Sunday, November 13, 2016

U.S. English Punctuation and Mechanics Test

1. Complete the following sentence by selecting the option that correctly uses double and/or single quotation marks.

 Amanda adamantly declared that ______________
 Answers: • she would never speak to Adam again.

 2. Select the option that correctly identifies where a comma is needed.

 Our neighbors(A) are both helpful(B) to us when we need them(C) and genuinely friendly.
 Answers: • No commas needed

 3. Select the option that correctly identifies where a comma is needed.

 The daisies were yellow(A) a color Daphne detested(B) and refused to accept.
 Answers: • Comma at (A)

 4. Indicate the end punctuation needed in the blank spaces in the following sentence.

 Alison wondered, "Will the lemur bite me___ ___
 Answers: • Question mark / quotation mark

 5. Complete the following sentence by selecting the option that makes correct use of the mechanics of writing.

 How many times has she attempted to recreate Van Gogh's painting ______________?
 Answers: • Both c (italics) and d (underlining) are acceptable.

 6. Select the option that correctly completes the following sentence.

 ___________________ new dog has already terrorized every cat in the neighborhood.
 Answers: • Hannah and Luke's

 7. Indicate the end punctuation needed in the blank space in the following sentence.

 He lived for years on the West Coast but now resides in Washington, D.C._____
 Answers: • No punctuation needed

 8. Complete the following sentence by selecting the option that correctly uses double and/or single quotation marks.

 Hamlet's angry observation ____________ shows his contempt for his mother's swift remarriage.
 Answers: • , "Frailty, thy name is woman!",

 9. Which of the following sentences reflects the correct use of the mechanics of writing?
 Answers: • We could not believe that our doctor, Millicent Howard, refused to see us before December.

 10. Select the option that correctly identifies where a comma is needed.

 I hope the crops take root and prosper this year(A) or else we'll be facing a hard winter(B) after the harvest.
 Answers: • Comma at (A)

 11. Indicate the punctuation needed in the blank space in the following sentence.

 Edwina found it very frustrating that Edward would only travel to English___speaking countries.
 Answers: • Hyphen

 12. Indicate the end punctuation needed in the blank space in the following sentence.

 The manager asked if he could take an extra day off for the holiday___
 Answers: • Period

 13. Indicate the punctuation needed in the blank spaces in the following sentence.

 "I don't know where the brakes are___"___ hollered my sister as she zoomed past me in the dune buggy___
 Answers: • Exclamation point / none / period

 14. Select the option that correctly completes the following sentence.

 She is definitely a woman ____________ perfectly capable of taking care of herself.
 Answers: • who's

 15. Select the option that correctly identifies where a comma is needed.

 Richard's wife(A) Abigail(B) is an incredibly talented cook(C) and gardener.
 Answers: • Comma at (A) and (B)

 16. Indicate the punctuation needed in the blank spaces in the following sentence.

 That bad___tempered trade show organizer just demanded that we be at the center before eight o'clock to set___up our booth.
 Answers: • Hyphen / none

 17. Indicate the punctuation needed in the blank space in the following sentence.

 The solemn ceremony turned out to be a comedy of errors___ to begin with, the photographer slipped on spilled champagne and fell into the cake.
 Answers: • Semi-colon

 18. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
 Answers: • His sister, a former medalist in the 400-meter relay, didn't even make it to the final cut.

 19. Complete the following sentence by selecting the option that correctly uses double and/or single quotation marks.

 Has Albert finished reading that article _____________
 Answers: • , "Ten Marketing Tips that Can't Go Wrong"?

 20. Select the option that correctly completes the following sentence.

 How does what ____________ studying fit in with ____________ career goals?
 Answers: • you're / your

 21. Select the option that correctly completes the following sentence.

 ____________ ideas are equally valuable, so be sure to speak up at the meeting.
 Answers: • Everyone's

 22. Indicate the punctuation needed in the blank space in the following sentence.

 There are several basic sentence structures writers can use to add variety to their writing___ among them are simple sentences, compound sentences, and complex sentences.
 Answers: • Semi-colon

 23. Indicate the punctuation needed in the blank space in the following sentence.

 This special history course will focus on four areas of visual, literary, and performing arts___ musical theater, sculpture, modern art, and poetry.
 Answers: • Colon

