Monday, November 14, 2016

Variety Test - 2000

Microsoft Excel 2000 test answer part 1

01. What Function does the ‘Compare Side by Side With’ command on the window menu perform?
Ans: It allows you to scroll through two or more workbooks simultaneously
02. Which of the following functions would return a value of 8?
Ans: round(8.4999,0)
03. What will be the output of the function IF(ISNA(MODE(B1:B4)),0,MODE(B1:B4)) when it is applied to the data series given bellow?
Ans: 0
04. How can you select all the blank cells in your worksheet?
Ans: Choose blank in the Edit->Go to->special Menu option
The question is based upon the figure shown
05. The figure shows a view of the standard Toolbar. What function is performed by the button Marked by the letter Y?
Ans: Its adds up the values in the selected cells
06. You have entered test in a cell which is too big for the cell. You want the text to appear in multiple lines inside the same cell. What will you do?
Ans: Use the wrap txt option in the Format->Cells>Alignment Menu
07. Which of the following errors appears when an invalid argument is passed while converting a number from one number system to another system?
Ans: #N/A
08. Suppose the value in cell A1 is John and B1 is Smith then which of the following function you will use to get John_Smith in Cell C1?
Ans: = A1&”_”&B1
09. Which of the following date and time function will you use to return the serial number of the last day of the month before or after specified number of months?
10. Which of the following shortcuts can be used to insert a new line in the same cell?
Ans: Alt+Enter
11. Which of the following function you will use to find the highest number in a series of numbers?
Ans: MAX(B1:B3)
12. State Whether True or false.
Ans: True
13. This question is based upon the figure bellow
What does the purple triangle at the bottom right corner of the cell signify?
Ans: Smart Tag
14. You have created a worksheet which consists a confidential data. You want that these values, although present in the worksheet, should remain hidden and as a result the cells containing this data should appear blank in the worksheet. Which method will help you do this?
Ans: Select the cells, open the Window menu and click on Hide
15. This question is based upon the figure shown bellow
The figure shows an Excel worksheet. What does the read triangle in C2 signify?
Ans: There is a comment associated with the cell
16. You select the row headings 10, 11 and 12 and then choose the menu option Insert->Rows. What will happen?
Ans: 3 new rows will be inserted after row 9
17. The figure shows the calculation tab under the Tools->options menu. The option under Calculation has been checked as Automatic. What does this mean?
18. Which of the following statements regarding the QUARTILE function is not true?
Ans: The function MEDIAN(array) and QUARTILEarray,2) will return different values when applied to the same array.
19. You have entered 4/6 as data in a cell without applying any formats to it. By default, Excel will treat this data entry as a:
Ans: Date
20. This question is based upon the figure shown below
What will be the value in the cell C2 as shown in the figure when we use formula = A2+B2?
Ans: 120
21. What is the quickest way to select all the columns on a worksheet?
Ans: Click on the gray rectangle on the upper left corner of the worksheet where the column headings and row headings meet
22. What does the NOW() function returns?
Ans: Returns the serial number of the current date and time
23. A smart tag will be removed from a cell whenナナナナナナ.
Ans: The data in the cell is changed or deleted
24. You would like to restrict the values that can be entered into a cell so that only whole numbers between 1 and 100 can be entered. Which option in the menu allows you to accomplish this?
Ans: The setting tab under the menu Data->Validation
25. What should you add before a fraction to avoid it as a date, e.g.1/3, in Excel?
26. You start Microsoft Excel and you do not want it to automatically run a macro upon starting. What will you do?
Ans: Hold down the CTRL key during startup
27. How does the AutoComplete feature in Excel help you save time?
Ans: It automatically completes abbreviated words
28. The figure shows a view of the Standard Toolbar. What function is performed by the button marked by the letter Z?
Ans: It copies the formatting properties from one cell to another
29.The figure shows the AutoFit Selection menu option. What function does it perform?
Ans: : It automatically resizes the column height and width to the minimum necessary to fit the contents of the selected cell
30. The figure shows a view of the Standard Toolbar. What function is performed by the button marked by the letter A
Ans: It is used to add a hyperlink
31. Which of the following options would be used if you need to insert a 77889867810070809 number in a cell?
Ans: Apply the Text Format to empty cells, and then type the numbers
32. What is the quickest way to select all the columns on a worksheet?
Ans: Click on the gray rectangle on the upper left corner of the worksheet where the column headings and row headings meet
33. Suppose the value in cell A1 is John and B1 is Smith then which of the following function you will use to get the John_Smith in C1 cell?
Ans: A_B
34. How can you select all the blank cells in your worksheet?
Ans: This must be done manually as it is not automated through any built-in feature
35. The figure shows an Excel worksheet. If you want to F the row showing the months (row 1) and the column showing the products (column A), what should you do?
Ans: Select the cell A1 and click on Freeze Panes under the menu Window->Freeze Panes
36. Which of the following functions would return a value of 8?
Ans: b and c
37. You select the row headings 10, 11 and 12 and then choose the menu option Insert->Rows. What will happen?
Ans: 3 new rows will be inserted after row 9
38. The figure shows a view of the Drawing Toolbar. What function is performed by the button marked by the letter X ?
Ans: It inserts a Diagram or Organization Chart in the worksheet
39.When using Document Workspaces, you cannot work directly on the Document Workspace copy, but you can work on your own copy which you can update periodically with changes that have been saved to the copy on the Document Workspace site.
40. You have created a worksheet which consists of confidential data. You want that these values, although present in the worksheet, should remain hidden and as a result the cells containing this data should appear blank in the worksheet. Which method will help you do this?
Ans: Select the cells, open the Window menu and click on Hide
