Sunday, November 13, 2016

Facebook Development Test

1. In which situations will you recieve the $API_EC_TIMEOUT error?

 Answers: • When the current session key expires.

 2. Finished applications that have been submitted show up in...
 Answers: • Facebook Application Directory

 3. A developer has to be logged in to use the test console.
 Answers: • True

 4. A Facebook application can have an infinite session:
 Answers: • True

 5. For a balanced and centered profile box your content must be about how many pixels wide?
 Answers: • 180px

 6. To override your callback url you must pass the following parameter to the Facebook API:
 Answers: • override

 7. How does the Facebook API tie accepted IP addresses to your application?
 Answers: • When the api_key variable is passed to FBAPI the API can pull these IP's from your application profile.

 8. Applications can send notification messages to a Facebook user's inbox.
 Answers: • False

 9. How can an application publish a user action to the public news feed?
 Answers: • notifications.send

 10. FQL stands for...
 Answers: • Facebook Query Language

 11. API stands for...
 Answers: • Application Programming Interface

 12. Which of the following is not a FQL table?
 Answers: • email_address

 13. Email notifications are sent in plain text only; they do not support html.
 Answers: • True

 14. How do you change the format that Facebook methods will use to return data to your application?
 Answers: • Your application will pass a 'format' GET variable to the API indicating a supported format.

 15. Email notifications must always include the fb:name tag in the beginning email body.
 Answers: • False

 16. When creating a photo album, what is the default return value for cover_pid?
 Answers: • 0

 17. If your API key is invalid you will receive the following error number from the Facebook API:
 Answers: • 101

 18. A user must log into Facebook before using your application.
 Answers: • True

 19. Email notifications can be sent by passing the email param to which method?
 Answers: • notifications.send

 20. Error code 103 indicates that your signature is incorrect.
 Answers: • False

 21. The FQL syntax equivalent to the friends.get method is...
 Answers: • SELECT friends FROM user_friends WHERE userid1=loggedInUid

 22. Error code 103 indicates that....
 Answers: • The submitted call_id has not incremented since the last call_id was passed.

 23. At most an application can send how many notifications per day?
 Answers: • 40

 24. FBML stands for...
 Answers: • Facebook Markup Language

 25. Desktop applications must use which protocol when executing the auth.createToken
 Answers: • JSON

 26. Facebook API is only compatible with open source servers like Linux.
 Answers: • False

 27. What are Profile Action Links?
 Answers: • Links under the user's profile picture which link to more information about their use of your application.

 28. Facebook Applications can use cross-domain scripting by submitting which variable when authenticating the auth token?
 Answers: • callback

 29. Which of the following is not an event RSVP status?
 Answers: • declined

 30. On the application's About Page a user will always see all of the developer's personal Facebook account information.
 Answers: • True

 31. How can you find out which of the user's friends are also subscribed to your application?
 Answers: • fql.query("select user, uid from friends where app_id='".$appID."');

 32. The FB API requires only one key to be passed when connecting.
 Answers: • True

 33. The only way to get the Facebook ID of the user who is logged in is to use this method: users.getLoggedInUser
 Answers: • True

 34. Which Hex color code does Facebook use for the Header and Links?
 Answers: • #3b5998

 35. FQL supports certain string function calls that can evaluate a string before executing a query.
 Answers: • True

 36. Within a Facebook Application the 'canvas page' is...
 Answers: • A large news feed box on the user's profile page that the application runs in.

 37. The Facebook v1 API supports SOAP protocols.
 Answers: • True

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