 24. Select the option that correctly identifies where a comma is needed.

 We sat down to a delicious lunch at the crowded(A) open-air(B) restaurant.
 Answers: • Comma at (A)

 25. Select the option that correctly completes the following sentence.

 Every time I teach Twain's novel _____________, I'm inspired to _______________ just like Huck himself!
 Answers: • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / "light out for the territory"

 26. Indicate the end punctuation needed in the blank space in the following sentence.

 This term paper is due tomorrow and I haven't even started yet___
 Answers: • Period OR exclamation point

 27. Indicate the punctuation needed in the blank spaces in the following sentence.

 No one had counted on Vladimir arriving so soon___ his sudden appearance threw a wrench into our plans___ and we had no idea how to extricate ourselves from the situation.
 Answers: • Semi-colon / comma

 28. Select the option that correctly identifies where a comma is needed.

 Our daughter has always been a bit rebellious(A) constantly thinking up ways to assert her independence(B) and stand out from the crowd.
 Answers: • Comma at (A)

 29. Indicate the punctuation needed in the blank space in the following sentence.

 For the camping trip, the Girl Scouts brought___ three tents, an electric stove, and plenty of insect repellent.
 Answers: • No punctuation needed

 30. Indicate the punctuation needed in the blank spaces in the following sentence.

 The well___known opera singer___whose ego was as big as her voice___refused to sing at any venue that wasn't well___known among the opera crowd.
 Answers: • Hyphen / dash / dash / none

 31. Complete the following sentence by selecting the option that correctly uses double and/or single quotation marks.

 Sylvia Plath's poem _____________ is one of my all-time favorites!
 Answers: • "Daddy"

 32. Indicate the punctuation needed in the blank spaces in the following sentence.

 Gerald and Gerard___two of the most annoying people we've ever met___insisted on dropping by every Sunday morning at ten.
 Answers: • Dash / dash

 33. Indicate the punctuation needed in the blank space in the following sentence.

 The dahlias and lilacs at the south end of the garden are in full bloom___ in contrast, those at the north end have barely begun to form buds.
 Answers: • Semi-colon

 34. Indicate the punctuation needed in the blank spaces in the following sentence.

 "Would you like another sandwich___"___ asked John as he wiped mustard off my chin.
 Answers: • Question mark / none

 35. Complete the following sentence by selecting the option that makes correct use of the mechanics of writing.

 How many years before Lincoln's ______________ was the ________________ signed?
 Answers: • Gettysburg Address / Declaration of Independence

 36. Select the option that correctly identifies where a comma is needed.

 Anyone(A) who has been inside that school lately(B) knows what terrible shape it's in(C) so I can understand why the parents are angry about the budget cuts.
 Answers: • Comma at (C)

 37. Select the option that correctly identifies where a comma is needed.

 One of Shakespeare's greatest comedies(A) Much Ado About Nothing(B) features the wonderful witty war between Beatrice and Benedick.
 Answers: • No commas needed

 38. Indicate the end punctuation needed in the blank spaces in the following sentence.

 The man at the gas station said, "Stay on the highway for another eighty miles___ ___
 Answers: • Period / quotation mark

 39. Which of the following sentences correctly uses double and/or single quotation marks?
 Answers: • "Why," asked my son, "does everyone say 'Bless you!' when I sneeze?"

 40. Which of the following sentences uses commas correctly?
 Answers: • During a thunderstorm small animals scurry for cover, and gusts of wind can take you by surprise.

 41. Which of the following sentences correctly uses parentheses and/or brackets?
 Answers: • The famous actress once stated, "The only way you'll ever get me back there [her native England] is if you drag me by the hair and threaten to draw and quarter me."

