Sunday, November 13, 2016

Google Adwords test

Upwork Google Adwords test answers - Part 1

1. Which of the following is not a valid geographical targeting option?
 Answers: • Targeting female english speakers

 2. In the My Client Center, what does MDS stand for?
 Answers: • Manager Defined Spend

 3. If you have an exact match keyword being bid below the estimated first page minimum bid, can it show adverts on the first page?
 Answers: • Yes. It could even be below the estimated first page bid, and still show in position 1 at the top of the page.

 4. Can you use the same keywords in different ad groups?
 Answers: • Yes, always

 5. How is the ad ranking calculated?
 Answers: • Bid x Quality Score = Ad Ranking

 6. What happens when your cost reaches your budget amount?
 Answers: • Your ads will stop showing for that day

 7. AdWords will automatically ______ your keywords.
 Answers: • bolden

 8. Each campaign has a _________ budget.
 Answers: • daily

 9. How do you create a new campaign?
 Answers: • Use the New Campaign button on the Settings tab

 10. What is a SERP?
 Answers: • Search Engine Results Page

 11. What is in-line editing?
 Answers: • An account feature that lets you edit ads, keywords, placements, and bids right where you see them in your account.

 12. Google Gmail is part of the Adwords display network.
 Answers: • True

 13. What is one way to improve your ROI?
 Answers: • All of these

 14. What is the Display Ad Builder?
 Answers: • A tool within Google Adwords that allows you to create display ads

 15. What may happen if a keyword is not performing well?
 Answers: • All of these

 16. On what page are ads with 1-3 position?
 Answers: • page one

 17. Can you switch to manual bidding after you setup an automatic bidding?
 Answers: • Yes, always

 18. What is the minimum spending requirement?
 Answers: • None

 19. In what language can you create your campaign?
 Answers: • All of these

 20. Do you have to indicate your currency?
 Answers: • Yes, always

 21. Which of the following are acceptable ad formats when using the Display Network?
 Answers: • All of these

 22. What is true about Adwords remarketing?
 Answers: • All of these

 23. Who is allowed to use Google Adwords?
 Answers: • Anyone

 24. How many ads can you create with your account?
 Answers: • No limit

 25. Which of the following is an idea category provided by Adwords?
 Answers: • All of these

 26. What is PPC?
 Answers: • Pay Per Click Advertising

 27. Which of the following is a type of ad available in Adwords?
 Answers: • (All of these)

 28. When you review your statistics, what date range can you choose?
 Answers: • All of these

 29. Is it possible to make your ads only appear in certain areas of the country?
 Answers: • Yes

 30. Can you obtain an estimate of how many clicks you can expect per day?
 Answers: • Yes, always

 31. How often can you change your budget?
 Answers: • No limit

 32. What is considered to be a close variant of a word when using broad match keyword?
 Answers: • All of these

 33. What is a destination URL?
 Answers: • An address of a web page that visitors are directed to when they click on your ad

 34. What metric is a part of your Account Activity?
 Answers: • All of these

 35. What do you need (by default) to log in to your AdWords account?
 Answers: • An email address and a password

 36. What does CTR stand for in Adwords?
 Answers: • Click through rate

 37. Which one of these is a level of an AdWords account?
 Answers: • All of these

 38. What format is NOT available for you to choose for you ads?
 Answers: • MS Excel

 39. Can you control how much you spend daily on AdWords?
 Answers: • Yes, always

 40. True or False. You are able to see which time of the day when your AdWords converts the best.
 Answers: • True

 41. One set of keywords and placements for one or more ads is called a(n):
 Answers: • ad group

 42. Can you import conversion tracking data from Google Analytics?
 Answers: • Yes

 43. What tool can you use with Google AdWords to determine how much time customers spend on your site after they click your ad?
 Answers: • Google Analytics

 44. Which of the following is not a valid way to add keywords to your campaign?
 Answers: • Preceding your keyword with @ symbol to add variations

 45. Which of the following is a requirement for linking your Google Adwords and Google Analytics accounts together?
 Answers: • The same Google account email address is used for both services

 46. Which is an example of a negative matched keyword?
 Answers: • -used

 47. What are Adword's Managed Placements?
 Answers: • Ad placements on specific sites in the Display Network where you'd like your ads to appear

 48. Can you have multiple ad groups?
 Answers: • Yes, always

 49. Where can you get an overview of your ad campaigns?
 Answers: • Campaign Tab

 50. What is the primary benefit of broad matched keywords?
 Answers: • It attracts more traffic.

 51. What is the best tool to use to search keyword competition and search volume?
 Answers: • Keyword Planner

 52. Under which tab can you find a links to Google Analytics?
 Answers: • Tools and Analysis

 53. What are the two types of networks that Google uses?
 Answers: • Search network and content network

 54. What is a cost per click?
 Answers: • The amount of money to pay when someone clicks on your ad and visits your web site

 55. What are "ideas"?
 Answers: • Adwords provided ideas to potentially improve your ad performance

 56. When does Google charge you for an ad?
 Answers: • Every time a person clicks your ad

 57. How can you find your disapproved ads?
 Answers: • Select the disapproved check box under Approval Status

 58. Surrounding your keyword phrase in brackets, such as [tennis shoes] will result in which type of keyword?
 Answers: • Exact match

 59. A My Client Center account is a Google Adwords umbrella account that houses multiple managed account.
 Answers: • True

 60. When you do a search query on, which two types of results could appear?
 Answers: • Organic listings and paid listings.