41. Which of the following Date and Time function you will use to return the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months?
42. The figure shows a view of the Standard Toolbar. What function is performed by the button marked by the letter Y?
Ans: It adds up the values in the selected cells
43.Which of the following errors appears when an invalid argument is passed while converting a number from one number system to another system?
Ans: #N/A
44. Which of the following function you will use to find the highest number in a series of numbers?
Ans: MAX(B1:B3)
45. You have entered 4/6 as data in a cell without applying any formats to it. By default, Excel will treat this data entry as a:
Ans: Date]
46. What will be the output of the function IF(ISNA(MODE(B1:B4)),0,MODE(B1:B4)) when it is applied to the data series given below?
Ans: #N/A
47. AutoFilter drop-downs are automatically added in the header row of a list when the list is created.
48. What does the NOW() function returns?
Ans: Returns the serial number of the current date and time
49. Which toolbar is shown in the figure?
Ans: Forms toolbar
50. When you clear the contents from a cell, the formatting of the cell is also lost.
51. You define a print area in your worksheet, but later you select a smaller range of cells to print and then click Selection under the menu File->Print->Selection. What will happen?
Ans: b
52. figure shows a view of the Standard Toolbar. What function is performed by the button marked by the letter ‘Z’?
Ans: It copies the formatting properties from one cell to another
53. The multiplication arithmetic operator is represented by which of the following symbols
Ans: *
54. You can select the current row by pressing
Ans: Shift + Spacebar
55. Donelp you do this?
Ans: Select the cells, open the Window menu and click on Hide
56. The figure shows a view of the Standard Toolbar. What function is performed by the button marked by the letter Y
Ans: It adds up the values in the selected cells
57. You define a print area in your worksheet, but later you select a smaller range of cells to print and then click Selection under the menu File->Print->Print What->Selection. What will happen?
Ans: The selected area will be printed
58. By default, how is text horizontally aligned inside a cell in Excel?
Ans: Left aligned
59. When using the AutoFill handle to quickly fill a range of cells with the same or consecutive data, the cells need not be adjacent as long as they are within the same sheet.
Ans: False
60. When the AutoSum button is clicked, Excel first looks for a range of numbers above the active cell.
Ans: True
61. A relative cell reference changes when a formula is copied or moved to other locations.
Ans: True
62. If cell entries are changed, the formula will automatically recalculate the values and insert the result in the cell containing the formula.
Ans: True
62. The Merge button on the Formatting toolbar will merge selected cells and right align data within the cells.
Ans: False
63. To move the insertion point down to the next cell, press:
Ans: Enter
64. The cell range A3 through G3 should be keyed in as:
Ans: A3:G3
65. A document created in Excel is referred to as a
Ans: workbook
67. Use this handle to automatically insert the next month in the series, January:
Ans: Fill
68. Which of these operators are in the correct order of operations?
Ans: ^,*,-
69. If the text you entered into a cell does not fit, Excel will display ##### to indicate that the text is too long
Ans: True
70. By default, data in a cell is centered
Ans: False
71. When a new row is added into an Excel worksheet, by default, this row will be inserted just below the active cell.
Ans: True
72. To insert a row, click Insert and then Rows
Ans: True
73. The Split option causes the worksheet to be split into two window panes.
Ans: False
74. A column is inserted immediately to the left of the column containing the active cell unless you choose otherwise
Ans: True
75. To delete a specific cell as well as the text within it, make the cell active and then
Ans: click Edit and then Delete
76. Which of the following is an absolute cell reference
Ans: $B3
77. To select nonadjacent cells, columns, or rows, you must
Ans: hold down the Ctrl key while clicking column, row header, or specific cells
78. When copying selected cells to a new location, you must position the mouse pointer on any border around the selected cells until it turns into a(n)
Ans: arrow pointer
79. When data is linked, a change made in a linked cell is automatically made to other cells in the link.
Ans: True
80. Selected cells and cell contents can be moved or copied within a worksheet but not between worksheets.
Ans: False
81. Time in a cell in Excel is stored as a decimal fraction representing a portion of the day
82. The PMT function is used to calculate a loan payment based on a variable interest rate, payment, and the time period.
Ans: False
83. The gridlines that appear on your worksheet will print as displayed.
Ans: False
84. The FV function is used to calculate the future value of an investment based on a periodic constant payment and interest rate
Ans: True
85. To apply page numbering to a worksheet page, which option in the Page Setup dialog box should you choose
Ans: Header/Footer
86. If a function is included in an argument within a function, it is called a
Ans: Nested Function
87. If you want row and column headings to print, which tab do you click from the Page Setup dialog box?
Ans: Header/Footer
88. A new workbook initially contains this many sheets
Ans: Three
89. An Excel workbook saved in HTML format allows Internet or intranet users to have access to workbook data even if they do not have Excel installed
Ans: True
90. Once the chart is created, data can only be changed in a chart located in the same worksheet as the changed cells
Ans: False
91. Certain chart elements automatically inserted in a chart created by Chart Wizard include a chart legend, labels for the x-axis and y-axis, and a chart title
Ans: False
92. You can double-click a chart element to display the appropriate formatting dialog box.
Ans: True
93. You can change the size of an image by using the white sizing handles.
Ans: True
94. To make the image taller or shorter, use the middle sizing handle at the left or right side of the image.
Ans: False
95. Which of the following is not a tab on the Chart Options dialog box?
Ans: Patterns
96. This chart is the default chart
Ans: Column Chart
97.Which of the following displays the contents of the active cell?
Ans: Formula bar
98. A worksheet is an individual page or tab in the workbook.
Ans: True
99. You can copy cell formats from one cell to another by using the
Ans: Format Painter

