 214. You ___ come.
 Answers:• shouldn't have

 215. Whose turn is it? It is the ____ turn.
 Answers:• boy's

 216. If you had advised me earlier...
 Answers:• ... I wouldn't have made this mistake.

 217. This book is surely worth ___ .
 Answers:• reading

 218. This book is ___. That book is ___.
 Answers:• yours, theirs

 219. ______ parents don't think ______ ready to move _______.
 Answers:• Their, they're, there

 220. ______ going to drive me to the airport?
 Answers:• Who's

 221. Which is correct?
 Answers:• Whose books are these?

 222. This is my ___ dress.
 Answers:• mother-in-law's

 223. Which of these best describes writing in the "first person"?
 Answers:• A story from the perspective of a specific character, using the word "I"

 224. What is the correct spelling of the word
 Answers:• adventurous

 225. Which of these is correct?
 Answers:• They're over there near their bikes.

 226. Fill in the blank: I'm not sure if ___ still blue or if they changed its color.
 Answers:• it's

 227. I will ______ each of you fifty dollars.
 Answers:• allot

 228. Which is the correct usage of English grammar?
 Answers:• You're going to regret crossing me.

 229. They divorced because of his ________.
 Answers:• adultery

 230. He _________ forgot to call her at 7 ________.
 Answers:• accidentally, o'clock

 231. She put ____ leaving till Sunday.
 Answers:• off

 232. _______ makes the heart grow fonder.
 Answers:• Absence

 233. What is the plural of SHEEP?
 Answers:• sheep

 234. That's Jeremy's and ____ favorite movie.
 Answers:• my

 235. Which sentence is correct?
 Answers:• The family's dogs are not housebroken; the puppies are constantly peeing on all of the three kids' toys.

 236. The books are ___ and ___ here to claim ___.
 Answers:• theirs, they're, them

 237. What is the meaning of a saying "every dog has his day"?
 Answers:• We will be happy too.

 238. I should have ______ to the party last weekend.
 Answers:• gone

 239. Which sentence properly uses semicolons?
 Answers:• The first part of this sentence could stand alone; this related second part justifies the semicolon.

 240. My uncle left his fortune to my brother and ___.
 Answers:• me

 241. Which of the following phrases is correct?
 Answers:• in its own right

 242. Correct the fault in the following sentence: "During his childhood, his mother had died."
 Answers:• Delete "had"

 243. Which sentence has the correct use of a semicolon?
 Answers:• Using a semicolon isn't hard; I once saw a party gorilla do it.

 244. Which sentence is correct?
 Answers:• It isn't fair that she gets to go to the fair.

 245. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions: I have ____ to visit a city ___ historical ___ Sicily.
 Answers:• yet, as, as

 246. What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?
 Answers:• A simile uses 'as' or 'like' while a metaphor does not.

 247. Which is an example of onomatopoeia?
 Answers:• zap

 248. The word "whom" is:
 Answers:• Only used when it is the object of a sentence.

 249. The word "Cognate" refers to
 Answers:• words in different languages that derive from the same original root

 250. We were supposed to fly to Germany_ ________ _ the flight was canceled!
 Answers:• We were supposed to fly to Germany; however, the flight was canceled!

 251. She promised she would lend me the book after she ___ it.
 Answers:• finishes

 252. The baffling question was quite ________.
 Answers:• abstruse

1 comment:

  1. Very good points you wrote here..Great stuff...I think you've made some truly interesting points.Keep up the good work.
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