 61. Ad texts should be:
 Answers: • simple and enticing

 62. "Sign Up Now" is an example of a:
 Answers: • call to action

 63. What tab do you use to add or remove additional users to your account?
 Answers: • My account

 64. What is an Adwords budget?
 Answers: • The amount in click or impression charges that an account can accrue in a specified time period

 65. What is the purpose of the conversion tracking tool?
 Answers: • To see how clicks convert into sales

 66. True or false? It is NOT possible to pause an individual text ad.
 Answers: • False

 67. How many websites can you advertise in a single ad group?
 Answers: • 1

 68. When you subscribe to Google AdWords, how does that affect natural Google search results?
 Answers: • There is no effect

 69. What are excluded placements?
 Answers: • Websites or webpages where you don't want to run your ads.

 70. What can be done to improve the position of your ad?
 Answers: • Increase your CPC bid

 71. Can your ads be shown on iPhones?
 Answers: • Yes, always

 72. What are the two types of placements on the content network?
 Answers: • Managed and automatic

 73. What are managed placements?
 Answers: • Ad placements on specific sites on the Google Display Network chosen by the advertiser.

 74. When you review your statistics, which one of these can you not review?
 Answers: • Number of sales

 75. What is the minimum monthly charge for Google AdWords service?
 Answers: • None

 76. Where can you find your Notification Settings?
 Answers: • My Account

 77. How can you avoid showing an ad when users search for free or cheap?
 Answers: • add "cheap" and "free" as negative keywords

 78. Which one is a mandatory step when you create you AdWords account?
 Answers: • Indicating the time zone

 79. What do you call putting an ad on a specific webpage of the Google Display Network?
 Answers: • A placement.

 80. What is a broad match keyword?
 Answers: • Allows your ad to show on similar phrases and relevant variations

 81. What is Manager Defined Spend (MDS)?
 Answers: • A simple way for MCC users to control the budgets of their managed accounts

 82. What are call extensions?
 Answers: • An ad feature that allows you to add a phone number to your text ad

 83. What is an automatic bidding?
 Answers: • An option that allows Google to provide as many clicks as possible within your budget

 84. What do you use to navigate to different sections of your account?
 Answers: • Tabs in the top

 85. How are AdWords ranked?
 Answers: • By the quality of ads and the maximum cost per click

 86. Which symbol is used to denote an exact keyword match?
 Answers: • [keyword]

 87. In remarketing campaigns, what is the default membership duration?
 Answers: • 30 days

 88. Preceding your keyword with a minus sign, such as tennis shoes -used, will result in which type of keyword?
 Answers: • Negative match

 89. What is remarketing?
 Answers: • Targeting previous visitors of your website as they browse other sites on the Google Display Network

 90. Destinational URL is:
 Answers: • The address for the webpage where you'd like people to be sent after they click your ad.

 91. What is a rich media ad?
 Answers: • An ad that contains animation or other types of motion

 92. What does CPM stand for in Google Adwords?
 Answers: • Cost per thousand impressions

 93. What is a negative keyword?
 Answers: • Ensures your ad does not show for any search containing that word

 94. Which factor has no influence on Quality Score?
 Answers: • Budget

 95. Which setting is NOT available to choose when you create an ad?
 Answers: • A formatted image

 96. Which of the following can be found in the Tools and Analysis tab?
 Answers: • Keyword tool

 97. If your ad is disapproved, how do you resubmit it?
 Answers: • Edit the ad and resave it

 98. Which Of The Following Is An Example Of A Call-To-Action Phrase?
 Answers: • Buy Here

 99. What is the traffic estimator?
 Answers: • A click estimate on selected keywords

 100. Does a high appearance in organic search results affect whether your advert appears in AdWords?
 Answers: • No. Google treats paid search and organic search separately.

 101. True or false? Keywords are case sensitive.
 Answers: • False

 102. What does the field Avg. Pos. refer to?
 Answers: • The average position of where your ad is showing relative to other ads

 103. Joe and Jane have separate ads competing for the keyword "camera." If Joe's quality score is 8 and his maximum CPC is $1.25, and Jane's quality score is 10 and her maximum CPC is $1.10, whose ad will rank higher in a ranking auction?
 Answers: • Jane's

 104. What is a placement?
 Answers: • Locations on the Google Display Network where your ad could appear

 105. How do you add sitelinks to your campaign?
 Answers: • The Ad Extension tab

 106. If your daily budget is $100 and you have a click bid amount of $.25, what would the maximum number of clicks you could expect to get each day?
 Answers: • 400

 107. What is the Adwords account hierarchy?
 Answers: • Account > campaign > ad group

 108. Which of the following is not a keyword match type?
 Answers: • Variable

 109. What is the default keyord matching option?
 Answers: • Broad Match

 110. What are Google AdWords keywords?
 Answers: • Words and phrases that a user types into the Google search box

 111. Which of these is not a keyword match-type?
 Answers: • normal

 112. What does MCC stand for?
 Answers: • My Client Center.

 113. What does it mean if your account is set to Manual Payments?
 Answers: • You must add money to your account before you receive ad activity

 114. What is the best tool to use to estimate click traffic based on your maximum CPC and daily budget levels?
 Answers: • Traffic Estimator.

 115. Where do ads with placement selection appear?
 Answers: • Wherever in the Google Display Network you've chosen

 116. Which of the following searches will not show your ad when you are using the phrase match keyword "guitar strings"?
 Answers: • Strings for guitar

 117. Which of the following is not a website that Google AdWords is featured on?
 Answers: • Yahoo

 118. Which is an example of an exact matched keyword?
 Answers: • [Buy laptop]

 119. What will happen if you add a comma to a two word keyword phrase?
 Answers: • The system will treat it as two separate keywords

 120. Which one of these is not a tab within a campaign tab?
 Answers: • Format

 121. Which of these is not quality score factor?
 Answers: • Domain Name

 122. What is a display URL?
 Answers: • A URL that will appear in the bottom of your ad

 123. Which is not a strong call-to-action for your Ad?
 Answers: • Search for Twiddles

 124. Which element will NOT help you design successful advertising campaigns?
 Answers: • Not including one of your keywords in your ad text.

 125. Why are two or three word phrases better than one word keywords?
 Answers: • One word keywords tend to be too generic

 126. What is a bidding option?
 Answers: • A way to control the cost of your campaign

 127. What does MCC stand for?
 Answers: • My Client Center

 128. What setting limits the number of times your ads appear on the Google Display Network to a unique user?
 Answers: • Frequency Capping.