Internet Marketing Test odesk test answer

Why would a firm employ guerilla web marketing?
a. It is guaranteed to work
b. It allows greater flexibility
c. It gives the firm more control over its marketing budget.
d. It is unconventional and can often leave a lasting impression on potential customers
Answer: It gives the firm more control over its marketing budget.
Why is affiliate marketing a favorable from of marketing?
a. It is inexpensive.
b. Nothing is paid unless there is a sale resulting from the affiliate’s efforts.
c. It guarantees increased sales
d. It is complex so not many people utilize it
Answer: It guarantees increased sales
What is meant by “niche marketing”?
a. Targeting a broad based group of people
b. Targeting a very specific demographic
c. Advertising on the television
d. Advertising only online
Answer: Targeting a broad based group of people
How can a podcast be used to drive customers to a website?
a. By only hosting the podcast on the website
b. By giving information on the podcast which gives the listener the desire to learn more, and directing them to the website for information
c. By making the podcast a premium one which costs money
d. By telling the listeners that they need your product
Answer: By telling the listeners that they need your product.
What is “cost per customer acquisition”?
a. The amount a company pays a customer to try their product
b. The average cost of marketing spent per new customer
c. The cost of marketing staff
d. The cost to beat competitors
Answer: The amount a company pays a customer to try their product
How can supplemental materials be delivered to the podcast listener?
a. Embedded into the audio file
b. Files can be made available for download along with the link to the podcast
c. The listener has to go to a special site only during the podcast
d. The listener must pay for any additional materials
Answer: The listener has to go to a special site only during the podcast
What is a “value proposition”?
a. The pricing of the product
b. The same as a business plan
c. A statement as to how the company will make more money
d. A statement as to how the company adds value for customers
Answer: The pricing of the product
How important is content on a site when optimizing it?
a. Not important at all does not factor in
b. Mildly important to keep customers happy
c. It is the only thing which creates a higher ranking in search engines
d. Very important new content especially
Answer: It is the only thing which creates a higher ranking in search engines
Which of the following would not be effective in headline writing?
a. Using words that draw attention
b. Using words that people may search for
c. Using small words which take up space and do not add value
d. Using words such as “new, exciting, special offer”
Answer: Using small words which take up space and do not add value
What should a company do once it achieves its search engine ranking goals?
a. Stop promoting site
b. Constantly monitor and improve their site in order to maintain their ranking
c. Revise the site once in awhile
d. Sell advertising on their site
Answer: Sell advertising on their site
Why would a company possibly want to spend more on PPC early on?
a. It costs less early on
b. To drive traffic to their site and increase awareness
c. To let the competition know they are serious
d. To sell more products
Answer: To drive traffic to their site and increase awareness
What is meant by “white hat”?
a. When markets show up for work wearing white hats
b. Dishonest techniques for gaining higher ranking
c. Ethical and honest methods of increasing page ranking
d. Soft ware use to increase ranking
Answer: When markets show up for work wearing white hats
Why are purchased email lists typically ineffective?
a. They are too expensive
b. They distribute an email to far more people than the company has in its contacts
c. They make up fake emails to sell
d. They are not targeted at customers specific to your company and have high bounce rates
Answer: They make up fake emails to sell
Why has web marketing become a popular form of marketing?
a. It is much cheaper than other forms and often more effective
b. Television advertising is being offered less
c. It is easier than traditional marketing
d. It has been heavily advertised
Answer: It has been heavily advertised
What is one unfavorable trait sometimes seen in affiliate marketing?
a. The cost is low
b. It brings additional traffic to a site
c. Affiliate will use unethical techniques to drive customers in hopes of earning a commission
d. It is only paid for based on successful selling
Answer: It brings additional traffic to a site
Why would a company hire internet marketing specialists if marketing is relatively easy to do online?
a. It reduces taxable profits
b. To get a second opinion
c. Creates goodwill
d. Hired experts can drive the best results of campaigns and help guide the company in its marketing
Answer: Hired expert can drive the best results of campaigns and help guide the company in its marketing
Which 3 industries are the largest users of affiliate marketing?
a. Prescription drugs, electronics, child products
b. Gambling, adult, retail
c. Retail outlets, bakeries, beverage
d. Computer equipment, auto manufacturers , construction
Answer: Computer equipment, auto manufacturers, construction
What is A/B testing?
a. Testing 2 products to see which is safer
b. Using 2 versions of an ad measuring results to see which one is more effective
c. Testing 2 products to see which one sells more
d. Using 2 versions of an ad to see which one has less bounce rate
Answer: Using 2 versions of an ad measuring results to see which one is more effective
What are the four P’s of marketing?
a. Placement, production, procurement, procedures
b. Product, price, place, promotion
c. Position, price, production, premature
d. Product, promotion, procedures, procurement
Answer: Product, promotion, procedures, procurement
What is a secondary reason to actively maintain a company blog, besides giving potential customers something to read?
a. It keeps the marketing staff busy in down times
b. It impresses clients
c. A well maintained blog will help increase page rank with search engines
d. It makes the company seem larger than it is
Answer: It impresses clients
What is the purpose of a traditional press release?
a. Is acts as a direct marketing sales tool
