Sunday, November 13, 2016

Photography Certification Test

1. What two processes had to be "discovered" before the art of Photography was truly born?
 Answers: • Optical or • Chemical

 2. What does "Framing" an image refer to?
 Answers: • Following the rule of thirds

 3. Which lens would be considered "normal" on a 35mm film or equivalent full frame digital camera?
 Answers: • 85mm

 4. If the proper exposure at ISO 800 is f5.6 at 1/250, the proper exposure at ISO 100 would be f5.6 at __________.
 Answers: • 1/2000

 5. Copal is a type of __________.
 Answers: • shutter

 6. What does the guide number of a flash describe?
 Answers: • How close it can be placed to the subject

 7. A butterfly is a name for __________
 Answers: • a grid for a soft box.

 8. The "circle of confusion" is a term related to determining the __________.
 Answers: • depth of the field

 9. Images saved as jpegs are saved with lossless compression.
 Answers: • False

 10. Which is the hardest type of light to achieve pleasing images in?
 Answers: • Diffused light

 11. A reversal film is also referred to as a __________
 Answers: • slide or transparency film.

 12. A color that can't be reproduced in the final image is called __________.
 Answers: • out of gamut

 13. When using a flash on most cameras, using too high a shutter speed will result in_________.
 Answers: • dark cut off section.

 14. Chromatic aberration is the inability of a lens to focus __________ on a single point.
 Answers: • colors.

 15. In a 300mm 2.8 lens, the number 2.8 refers to __________
 Answers: • the maximum aperture for the lens.

 16. A scrim is used to __________
 Answers: • diffuse the light.

 17. What does shallow depth of field mean?
 Answers: • That there is a limited area of focus in which to place items.

 18. When shooting with a view camera at infinity, the bellows extension factor would be __________.
 Answers: • 1.5

 19. Another name for a medium format camera would be __________.
 Answers: • Any of the three

 20. Which lens is generally considered the best for taking high quality, natural looking portraits on a 35mm film or "full frame" digital camera?
 Answers: • 85mm f1.8

 21. On a zoom lens, 3.5-5.6 means it has __________
 Answers: • a variable maximum aperture.

 22. Moire is caused when there is an interaction between __________ in a subject and the pixels that make up the digital image.
 Answers: • patterns

 23. Using a longer lens will __________
 Answers: • compress the features of the subject.

 24. A lighting ratio of 1:1 will produce an image that is __________.
 Answers: • flat

 25. Vignetting is __________
 Answers: • dark corners on an image.

 26. A "catchlight" is __________
 Answers: • a highlight in a subject's eye.

 27. The smallest element in a digital image is ______.
 Answers: • a pixel

 28. Bit depth refers to __________
 Answers: • the amount of color that can be rendered by a single pixel.

 29. The coatings on a lens are designed to increase image quality by __________
 Answers: • reducing reflections from the surface of the glass.

 30. RAW means that when an image is saved to the camera's memory, it is saved_____________
 Answers: • remains unprocessed by the camera software.

 31. The amount of energy a capacitor in a power pack can store is called watt seconds.
 Answers: • False

 32. A shutter speed of ½ of a second or longer should be used when hand holding a camera.
 Answers: • False

 33. If you change your shutter speed from 1/60 to 1/250, you need to change your aperture from f11 to _____ to keep your exposure the same.
 Answers: • f5.6

 34. A lens that focuses light using concentric glass rings is called a/an __________ lens.
 Answers: • fresnel

 35. Images that are considered editorial can be described as __________
 Answers: • images that are not designed to sell a particular item or idea.

 36. Bracketing is a term used to describe __________
 Answers: • shooting multiple exposures of the same image.

 37. What problem can you often have when a subject is backlit?
 Answers: • Underexposed subjects

 38. In architectural Photography it is important to __________
 Answers: • keep verticals parallel.

 39. In order to prevent red eye that often happens in flash photography, it is best to__________
 Answers: • move your light off the camera axis.

 40. Each photodiode or pixel on a standard digital chip can record all three of the colors used in digital photography.
 Answers: • True

 41. A candid approach to wedding Photography can also be called the photojournalistic style.
 Answers: • True

 42. Kelvin degrees represent the __________ of a source of light.
 Answers: • color temperature

 43. Extension tubes will change __________
 Answers: • the focal length of a lens.

 44. What do F-stops really refer to?
 Answers: • How much light you let into the camera

 45. Computer monitors use both the RGB and CMYK color spaces.
 Answers: • False

 46. Sharpening settings used when processing images should vary depending on the subject.
 Answers: • True

 47. A gray card used to determine proper exposure reflects __________ of the light that strikes it?
 Answers: • 18%

 48. What effect does putting a grid or honeycomb on a light source have?
 Answers: • It diffuses the light.

 49. What does the Rule of Thirds refers to?
 Answers: • Placement of elements in the image

 50. Incident light meters work by reading the light that reflects off of a subject.
 Answers: • True

 51. The higher the f-stop number, the more the light allowed into the camera.
 Answers: • False

 52. What does saturated color refer to?
 Answers: • Bright, brilliant colors

 53. To get the most accurate colors, you should __________
 Answers: • use a gray card or diffusion filter to set the correct balance.

 54. When undiffused, a strobe light and a tungsten light will generally produce the same quality of light.
 Answers: • True

 55. Light travels in a straight line until it is __________
 Answers: • refracted.

 56. Diffused light is created in a photo studio through the use of screens and large light sources.
 Answers: • True

 57. When working in digital editing software, sharpening is achieved by increasing the contrast between __________
 Answers: • distinct colors.

 58. What might you do to add drama and interest to an image taken in snow?
 Answers: • Find a source of bright color

 59. The inverse square law is used in reference to __________
 Answers: • the intensity of light that reaches a subject.

 60. A prime lens is also called a __________.
 Answers: • fixed focal length lens

 61. The step pattern seen on an enlarged digital photographic image is called __________.
 Answers: • Aliasing

 62. What do polarizing filters help you to remove from or reduce in your photos?
 Answers: • Reflections

 63. Flash or strobe is considered an artificial light.
 Answers: • True

 64. The features called swing and tilt are available on most high end 35mm and equivalent digital cameras.
 Answers: • False

 65. Fake walls used on Photography sets are often referred to as __________.
 Answers: • screens

 66. A view camera differs from other cameras in that it can control __________.
 Answers: • both perspective and the depth of the field

 67. Where is the final image in a digital camera stored?
 Answers: • In the memory card or stick

 68. If an image is overexposed, which of the following would most likely be the cause?
 Answers: • Moving to a lower aperture number

 69. Images produced by digital cameras are __________.
 Answers: • raster based

 70. Using a larger aperture will result in _________
 Answers: • more depth of field.

 71. In lighting, modeling means you are __________
 Answers: • having your subject pose in a particular manner.

 72. TTL stands for __________.
 Answers: • Through the Lens

 73. The word noise is to digital Photography as __________ is to a film.
 Answers: • grain

 74. Another name for a key light is __________.
 Answers: • main light

 75. Aerial perspective is __________
 Answers: • the effect of atmosphere on distant subjects.

 76. Digital Photography has eliminated the need to get a good exposure.
 Answers: • True

 77. Banding or posterization in a digital image is caused when there isn't enough information to reproduce different shades of color.
 Answers: • True

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