 129. Which of the following is NOT a campaign option?
 Answers: • Future

 130. What does Adwords ask a trademark holder to have in order to send a complaint to Adwords against another company?
 Answers: • Information regarding where and in what industries the mark is valid

 131. Max bid x quality score =
 Answers: • Ad Rank

 132. How do you get a My Client Center account?
 Answers: • Visit and sign up

 133. You will see an error message if you try to add keywords containing which symbol to your account?
 Answers: • @

 134. Phone numbers are acceptable in what part of your ad?
 Answers: • Call extension

 135. How can you discover relevant placements?
 Answers: • Use the placement tool

 136. What will happen if you don't select a keyword specific bid?
 Answers: • The adgroup default bid will apply to the keyword

 137. What is the maximum number of characters in a Ad headline.
 Answers: • 25

 138. How many characters can you include into a head line of an English language ad?
 Answers: • Up to 25

 139. What is a phrase match keyword?
 Answers: • Allows your ad to display for searches that contain your phrase or close variants

 140. What does WAP stand for?
 Answers: • Wireless Application Protocol

 141. If you have set a keyword specific bid but want to revert back to the default adgroup bid, how do you accomplish this?
 Answers: • Delete the bid amount from the Max CPC field and click save

 142. Along with cost per click, what is the other form of bidding used within Adwords?
 Answers: • Cost per thousand impressions (CPM)

 143. What does CPM stand for?
 Answers: • Cost-per-thousand.

 144. Which of the following searches will show your ad when you are using the keyword [guitar strings]?
 Answers: • Guitar strings

 145. How do you implement a broad match modifier?
 Answers: • By putting a + directly in front of one or more words

 146. What is it called when a company's ads are matches to relevant webpages?
 Answers: • Contextual targeting

 147. If an ad has a click-through-rate of 2% and an average CPC of $0.50, what is the effective CPM?
 Answers: • $10

 148. Which is an example of unacceptable ad text?
 Answers: • Click here.

 149. Where can you adjust Geo-Targeting?
 Answers: • Campaign Level

 150. How do you exclude topics in contextual targeting?
 Answers: • Use the exclusions link in the topics tab or negatives

 151. What is the maximum number of AdWords ads that could show on the first page of desktop search results?
 Answers: • 11

 152. Surrounding your keyword phrase in quotes, such as "tennis shoes" will result in which type of keyword?
 Answers: • Phrase match

 153. What are Ad Sitelinks?
 Answers: • A feature for search based ads that lets you include links to other site content not included in your main landing page

 154. When using broad match, how can you see which search term variations have triggered your ad?
 Answers: • Run a Search Query Report

 155. Which is not a Google recommended element of quality to keep in mind when optimizing your site:
 Answers: • Traffic rather than the user should be the focus of your optimization efforts

 156. To set a special promotion to go live at a certain time without manually turning it on, what feature would you use?
 Answers: • Ad scheduling

 157. To save wasted clicks, ad texts should include:
 Answers: • prices and promotions

 158. What can you do with Remarketing?
 Answers: • Remarket to users who have visited your site before in the search & display network

 159. True or false? Prices stated in your Ad test must always be supported within 1-2 clicks of your landing page.
 Answers: • True

 160. Which of these is not a bidding option?
 Answers: • EPC

 161. What is the Adwords Quality Score used for?
 Answers: • Measuring how relevant your keyword is to your ad text and the user's query

 162. How does the Automatic Payment billing method work?
 Answers: • You are billed after you accrue the costs of your account activity

 163. Which of these is an acceptable ad headline?
 Answers: • Widgets In-Stock Now

 164. Does the order of modified broad match keywords matter? That is, is "+red +shoes" the same as "+shoes +red"?
 Answers: • No, the order doesn't matter.

 165. How is CTR calculated?
 Answers: • Clicks/Ad impressions

 166. Where can you setup your AdWords Remarketing lists?
 Answers: • Both

 167. What requirement must your campaign meet in order to use the Conversion Optimizer?
 Answers: • The campaign must have received at least 15 conversions in the last 30 days.

 168. Where can you find the reason your ad was disapproved?
 Answers: • Click the icon next to the ad

 169. What is necessary to run Product Listing Ads?
 Answers: • Google Merchant Center Account

 170. What is an effect of moving a keyword to another ad group?
 Answers: • Your statistics (temporarily) reset to zero for that keyword

 171. What is the membership duration of a remarketing campaign?
 Answers: • How long a user's cookie stays on the membership list if the user doesn't visit your site again

 172. Which benefit is not a result of a negative keyword?
 Answers: • Reach a wider audience

 173. In the United States, what is the minimum bid?
 Answers: • $0.01

 174. How do you calculate AdRank?
 Answers: • AdRank = Max CPC * Quality Score

 175. Online advertising goals generally fall into one of two categories:
 Answers: • Direct response or branding.

 176. Which of the following is NOT directly influenced by a high quality score?
 Answers: • Conversion rate

 177. What is the keyword analysis field?
 Answers: • This field give you an in-depth view of your keyword's performance.

 178. How long can updates to your reporting take?
 Answers: • Up to 24 hours

 179. Where would you change a campaign's linked Google Places account?
 Answers: • The Ad Extension tab

 180. What is the formula for a clickthrough rate?
 Answers: • (Ad clicks / ad impressions) x 100

 181. Which of the following is true of inline editing in Google AdWords?
 Answers: • When a keyword, placement or ad is edited, its statistics reset to zero

 182. Which text is not allowed in your ad under any circumstances?
 Answers: • Click here

 183. If you have ads for two campaigns that share a keyword, and a search user types in the keyword, how many ads of yours will they see?
 Answers: • At most one; the keyword with the highest Ad rank will win.

 184. To set up Conversion Tracking, you can
 Answers: • Any of the Above

 185. What happens if a client manager moves all his managed accounts to MDS (Manager Defined Spend)?
 Answers: • will be billed for these accounts via manager order-level monthly invoice

 186. What determines the first page bid estimate?
 Answers: • Quality Score and current advertiser competition for that key word.