b. It can be mailed out to potential clients
c. It announces company information to a widely dispersed group of people
d. It target markets to internet users
Answer: It target markets to internet users
What is the purpose of sending a monthly newsletter?
a. It creates work for employees at the company
b. It builds branding creates awareness and connection with potential clients
c. It gives people a chance to opt out of ever talking to your company again
d. Required by law
Answer: It gives people a chance to opt out of ever talking to your company agin
What is meant by “guerilla marketing”?
a. Using resources such as time, energy and imagination rather than money to market
b. Using advertising spots which utilize gorillas to capture the audience
c. Having a large scale marketing budget
d. Using television ads instead of web ads
Answer: Using resources such as time, energy and imagination rather than money to market
What is an auto-responder?
a. A person who replaces to all emails for the company
b. An automatic email message sent to someone who takes an action such as submitting a form on a company website
c. A method of direction communication with clients
d. An email relay system
Answer: A method of direction communication with clients
Why is it important to fine tune the timing of the ad and keywords used?
a. It costs less in later hours
b. To be sure to spend more money on marketing
c. Required by law
d. To carefully target the customer base desired, not wasting impressions and clicks
Answer: To carefully target the customer base desired, not wasting impressions and clicks
What is the “active voice” style of writing ads?
a. Using “you” and not “I” or “we”- directing wording towards the customer
b. Writing in the first person
c. Writing in the third person
d. Speaking omnisciently
Answer: Writing in the third person
What is a double opt in process?
a. Someone must email the firm twice to get on a list
b. Someone must ask to be on your email list, and then verify by clicking a link they want to be on it
c. Someone must email the firm twice to get off an email list
d. Someone has to send an email confirming an online purchase
Answer: someone must ask to be on your email list, and then verify by clicking a link they want to be on it
How do listeners decide what is a worthwhile podcast to continually listen to?
a. High quality audio and high quality content
b. If it’s funny
c. Broad based podcasts with no general direction
d. Having several hosts and a myriad of topics
Answer: Having several hosts and a myriad of topics
Why is the subject line of any email campaign important?
a. It gives the person an opportunity to delete the email before reading it
b. It is all the receiver sees besides the email address until they open the email
c. It let the receiver know they are about to be sold something
Answer: It is all the receiver sees besides the email address until open the email
How is the “open rate” important?
a. It tells the company how many people clicked on the links in the email
b. It lets the company know how many people bought a product
c. It is the number of people who received the mail
d. It is the number of people who actually opened the email sent to them, giving the company insight in to how effective the email marketing campaign was
Answer: it lets the company know how many people bought a product
Why are affiliates not the same as having a sales force?
a. The affiliates are virtual
b. The affiliates can be based anywhere in the world
c. The affiliate only drives traffic, they do not necessarily convert them to sales
d. The affiliates have limited availability
Answer: The affiliates have limited availability
How is the pricing model of a click determined?
a. Standardized rate for the ad
b. Google sets the price worldwide
c. Ads always cost more in later months
d. The more popular a search term the more a customer will have to pay to use that term in his/her target keywords list
Answer: Google sets the price worldwide
What is the formula for calculating cost per customer acquisition?
a. Marketing spent on television divided by the number of new customers
b. Sales divided by customers
c. Total marketing budget divided by all customers ever
d. Total marketing budget for a specific period divided by the number of new customers for that same period
Answer: Total marketing budget for a specific period divided by the number of new customers for that same period
How much a company pay for the given example: Ad displays 20 times, 2 users click the ad, cost per click is 5 cents.
a. 90 cents
b. 10 cents
c. 20 cents
d. 1 cents
Answer: 10 cents
What is “cost per action”?
a. Same as pay per click
b. A payment agreement where a specific action creates a payable event for the affiliate such as a click a purchase a number of page views
c. A payment agreement where costs change depending on volume
d. The product cost
Answer: Same as pay per click
What is an “impression”?
a. When a person buys a product from a site
b. When your ad is displayed on a page online, not necessarily clicked on
c. When an ad is clicked on when an ad on
d. When an ad makes an impression on a client
Answer: When your ad is displayed on a page online, not necessarily clicked on
Which of the following is valuable in increasing a page rank?
a. Paying for placement
b. Static content
c. Quantity of links from other highly ranked pages to your site
d. No contact information
Answer: Quantity of links from other highly ranked pages to your site
What is meant by “web 2.0”?
a. The resurgence of internet companies with more interactive focus, such as blogging and social networking
b. Any website which has survived the dot com bust
c. Sites made using new technology
d. Internet companies who focus on retail sales
Answer: Internet companies who focus on retail sales
What is affiliate marketing?
a. Same as guerilla marketing
b. Selling ad space on your site
c. When a 3rd party helps market your business, and in turn your pay them a commission based on sales as a result of their efforts
d. Pay per click marketing
Answer: When a 3rd party helps market your business, and in turn your pay them a commission based on sales as a result of their efforts
Which of the following are podcasts least likely to target?
a. Sales
b. Branding
c. Customer loyalty
d. Customer delivery
Answer: Sales


