Sunday, November 13, 2016

Facebook Connect Test

1. Which of the following values can be specified for the background attribute of the XFBML tag of a Facebook Connect site?
 Answers: • light

 2. Which of the following Comments Box features can be modified on a Facebook Connect site?
 Answers: • The links to the logged in user and to the logout

 3. What is the data type of the apikey attribute of the <fb:live-stream>XFBML tag of a Facebook Connect site?
 Answers: • int

 4. The minimum width of a Fan Box in pixels should be _____________.
 Answers: • 200 pixels

 5. By default, a Facebook Connect for iPhone session will expire after __________ hours of inactivity.
 Answers: • two

 6. What is the default value of the numposts attribute of the <fb:comments>XFBML tag of Facebook?
 Answers: • 10

 7. To access the features of Facebook Connect in Javascript, you include the following script in your file:

 <script src="" type="text/javascript">

 This script should be referenced in the __________ of the file.
 Answers: • <head>

 8. What is the default value of the width of the Comments Box of a Facebook Connect site?
 Answers: • 550px

 9. Which of the following attributes is not/are not supported by the <fb:share-button>XFBML tag of a Facebook Connect site?
 Answers: • a and b

 10. What is the default value of the size attribute of the <fb:login-button>XFBML tag of a Facebook Connect site?
 Answers: • small

 11. Which of the following is a required attribute of the <fb:grouplink>XFBML tag of a Facebook Connect site?
 Answers: • name

 12. Content posted to a Live Stream Box is archived for future reference.
 Answers: • False

 13. Which of the following attributes of the <fb:profile-pic>XFBML tag is used only with Facebook Connect?
 Answers: • facebook-logo

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