 187. What are the Adwords account access levels?
 Answers: • Administrative, Standard, Read-only, Email-only.

 188. How do you set different bid multipliers for different times of the day?
 Answers: • Campaigns > Advanced settings > Ad Scheduling > Bid Adjustment

 189. Which of the following is a requirement for including a price, special discount, or free offer in your ad?
 Answers: • It must be clearly displayed on your website within 1-2 clicks of your landing page

 190. AdWords by default uses spelling variations and close variations even for exact match and phrase match keywords. Where do you adjust the settings to get the old behaviour of exact match and phrase match?
 Answers: • Campaign level

 191. True or false? You can add a phone number to your Ad Text.
 Answers: • False

 192. If 50,000 people search for the keywords that triggers your ad, but only 250 people click on your ad , What would be the CTR?
 Answers: • 0.5%

 193. True or false? Broad match modifiers can be used in negative keywords.
 Answers: • False

 194. What are the three components of the AdWords ecosystem?
 Answers: • Advertisers, Users, Publishers

 195. What does the Google Network consist of?
 Answers: • The Google Search Network and the Google Display Network.

 196. How does contextual advertising work?
 Answers: • Keywords are matched to a website by relevancy of context determined by MediaBot

 197. What is the range for daily spending?
 Answers: • $0-$100,000

 198. On the display network, how would you show your ad on different pages related to a single topic, rather than individual keywords?
 Answers: • Use topic targeting

 199. The quality score is a measure of:
 Answers: • your ad's relevance

 200. When can an ad use superlatives, like "best" or "#1"?
 Answers: • If the claim can be verified by a third-party site.

 201. What is AdWords Express?
 Answers: • A way for local businesses to easily advertise to potential customers

 202. Video campaigns allow you to only display the URL you are actually linking to.
 Answers: • False

 203. What is the immediate quality score advantage to adding all possible match types of a keyword to your campaign?
 Answers: • There is no advantage

 204. The diagnose keywords feature will show a status of:
 Answers: • Low bid or quality score

 205. You have an AdGroup with the broad match keyword "IT jobs," but you don't want single word search queries like "jobs" to match. Which of the following is a way to exclude the search query "jobs" for this AdGroup?
 Answers: • Change the keyword to phrase match

 206. What is not considered to be a close variant of a word when using broad match keyword?
 Answers: • Synonyms

 207. What is the minimum quality score needed for a keyword not to be edited?
 Answers: • 5

 208. How is conversion rate calculated?
 Answers: • Conversions / Clicks

 209. Where do you redeem advertising credits you've received for referring others to Adwords?
 Answers: • Google does not offer referral credits in Adwords.

 210. What is the minimum CPM bid amount?
 Answers: • $0.25

 211. Which of the following is not a technique that Google uses to determine location targeting?
 Answers: • The time zone the user is in.

 212. What is the Bid Simulator used for?
 Answers: • Estimate the cost, clicks, and impressions your ad could have received over the past seven days if you had set a different CPC bid

 213. What is the limit on number of Adgroups in an Adwords Campaign?
 Answers: • 20000

 214. What bidding option(s) are initially available for the Google Search Network?
 Answers: • CPC bidding only.

 215. Under what circumstance is "+1" in the ad text acceptable?
 Answers: • If it is part of a value or amount, such as "Get a 3 day rental +1 day free"

 216. Each ad group has an initial limit of how many keywords?
 Answers: • 2,000

 217. In remarketing campaigns, what is the maximum membership duration?
 Answers: • 540 days

 218. Under what circumstance will you not be able to edit individual keyword bids?
 Answers: • You can always edit individual keyword bids

 219. What are enhanced online campaigns?
 Answers: • Contextual targeting among placements.

 220. What could cause a conversion with no click associated with it?
 Answers: • The click comes from a blacklisted or filtered IP address, or from organic searching

 221. What is the maximum number of IP addresses that can be excluded per campaign?
 Answers: • 500

 222. What is the name for a 160 x 600 image ad?
 Answers: • Wide skyscraper

 223. What is the limits of keywords in an Adwords Adgroup?
 Answers: • 5000
Upwork Google AdWords Test Answers - Part 2

While using Geo-Targeting to target your ad to specific people, which of the following parameters can be targeted?
a. The person’s country
b. The person’s language preference
c. The continent in which the person lives
The person’s country, The continent in which the person lives (A, C)

What happens when you turn on frequency capping for a campaign?
a. It limits the number of times your ads appear on the search network
b. It limits the number of times your ads appear on the content network and search network.
c. It limits the number of times your ads appear to the same unique user on the content network.
d. It limits the advertising cost to the campaign’s daily budget.
c. It limits the number of times your ads appear to the same unique user on the content network.

 Which of the following is not a part of the “tools and Analysis” Feature of Google AdWords:
a. Change history
b. Conversions
c. Google Analytics
d. Website Optimizer
e. Google AdSence
e. Google AdSence

In the above ad, how can you make visitors reach
a. By adding in the ad copy
b. By changing the display URL to
c. By changing the destination URL to
d. By hyper linking the ad title to
c. By changing the destination URL to

Which of the following statements about Adwords Ad Scheduling are correct?
a. It allows you to control the days on which ads should appear.
b. It allows you to control the time at which ads should appear.
c. It allows you to raise or lower your bids for a campaign at certain times of the day.
d. It allows you to change the countries being targeted at certain times of the day.
a. It allows you to control the days on which ads should appear, It allows you to control the time at which ads should appear. (A, B)

Which statistic does Google report on to show you how well your campaign is performing in terms of successful conversions?
a. Conversions/Cost per click (%)
b. Impressions/Conversions (%)
c. Cost/Conversion
c. Cost/Conversion

The term for the number of impressions an ad has accrued in relation to the rest of the active ads within the same ad group is:
a. Ad Impression Rate (%)
b. Ad Served Percentage (%)
c. Ad Delivery Rate (%)
d. Ad Impression Accrual Rate (%)
b. Ad Served Percentage (%)