Question: 01
What is the character entity representation of the ‘less than’ sign (its entity name is ‘<’) ?
a. 60;#
b. < *
c. &60#;
d. #60&;
Question: 02
You want to create a link for your website allowing users to email the webmaster. How will you implement this if the webmaster’s email is “”?
a. webmaster *
b. webmaster
c. webmaster
d. webmaster
e. webmaster
Question: 03
You have to add a list of products in a drop-down list. What will you use to group the identical products under a category name?
a. Optgroup *
b. option
c. menu
d. var
Question: 04
How will you specify a comment in an XHTML document?
c. *
Question: 05
Which of the following is true for the “” tag?
a. It doesn’t need a closing tag
b. The language attribute cannot be specified with it
c. The name and type attributes are optional
d. The class, id and title can be specified for it *
Question: 06
How will you specify the language attribute in XHTML?
Listing A
Listing A
Listing A
Listing A
Question: 07
Which of the following is incorrect with regard to the tag?
a. The “name” should be specified
b. The “disabled” attribute disables the drop-down list
c. The “multiple” attribute allows the user to choose multiple options
d. The text specified in the “value” is displayed in the drop-down list *
e. None of the above
Question: 08
Which of the following lines will be allowed by an XHTML parser?
This is the starting of a new paragraph
This is the starting of a new paragraph