 42. Select the option that correctly identifies where a comma is needed.

 The book is the second(A) of a series(B) and has enjoyed immense success abroad.
 Answers: • No commas needed

 43. Complete the following sentence by selecting the option that makes correct use of the mechanics of writing.

 The ________________ gathered the White House staff and delivered the terrible news.
 Answers: • President

 44. Indicate the punctuation needed in the blank spaces in the following sentence.

 The so___called forensics expert offered biased testimony___testimony that may have cost the prosecution the trial.
 Answers: • Hyphen / dash

 45. Complete the following sentence by selecting the option that makes correct use of the mechanics of writing.

 Homer's epic poem _____________ is taught in most American high schools.
 Answers: • The Odyssey

 46. Select the option that correctly identifies where a comma is needed.

 The biography I'm reading now says(A) that Marie Antoinette was(B) "a marionette(C) whose strings were mainly pulled by her powerful mother."
 Answers: • No commas needed

 47. Indicate the end punctuation needed in the blank space in the following sentence.

 Have the Smiths decided to name their son Harold Smith, Jr._____
 Answers: • Question mark

 48. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
 Answers: • Oahu is a beautiful island; however, I prefer the wide beaches, lively crowds, and exciting nightlife of Australia.

 49. Select the option that correctly identifies where a comma is needed.

 The unexpected firing of several employees alerted the staff to the company's financial problems(A) and it led to an outbreak of panic(B) and fear.
 Answers: • Comma at (A)

 50. Which of the following sentences correctly uses parentheses and/or brackets?
 Answers: • Bertha announced that anyone who likes chocolate (and who doesn't like chocolate?) would be welcome to visit her candy shop for a free sample.

 51. Which of the following sentences uses commas correctly?
 Answers: • Most of the editors agreed that the new manuscript "was a vast improvement over the author's first attempt," even though some still thought that nothing could top the original.

 52. Indicate the punctuation needed in the blank space in the following sentence.

 Doctor Graham and his partners just published a paper entitled "Brand New You___Discovering Your True Talents Through Hypnotherapy."
 Answers: • Colon

 53. Which of the following sentences correctly uses parentheses and/or brackets?
 Answers: • Most of the participants in the 1992 study reported immediate improvements in their condition. (But in a recent poll [2007] of the original participants, only 45% reported continued satisfaction with the results of the treatment.)

 54. Which of the following sentences correctly uses parentheses and/or brackets?
 Answers: • Once people had seen Elvira's face (on billboards, in magazines, and on television), they didn't soon forget it.

 55. Indicate the punctuation needed in the blank space in the following sentence.

 Many students have failed that professor's exams___ the most common reason is that students can't stay awake through all those boring lectures.
 Answers: • Colon

 56. Which of the following sentences uses semi-colons and/or colons correctly?
 Answers: • None of us could tolerate Mary's boyfriend for long: he drank too much, he bragged about nothing, and he belched loudly and often.

 57. Complete the following sentence by selecting the option that correctly uses double and/or single quotation marks.

 _________________ announced our host at the racetrack.
 Answers: • "The third race has been postponed until five o'clock,"

 58. Select the option that correctly completes the following sentence.

 This pearl and emerald ring used to be my ____________.
 Answers: • mother-in-law's

 59. Select the option that correctly completes the following sentence.

 __________ not likely that the maple tree will lose all __________ leaves in August.
 Answers: • It's / its

 60. Select the option that correctly identifies where a comma is needed.

 The isolated(A) tropical island offered tourists clean(B) white(C) sandy beaches, a peaceful atmosphere, and water sports galore.
 Answers: • Comma at (B) and (C)

 61. Complete the following sentence by selecting the option that correctly uses double and/or single quotation marks.

 Whenever I started to whine that life was unfair, my father would say, ____________________
 Answers: • "Try to remember Einstein's words: 'You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.'"

 62. Select the option that correctly identifies where a comma is needed.

 Sheila used to be the CEO(A) of a major financial company(B) but now she spends most of her time raising money for various charities.
 Answers: • Comma at (B)

 63. Indicate the end punctuation needed in the blank space in the following sentence.

 Ask the boss when this presentation is due___
 Answers: • Period

 64. Select the option that correctly identifies where a comma is needed.

 The employee(A) who miscounted the change(B) refused to admit his mistake.
 Answers: • No commas needed

 65. Select the option that correctly completes the following sentence.

 Why is the ____________ locker room so much bigger than the ____________ locker room?
 Answers: • men's / women's

 66. Which of the following sentences correctly uses hyphens and/or dashes?
 Answers: • The famous sixteenth-century painter apparently suffered from low self-esteem, but experts who studied his work in the seventeenth century saw only confidence in his brushstrokes.

 67. Which of the following sentences uses commas correctly?
 Answers: • Since Margie and her sister Mable both have blonde hair, they are often mistaken for one another.

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