What is the AdWord related team for the following?
“The total number of unique users who will be served your ad over a specific period of time”
a. Campaign viewers
b. Demography
c. Audience
d. Reach
d. Reach

Your maximum CPC (cost per click) is $0.70. If your ad receies two clicks, one costing $0.10 and the other costing $0.60, what would your average CPC for those clicks be?
a. $0.30
b. $0.35
c. $0.50
d. $0.55
b. $0.35

Google AdWords does not accept an Ad copy that includes:
a. excessive capitalization
b. product price
c. incorrect grammar
d. numberals
a. excessive capitalization, incorrect grammar( A, C)

Negative keywords cannot be applied to a whole ad group?
a. True
b. False
b. False

In an adwords ad, how many characters is the display URL limited to?
a. 28
b. 30
c. 35
d. 40
c. 35

Keyword matching options determine which Google searches can trigger your ads to appear. Which of the following searches could trigger an ad for the keyword “online course” using Broad Match settings?
a. Online
b. Course
c. ecourse
d. Cheap online course
 ecourse, Cheap online course(C, D)

Given that the cost for the bid is kept constant a keyword’s Quality Score for Google and the search network is directly proportional to its ad position.
a. True
b. False
a. True

If your keyword is “reading books” and you would like to ban the ad from people looking for downloadable books, how would you keyowrd be submitted to AdWords?
a. Reading books –downloadable
b. reading books *downloadable
c. reading books (downloadable)
d. reading book
a. Reading books –downloadable

Which factors are directly impacted by increasing the Adwords ad budget?
a. Ad Impressions
b. Clicks on the Ad
c. Ad position
d. The CPC (Cost Per Click)
Ad Impressions, Clicks on the Ad(A, B)

Which of the following statements about an Ad group are correct?
a. Ad groups only apply to the search network
b. You cannot set prices for individual keywords within an Ad group
c. An ad group contains one or more ads
c. An ad group contains one or more ads

The Google Ad placement feature allows you to choose location on the Google content network where your ad can appear. Which of the following can be selected as ad area for the ad to appear?
a. An entire website
b. A selection of pages from a website
c. An individual ad unit on a single page
c. An individual ad unit on a single page

If your Adword ad attracts a higher CTR (Clickthrough rate) it will lead to an improved ad position.
a. True
b. False
a. True

Which of the following statement about campaign dates is corrects?
a. It is not possible to specify a campaign start date and end date in the same campaign.
b. By default Adwords pre-sets the campaign start date with today’s date.
c. You cannot pause the campaign midway if an end has been specified.
b. By default Adwords pre-sets the campaign start date with today’s date.

Is it possible for you to limit the number of impressions you will allow pre month for a particular campaign?
a. Yes
b. No
b. No

Keyword option determine which Google searches can trigger your ads to appear. Which of the following search could trigger an ad for the keyword “Online course” using Exact Match Settings?
a. Cheap Online course
b. Course
c. Online Course
d. ecoure
c. Online Course

Which of the following statements with regard to AdWords settings are correct?
a. Increasing the budget leads to an increase in the CTR (Clicktrough rate).
b. Targeting smaller regions through ads can result in more relevant ads with higher clikthrough rates.
c. Targeting smaller regions through ads results in fewer impressions.
d. Chosing specific keywords will result in higher clickthrough rates.
e. Chosing specific keywords will result in higher clickthrough rates.
c. Targeting smaller regions through ads results in fewer impressions.

What does the “Conversions (many-per-click)” value represent?
a. The number of view-through convrsions.
b. The number of conversions counted on the 60-day Lookback.
c. Conversions (many-per-click) count a conversion every time a conversion is made within 30 days following an AdWords ad click
d. There is no such statistic.
c. Conversions (many-per-click) count a conversion every time a conversion is made within 30 days following an AdWords ad click

Which of the following will NOT happen if the view-through conversion window is set to 14 days in the Google AdWords account?
a. The view-through conversions that occur after 14 days will be discarded
b. The Click conversions will still be counted on the standard 30-day lookback.
c. This setting will not impact view-through conversions which already been recorded
d. The view-through conversions that occur before 14 days will be discarded.
d. The view-through conversions that occur before 14 days will be discarded.

State whether true of false.
If you run out of characters in your AdWords ad, the display URL field can be used as another line of ad text.
a. True
b. False
b. False

At which of the following levels may a daily budget be set?
a. Keyword
b. Campaign
c. AdWords Account
b. Campaign

Is it possible to set a maximum CPC (cost per click) at the Ad group level?
a. Yes
b. No
a. Yes

Upwork Google AdWords Test Answers - Part 3

Accounts Level : 
Q: When setting up a Google AdWords Account, why should you choose your currency and time zone carefully?
A: These can not be edited once the account is set up.

Q: Which settings are specified at the Account level in AdWords?
A: Email address, password, and billing information.

Q: What happens to the rest of your Google products if you change your password for AdWords?
A: The new password will be required to log in to all other Google products.

Q: Your ad includes the phrase, “Your friend has a crush on you. See who!” and it gets disapproved. Why?
A: AdWords policy does not allow ads to simulate email inbox notifications or fake friend/crush requests.

Q: What is the formula for ad rank on the Search Network?
A: Maximum Cost Per Click X Quality Score.

Q: What is the best way to achieve the top position in paid search results?
A: Improve the Quality Score and raise the Cost Per Click.

Q: How should you check to see if your ads are still running on Google?
A: Use the Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool.

Q: Why should you use the Ad Preview and Diagnosis tool to check if your ads are live and running on Google?
A: By searching for keywords that trigger your ad, you can rack up impressions without clicks, which may lower your Click-Through Rate, which may prevent your ad from appearing as often as it is eligible.

Q: Why should you identify special offers before building an AdWords campaign?
A: In order to create compelling text for your ad creatives.

Q: All other things equal, if your closest competitor’s bid is $0.25, how much will you pay to show your ad in a higher position?
A: $0.26

Q: What is the formula for ranking keyword-targeted ads on the Search Network?
A: Maximum Cost Per Click x Quality Score.