c. Here is a break statement

d. New Horizontal line

Question: 09
You are developing a website. In one of the subscription forms, you need to get the subscription start date from the user. The HTML code is as follows:
Which of the following will you use if you want to put these 3 text fields together in a box?
c. *
Question: 10
Which of the following is incorrect about the relation between HTML and XHTML?
a. XHTML is a stricter and cleaner version of HTML *
b. XHTML is almost identical to HTML 4.01
c. XHTML and HTML both are used to generate dynamic content
d. XHTML brings together the elements of HTML and the syntax of XML
Question: 11
Which of the following is correct for an image?
a. An image must be resized in an editor to fit in the specified space on a webpage
b. If you have a big image but specify smaller height and width attributes in the tag, only the top left portion of the image will be displayed in the browser
c. Both a and b are correct
d. The height and width attributes allow resizing the image on the webpage *
Question: 12
A defines the document type of any XHTML document. It can be of three types:
a. Strict, Transitional, and Frameset *
b. Strict, Transitional and Loose
c. Fixed, Intermediate and Loose
d. Fixed, Intermediate, Frameset
Question: 13
Which of the following statements is correct with regard to DTDs?
a. A strict DTD allows the user to use cascading style sheets
b. A transitional DTD displays content in those browsers which don’t support CSS
c. A frameset DTD is used to partition the browser window
d. All of the above *
Question: 14
Which of these tags will create a single space character?
a. b. c.   *
Question: 15
Which of the following statements is correct for the
a. The text under blockquote must be enclosed in a block level element in a strict DTD document *
b. The attribute named “cite” must be specified
c. Closing the tag is optional
d. It doesn’t place an empty line after the text
Question: 16
A developer wrote this image tag:
What code should follow this?
Question: 17
Which attributes of the
tag is deprecated in HTML 4.01 and not supported in strict DTD XHTML?
a. Align *
b. bgcolor
c. cellspacing
Question: 18
Which of the following represents the basic tag structure of an XHTML document?
c. *
Question: 19
Please choose the most appropriate option, One of the differences between XHTML and HTML 4.01 is that the “name” attribute has been replaced by the “id” attribute in:
a. img and applet tags
b. img and map tags
c. map and frame tags
d. img, map, frame and applet tags *
e. frame, applet, style and map tags
Question: 20
You have defined the following image in an XHTML document:
a. The code will only work properly in a browser that supports XHTML
b. The code will work properly in a browser that supports both HTML 4.x and XHTML *
c. The code will only work properly in a browser that supports HTML 4.x
d. The code is incorrect, it will not work in any browser
Question: 21
What do you understand by cellspacing?
a. It makes the cell span more than one column
b. It specifies the space between the cell wall and the contents of the cell *
c. It specifies the space between two cells
d. It makes the cell span more than one row
Question: 22
Which of the following statements is true about the table header, body and footer tags?
a. The table header, body and footer tags are , and respectively
b. The table header, body and footer tags are , and respectively
c. It is recommended to first specify the table header followed by the footer and then the body tag
d. None of the above *
Question: 23
Which attribute specifies the submit URL in a form?
a. method
b. Action *
c. name
d. id
Question: 24
Which of the following is not correct for a tag?
a. It is more useful if it is placed in a head element
b. It can be used to specify the keywords for the search engines
c. It can be used to redirect users to other URLs
d. It is mandatory to specify the name or scheme attributes *
Question: 25
What do you understand by the following line of code?
a. xmlns specifies the URL to qualify the names used in the XHTML document *
b. xmlns means html-xml number sequence
c. Elimination of xmlns tag will result in the document not being validated by a validator
d. The page will not be displayed properly if the URL is changed to “”
Question: 26
The following registration form was coded by a programmer in XHTML:
2. Name:
4. Registration Date:
6. Account Type:
8. Primary
9. Secondary
Which of the following options is true with regard to this XHTML document?
a. The syntax of the input tag at line 3 is incorrect
b. The readonly attribute in line 5 is not correctly coded *
c. The syntax of the select tag is not correct
d. Maxlength cannot be specified with text boxes
Question: 27
Take a look at the following code:

Defining HTML
What will happen when you run this code in the browser?
a. With a .html extension, the page will be displayed with errors
b. With a .html extension, the page will not be displayed at all
c. With a .xhtml extension, the page will be displayed with errors *
d. With a .xhtml extension, the page will not be displayed at all
Question: 28
On one of your web pages named “Listing.xhtml” you specified a target like this:
How will you make a link to the above target?
Question: 29
You placed four radio buttons on a web form. You want the users to specify whether they are male or female and whether they are married or single. The code is as follows:
What is wrong with the above code?
a. It will allow the user to choose only the male and the married options
b. It will allow the user to choose only the female and single options
c. It will allow the user to choose only one option out of the four *
d. It will allow the user to choose all the four options at the same time
Question: 30
You specified a base tag and anchors as follows:
2. Yahoo
3. Google
Which of the following is true for the above code?
a. Only the Yahoo link will open in a new window *
b. Only the Google link will open in a new window
c. Both links will open in a new window
d. Both links will open in the same window
Question: 31
Which of the following is correct regarding the frame attribute of the table tag?
a. It is used to add a frame to the table *
b. A “hsides” frame attribute will show the border lines for horizontal sides of the table only
c. A “hsides” frame attribute will not show the border lines for horizontal sides of the table only
d. A “hsides” frame attribute will add a scrollable frame on the horizontal sides of the table
Question: 32
Which of the following is correct about the tag?
a. It is not considered to be mandatory as per the XHTML specification
b. It must have a closing tag
c. It should come just after the tag
d. Its declaration is not a part of the XHTML document itself
e. None of the above*
Question: 33
What do you understand by cellpadding?
a. It makes the cell span more than one column
b. It specifies the space between the cell wall and the contents of the cell *
c. It specifies the space between two cells
d. It makes the cell span more than one row
Question: 34
Your website has moved to some other address. How will you automatically redirect a user to that address within 3 seconds of landing on the old address?
a. *
Question: 35
You want to provide a form field to the users for writing lengthy comments on the quality of the services provided by you. Which of the following tags will you use?
a. Your comments ….*
b. Your comments ….
c. Your comments ….
Question: 36
Your browser supports bidirectional text. Which tag will you use if you need to display text from right to left?
a. Text should go in opposite direction
Text should go in opposite direction
c. Text should go in opposite direction*
d. Text should go in opposite direction
Question: 37
While writing a strict DTD XHTML document, you want to create a table having 2 columns, both left aligned. What technique will you choose to do this?