Q: What are some phrases that are not allowed, according to Google Ad Policies?
A: Call To Action phrases like “Click here,” or “See this site.”

Q: True or false. “Click here” can be used in an ad.
A: False. This phrase violates Google’s Ad Policies.

Q: How can you create effective ad text?
A: Best practices include using prices, promotions, and exclusive offers in your ads.

Ad Extensions Level : 
Q: How are +1s calculated for your ad and Google+ page when using the social extension on your ads?
A: +1s from your Google+ page show in the count that is visible on your ad.

Q: What can a location extension do?
A: Assist nearby customers in finding or calling your nearest location.

Q: With the sitelinks extension set at both the campaign and Ad Group level, which ones will be displayed?
A: The sitelinks at the Ad Group level will be displayed.

Ad Groups Level : 
Q: Why is it a bad idea to duplicate keywords in multiple Ad Groups?
A: Keywords in multiple ad groups compete against each other, and the keyword with the higher performance will trigger the ad in that Ad Group to run.

Q: What is the effect of including both keywords and placements in an Ad Group on the Display Network?
A: Your ads will be restricted to only specific sites that you choose and webpages where the content is relevant to the theme of the keywords.

Q: Why is it important to group similar keywords together in an Ad Group?
A: To ensure that the ads remain relevant to those keywords.

Q: Why is it a good idea to create multiple Ad Groups?
A: You can break up keywords and ads and group them by related themes.

Q: What should Ad Groups be organized around?
A: Common themes.

Q: True or false. Placements can be controlled at the Ad Group level.
A: True.

Q: What impact can poor landing page quality have on an Ad Group?
A: Keywords in the Ad Group may be given a lower Quality Score.

Q: What should you use Ad Groups for?
A: To organize ads by common themes that you want to advertise on.

Bidding Level : 
Q: What is the maximum CPC?
A: The highest amount of money an advertiser is willing to pay for a click on their ad.

Q: What does Smart Pricing mean?
A: Google may automatically reduce your CPC bids on pages on the Display Network that are less likely to turn into an actionable business result.

Q: When is Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM) bidding not available?
A: If your campaign is opted in to the Search Network.

Q:What is the main goal of automatic Cost Per Click bidding?
A: To generate as many clicks as possible within the advertiser’s target budget.

Q: What is one effect using setting a daily budget lower than the recommended amount?
A: Ads will not show every time that a user searches for the keywords that could trigger the ad.

Q: What is important to keep in mind about manual Cost Per Click bidding?
A: The average profit derived from a paid click.

Q: Which bid methods are used for image ads on the Display Network?
A: CPM or CPC bids.

Q: When a CPM and CPC bid compete against each other, how does Google determine each ad’s position?
A: Google estimates how many clicks the ad might receive in 1000 impressions to get the comparison.

Q: What is Enhanced Cost Per Click?
A: A CPC bidding features to automatically bid more aggressively in auctions more likely to result in conversions.

Campaigns Level : 
Q: What does a “Pending” Campaign in AdWords signify?
A: It is Inactive, but scheduled to begin at a date/time in the future.

Q: What is one main benefit of using Google AdWords?
A: Ads are displayed to users who search for your particular products or services.

Q: With a new campaign, what effect can the AdWords average daily budget have on achieving positive ROI?
A: It can keep costs and exposure limited until profitability is achieved.

Q: What does the Optimize ad rotation setting do?
A: It allows the AdWords system to show the better performing ad more often than lower performing ads.

Q: You have a new product line and want to allocate additional budge to promoting it. What’s the best way to do this?
A: Create a campaign with a separate daily budget to promote just the new product line.

Q: What can the Opportunities tab be used to do?
A: Find keyword, bid, and budget ideas to improve campaign performance.

Q: Why is it important to monitor ad campaign performance?
A: In order to determine if campaigns meet business marketing and conversion goals.

Q: What is one benefit of not using a predetermined budget for AdWords advertising, compared to radio, print, and TV advertising?
A: Online campaigns are highly measurable and may be able to generate an automatic positive ROI. As long as ROI remains positive, it can be strategic to capture all traffic without a predetermined budget.

Q: Which budget delivery method should you use to distribute ads evenly over the course of a day?
A: Standard.

Q: True or False. With the Accelerated delivery method of ads, ads are shown as frequently as possible until the daily budget is spent.
A: True.

Q: With an ad serving option set to Optimize, how will AdWords handle multiple variations of text ads in the same Ad Group?
A: AdWords will try to show the best performing ad more often than lower performing ads.

Click-Through Rate Level : 
Q: How does a low CTR on the Display Network affect your Search Network Quality Score?
A: It doesn’t. Your ad performance, including CTR, does not affect your rank for search ads. A low CTR on the Display Network does not affect your Search Network Quality Score.

Q: If you have a keyword with a low CTR, what can you expect?
A: A lower Quality Score on the Search Network.

Q: What is one way you can increase CTRs?
A: Add negative keywords to the ad group to reduce irrelevant impressions.

Conversions Level : 
Q: Why does a lower Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) not indicate a higher profit?
A: A lower CPA may be accompanied by lower sales volume, reducing overall profit.

Q: What can you expect if you raise your bids?
A: More conversions and a higher CPA, in general.

Q: What can you expect if you lower your bids?
A: Fewer conversions and a lower CPA, in general.

Display Network Level : 
Q: How does a low CTR on the Display Network affect your Search Network Quality Score?
A: It doesn’t. Your ad performance, including CTR, does not affect your rank for search ads. A low CTR on the Display Network does not affect your Search Network Quality Score.

Q: What effect does using managed placements have on your campaign?
A: Your ads will show on webpages, videos, games, RSS feeds, mobile sites, and apps that you have specifically selected.

Q: What does Smart Pricing mean?
A: Google may automatically reduce your CPC bids on pages on the Display Network that are less likely to turn into an actionable business result.

Q: What is the effect of including both keywords and placements in an Ad Group on the Display Network?
A: Your ads will be restricted to only specific sites that you choose and webpages where the content is relevant to the theme of the keywords.

Q: How does adding placements to an Ad Group affect its Quality Score for the Search Network?
A: Placements are used on the Display Network, so they do not affect Quality Score on the Search Network.

Q: Should you use plurals, misspellings, and other variants of words in Ad Groups in the Display Network?
A: Since the Display Network considers broad match only, plurals, misspellings, and other variants are unnecessary.

Q: Which bid methods are used for image ads on the Display Network?
A: CPM or CPC bids.

Q: By including keywords in an Ad Group, how does Google automatically determine where ads on the Display Network might show?
A: Automatic placements would be used to target sites by context whose content shares the same themes as the keywords in the Ad Group.

Q: How do Managed Placements work?
A: Advertisers can manually specify which websites their ads appear on throughout the Display Network.

Q: What is used to determine Quality Score on the Display Network?
A: The quality of the landing page.

Q: How can the Contextual Targeting Tool help you?
A: It can show you potential webpages where your ad can show up based on your keywords.

Keywords Level : 
Q: Why is it a bad idea to duplicate keywords in multiple Ad Groups?
A: Keywords in multiple ad groups compete against each other, and the keyword with the higher performance will trigger the ad in that Ad Group to run.

Q: From which AdWords tool can you get ideas for negative keyword and placement exclusions?
A: The placement performance report.

Q: What is keyword contextual targeting?
A: It is when themes of keywords are matched by AdWords to relevant content on various websites that run Google ads.

Q: For a direct response campaign, which keywords should an advertise delete or consider not using at all?
A: Keywords that generate a lot of impressions with very few conversions.

Q: Under the new match type policies, if you use the exact match keyword [red shoe], will your ad appear for plurals and misspellings?
A: Yes. This is a new change in Google AdWords policies.

Q: Does the Display Network take into account match types like phrase and exact match?
A: No, the Display Network uses only broad match.

Q: Why is it important to group similar keywords together in an Ad Group?
A: To ensure that the ads remain relevant to those keywords.

Q: What can you use the Keyword Tool to do?
A: Find new keywords for advertising campaigns.

Q: If you have a keyword with a low CTR, what can you expect?
A: A lower Quality Score on the Search Network.

Q: True or False. Negative keywords can help you refine the targeting of your ads.
A: True.

Q: True or False. Negative keywords can increase the CTR of ads.
A: True.

Q: Even with an unlimited budget and a positive ROI, what can limit the amount of money you can invest in a campaign?
A: The amount of profitable traffic available for the keywords that your campaign is targeting.

Language Level : 
Q: How does the AdWords system decide which ad language to target?
A: Language of ads is determined by the language setting of the Google interface the client is using.

Q: If someone in Russia sets their language preference to English, will they see ads targeted to people in Russia? Will their ads be in Russian or in English?
A: They will see ads targeted to people located in Russia with the ads in English.

Q: What language setting should you use to target a Spanish speaker in the United States?
A: Spanish.

Q: True or False. In order to target Spanish speaking users with Spanish language ads in the United States, adjust the language targeting settings.
A: True.

Location Level : 
Q: Where can an advertiser change the location targeting of an ad?
A: Location targeting is set at the campaign level.

Q: What is a primary benefit of location targeting?
A: The ability to target combinations of countries, territories, and regions.

Q: True or False. Google can use the IP address of users to target ads based on location.
A: True.

My Client Center Level : 
Q: What is one benefit of My Client Center?
A: A dashboard that provides summaries of different metrics for all of your clients’ accounts.

Q: What is the primary function of the My Client Center account?
A: An umbrella account for access to individual accounts with a single login.

Q: What is one way to limit a user’s access to only a specific number of accounts in the MCC?
A: Create a new MCC account linked to the original MCC account. Move the specified number of accounts into that MCC and grant the user access to the sub-MCC account.

Mobile Ads Level : 
Q: How can you get greater exposure on mobile devices?
A: Enable bid adjustments and bid higher on mobile devices.

Quality Score Level : 
Q: How does a low CTR on the Display Network affect your Search Network Quality Score?
A: It doesn’t. Your ad performance, including CTR, does not affect your rank for search ads. A low CTR on the Display Network does not affect your Search Network Quality Score.

Q: What is the formula for ad rank on the Search Network?
A: Maximum Cost Per Click X Quality Score.

Q: What are some recommendations for increasing Quality Score for a keyword?
A: Edit the ad associated with that keyword and direct users to a landing page that is very relevant.

Q: What happens when the Quality Score of a keyword is increased?
A: The ad may earn a higher average position.

Q: When are Quality Score and Ad Rank calculated?
A: Every time someone conducts a search where your ad is eligible to appear.

Q: What does a higher Quality Score typically lead to?
A: Lower costs and higher ad positions.

Q: How often is Quality Score evaluated?
A: Each time someone does a search that triggers your ad.

Q: What is used to determine Quality Score on the Display Network?
A: The quality of the landing page.

Q: How does a low CTR on the Display Network affect your Search Network Quality Score?
A: Ad performance on the Display Network does not affect rank for Search Ads or Search Network Quality Score.

Search Network Level : 
Q: What is the best bidding option for clients that want to spend the least amount of time setting and managing individual keyword bids?
A: Automatic Cost Per Click (CPC)

Q: What is the formula for ad rank on the Search Network?
A: Maximum Cost Per Click X Quality Score.

Q: How is advertising cost accrued on the Search Network:
A: Costs are accrued when someone clicks on an ad that is displayed on the Search Network.

Q: What is the formula for ranking keyword-targeted ads on the Search Network?
A: Maximum Cost Per Click x Quality Score.

Q: What effect do negative keywords have on Ad Groups in a Search Network campaign?
A: The ad will not show if the negative keyword appears in the user’s search query.

Q: What happens if a Search Network campaign consistently reaches its daily budget?
A: There will be missed potential ad impressions.