. . .
. . .
Plan AMonthly payment of $60
. . .
. . .
Plan AMonthly payment of $60
. . .
. . .
Plan AMonthly payment of $60
. . .
. . .
Plan AMonthly payment of $60
Question: 38
Within a table cell “ ”:
tags can’t be used
    tags can’t be used
    tags can’t be used
    d. tags can’t be used
    e. All the above tags can be used*
    Question: 39
    While designing the links page of your website, you want the link to open in a new window. How will you implement this with XHTML using Transitional doc type?
    a. Mailer
    b. Mailer
    c. Mailer
    d. Mailer*
    Question: 40
    How will you import a style sheet named “basic.css” in your web page?
    b. *

    Slideshow Product Test part 2

    Slideshow Product Test
    Top 10 Percent All-time 1st Place
    Score: 5.0
    By editing the translation, slideshow will automatically update the LQE tool.
    a. True
    b. False
    Answer: b
    Every project has a unique slideshow URL.
    a. True
    b. False
    Answer: a
    How do you review strings that have no screenshots in the slideshow?
    a. You can’t, they don’t appear anywhere in slideshow
    b. Click on the show message button
    c. Navigate to the last slide of the slideshow
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above
    Answer: b
    Which browser is the most optional to run slideshow on?
    a. Internet Explorer
    b. Firefox
    c. Safari
    d. Chrome
    e. None of the above
    Answer: b
    What are the prerequisites required to being able to view a slideshow?
    a. GCRT extension installed
    b. Access to the external tc
    c. A link to the slideshow
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above
    Answer: d
    What is the correct order for leaving comments?
    a. Reason for change, LQE code
    b. LQE code, reason for change
    c. Either order would work
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above
    Answer: b
    Which of the following is not true of approving/reviewing suggestions?
    a. You can select multiple suggestions at a time to approve or reject
    b. You can’t approve two of the same suggestions at the same time
    c. A blank page of suggestions means you have hit an error
    d. They all are not true
    e. None of the above
    Answer: c
    If you’re unable to edit a translation after you’ve been able to highlight it, it’s likely that:
    a. You didn’t hit the escape key to lock the translation
    b. You don’t have GCRT installed
    c. The system feels the translation should not be edited
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above
    Answer: a
    How do you get to the language you want to review?
    a. The system automatically redirects to your language
    b. Click on the link with your language
    c. Select from the drop-down box
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above
    Answer: c
    What basic information is provided in each slideshow?
    a. Number of message to be reviewed
    b. Number of screenshots to be reviewed
    c. Number of message approved and rejected
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above
    Answer: a,b
    What do you need to add the comments of slideshow when changes to translations?
    a. LQE code
    b. Your user email
    c. Whether it is a major/minor error
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above
    Answer: a
    Editing the strings automatically updates it to the TC (translation console).
    a. True
    b. False
    Answer: b

    Slideshow Product Test

    Slideshow Product Test
    Top 10 Percent All-time 1st Place
    Score: 5.0
    By editing the translation, slideshow will automatically update the LQE tool.
    a. True
    b. False
    Answer: b
    Every project has a unique slideshow URL.
    a. True
    b. False
    Answer: a
    How do you review strings that have no screenshots in the slideshow?
    a. You can’t, they don’t appear anywhere in slideshow
    b. Click on the show message button
    c. Navigate to the last slide of the slideshow
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above
    Answer: b
    Which browser is the most optional to run slideshow on?
    a. Internet Explorer
    b. Firefox
    c. Safari
    d. Chrome
    e. None of the above
    Answer: b
    What are the prerequisites required to being able to view a slideshow?
    a. GCRT extension installed
    b. Access to the external tc
    c. A link to the slideshow
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above
    Answer: d
    What is the correct order for leaving comments?
    a. Reason for change, LQE code
    b. LQE code, reason for change
    c. Either order would work
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above
    Answer: b
    Which of the following is not true of approving/reviewing suggestions?
    a. You can select multiple suggestions at a time to approve or reject
    b. You can’t approve two of the same suggestions at the same time
    c. A blank page of suggestions means you have hit an error
    d. They all are not true
    e. None of the above
    Answer: c
    If you’re unable to edit a translation after you’ve been able to highlight it, it’s likely that:
    a. You didn’t hit the escape key to lock the translation
    b. You don’t have GCRT installed
    c. The system feels the translation should not be edited
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above
    Answer: a
    How do you get to the language you want to review?
    a. The system automatically redirects to your language
    b. Click on the link with your language
    c. Select from the drop-down box
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above
    Answer: c
    What basic information is provided in each slideshow?
    a. Number of message to be reviewed
    b. Number of screenshots to be reviewed
    c. Number of message approved and rejected
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above
    Answer: a,b
    What do you need to add the comments of slideshow when changes to translations?
    a. LQE code
    b. Your user email
    c. Whether it is a major/minor error
    d. All of the above
    e. None of the above
    Answer: a
    Editing the strings automatically updates it to the TC (translation console).
    a. True
    b. False
    Answer: b