Q: True or False. You can pay for specific placement in top ad positions in the Search Network.
A: True.

Q: True or False: You can pay for specific placement in top positions in the natural search results.
A: False.

Q: How can Search Network marketing help you reach your advertising goals?
A: By acquiring potential qualified customers.

Q: What are the minimum requirements to run an ad on the Search Network?
A: Text ad, keyword list, and a default bid.

Q: How often does AdWords run an auction to determine which ads will be shown on the search results page?
A: An auction is run every time a users enters a search query.

Video Ads Level : 
Q: You want to pay when a user views your video ad through a cost-per-view advertising model. Which of Google’s services would be most appropriate?
A: TrueView video formats would allow this model of payment through YouTube advertising.

Upwork Google Adwords test answers - Part 4

1. The term for the number of impressions an ad has accrued in relation to the rest of the active ads within the same ad group is:
 Answers: • Ad Served Percentage (%)\
 2. What is the AdWords related term for the following?
 "The total number of unique users who will be served your ad over a specific period of time"
 Answers: • Reach
 3. Which factors are directly impacted by increasing the Adwords ad budget?
 Answers: • Ad Impressions
 4. Your maximum CPC (Cost per click) is $0.70. If your ad receives two clicks, one costing $0.10 and the other costing $0.60, what would your average CPC for those clicks be?
 Answers: • $0.35
 5. Which of the following statements with regard to AdWords settings are correct?
 Answers: • Targeting smaller regions through ads results in fewer impressions.
 6. Is it possible for you to limit the number of impressions you will allow per month for a particular campaign on Google Display Network?
 Answers: • No
 7. Which of the following statements about campaign dates is correct?
 Answers: • By default, AdWords pre-sets the campaign start date with today's date.
 8. Which of the following statements about Campaign Negative Keywords are correct?
 Answers: • You can prevent entire campaigns from showing on a certain query by applying negative keywords to them.
 9. Which of the following is not a part of the "Tools" Feature of Google AdWords:
 Answers: • Google AdSense
 10. Why is the Actual cost-per-click (CPC) sometimes less than the CPC you have specified for a keyword?
 Answers: • Because AdWords gives you the lowest possible price in order for you to maintain your ad's position
 11. Is it possible to set a maximum CPC (cost per click) at the Ad group level?
 Answers: • Yes
 12. What is the correct way of calculating the CTR (Clickthrough rate):
 Answers: • The number of clicks your ad receives divided by its number of impressions
 13. What is the primary reason for increasing the CPC (cost per click)?
 Answers: • To increase Ad position
 14. State whether true or false.
 Given that the cost of the bid is kept constant, a keyword's Quality Score for Google and the search network is directly proportional to its ad position.
 Answers: • True
 15. State whether true or false.
 If you run out of characters in your AdWords ad, the display URL field can be used as another line of ad text.
 Answers: • False
 16. In an Adwords ad, how many characters is the display URL limited to?
 Answers: • 35
 17. Which of the following is not a part of the "Tools and Analysis" Feature of Google AdWords:
 Answers: • Google AdSense
 18. Google AdWords does not accept an Ad copy that includes:
 Answers: • excessive capitalization
 19. What happens when you turn on frequency capping for a campaign?
 Answers: • It limits the number of times your ads appear to the same unique user on the content network.
 20. At which of the following levels may a daily budget be set?
 Answers: • Campaign
 21. State whether true or false.
 If your Adwords ad attracts a higher CTR (Clickthrough rate), it will lead to an improved ad position.
 Answers: • True
 22. State whether true or false.
 Negative keywords cannot be applied to a whole Ad group?
 Answers: • False
 23. On which page of the Google search results would an Adwords Ad triggered by a keyword with an Average Position (Avg. Pos.) of 9-16 generally appear?
 Answers: • The second page
 24. While using Geo-Targeting to target your ad to specific people, which of the following parameters can be targeted?
 Answers: • The person's country
 25. Keyword matching options determine which Google searches can trigger your ads to appear. Which of the following searches could trigger an ad for the keyword "Online course" using Exact Match settings?
 Answers: • Online course
 26. Which of the following statements about Ad rotation in Google AdWords is correct?
 Answers: • Rotation may be based on the CTR (click through rate).
 27. What is the maximum duration for which a Change history report can be generated by using the Reporting and Tools feature?
 Answers: • Last 2 years
 28. The Google Ad placement feature allows you to choose locations on the Google content network where your ad can appear. Which of the following can be selected as an area for the ad to appear?
 Answers: • An individual ad unit on a single page
 29. State whether true or false.
 A CPM pricing model means advertisers pay for impressions received.
 Answers: • True
 30. Which of the following statements about Adwords Ad Scheduling are correct?
 Answers: • It allows you to control the time at which ads should appear.
 31. Which of the following statements about an Ad group is correct?
 Answers: • An ad group contains one or more ads
 32. With regard to AdWords, what is a Placement?
 Answers: • Any website or other ad position on the Google content network where you would like to see your ads appear
 33. Which statistic does Google report on to show you how well your campaign is performing in terms of successful conversions?
 Answers: • Cost/Conversion
 34. In the above ad, how can you make visitors reach
 Answers: • By changing the destination URL to
 35. If your keyword is "reading books" and you would like to ban the ad from people looking for downloadable books, how would your keyword be submitted to AdWords?
 Answers: • reading books -downloadable
 36. Keyword matching options determine which Google searches can trigger your ads to appear. Which of the following searches could trigger an ad for the keyword "online course" using Broad Match settings?
 Answers: • Cheap online course
 37. Which of the following statements about the Adwords Ad variations feature are correct?
 Answers: • Ad variations are a good way to see how different versions of an ad perform
 38. What does the "Conversions (many-per-click)" value represent?
 Answers: • Conversions (many-per-click) count a conversion every time a conversion is made within 30 days following an AdWords ad click.
 39. Which of the following will NOT happen if the view-through conversion window is set to 14 days in the Google AdWords account?
 Answers: • The view-through conversions that occur before 14 days will be discarded.

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