    Joomla 1.5 Test

    1) The index.php file is a combination of HTML and PHP code.
    Answer: True
    2) What is the default super administrator account for Joomla called?
    Answer: Administrator
    3) Which of the following PHP directives are important to Joomla execution to define an alternate compression library if the standard library is not available?
    Answer: extension_dir
    4) Which of the following files is archive and contains the actual CB component that you must install into Joomla while downloading CB?
    Answer: com_comprofiler
    5) Which option will you choose to set the site metadata for the installed website?
    Answer: Global Configuration
    6) What will happen if we set the SSL enabled option to On?
    Answer: This option will make the link from the menu begin with an https://
    7) The core editor events apply to plug-ins that provide editor functionality such as TinyMCE or XStandard Lite.
    Answer: True
    8) Which PHP file does the index.php file load to provide the menu bar to the administrator interface?
    Answer: Toolbar.php
    9) Which of the given database systems is supported by Joomla?
    Answer: Mysql
    10) Which of the following is the default editor of Joomla?
    Answer: TinyMCE
    11) Joomla provides an abstracted method called getEscaped() that returns the escaped string regardless of the target database.
    Answer: False
    12) From which package are the classes (i.e JSite, JAdministrator and JInstallation) which make up the Joomla CMS application extended?
    Answer: Installer
    13) What is not true about JoomlaXplorer?
    Answer: None of the above
    14) Which of the following is a system event?
    Answer: OnDisplay
    15) Which Joomla file provides the central logic of the template, including any module and component display?
    Answer: Index.php
    16) When will you use SMTP authentication mail settings?
    Answer: When you want to use an internal mail server
    17) What do you understand by the type of error?
    Answer: It means that STRICT_ALL_TABLES is enabled
    18) Which path variable holds the path of the currently executing application?
    Answer: All of the above
    19) Which user events occur with plug-ins that are installed for the front end of the system?
    Answer: Both a and b
    20) Which type of positioning elements define a concrete area such as a p, td, div or table in a CSS file?
    Answer: Block elements
    21) Which of the following files does the “/includes” directory not contain?
    Answer: None of the above
    22) Which option will you select to install or to add the module to your website?
    Answer: C
    23) Why does Joomla use templateDetails.xml files?
    Answer: All of the above
    24) Which of the following events is activated after content rendering is complete for content type plug-ins?
    Answer: OnAfterDisplayContent
    25) All the Joomla settings are contained within a PHP class called JConfig.
    Answer: True
    26) In which PHP file is the central configuration data for Joomla contained?
    Answer: configuration.php
    27) What is not true about the MD5 hash value?
    Answer: Each password in Joomla is stored as a MD5 hash value
    27) There are two root classes for the Joomla framework: JFactory and JVersion.
    Answer: True
    28) Which option will you select to find unpublished articles?
    Answer: Article manager
    29) What do you understand from the following code?
    Answer: SQL statement is executed against the Joomla database to find empty data fields
    30) Which SEO settings will you activate to make Joomla article URL shown in picture A appear as shown in picture B?
    Answer: B
    31) In which option are errors, warnings and references logged?
    Answer: None of the above
    32) Which type of files can media manager not upload?
    Answer: None of the above
    33) Which among the following switches display the current version of PHP?
    Answer: v
    34) The Joomap extension uses the style-sheets from the currently selected default template to display the sitemap in the site style.
    Answer: True
    35) Which type of server technology is used by Joomla?
    Answer: All of the above
    36) Which of the following is not true about the FrontPage Manager?
    Answer: c. You cannot select your content for the FrontPage from all the contents
    37) What happens if the Text Separator Field is left empty while using the breadcrumbs module in the module manager?
    Answer: None of the above
    38) Which of the following support libraries must you include when you are doing a manual compile of PHP to use with Joomla?
    Answer: All of the above
    39) What is the role of the template metadata file in the system?
    Answer: It contains the basic authorship information

    odesk test Microsoft word 2010

    Microsoft Excel 2010 Test Answer::
    01. Question: Question:If you want to create a citation and fill in the source information later, you should:
    Answer: a. insert a caption.
    02. Question: To select vertical blocks of text, you would hold down which key while dragging the mouse?
    Answer: b. Ctrl
    03. Question:If I do not want the contents of one of my fields to automatically update, I would have to do which of the following?
    Answer: c. Make the field hidden.
    04. Question: Sarah receives a company turnover summary in the form of an embedded Excel chart (as shown in the above image) in a Microsoft Word 2010 document from her boss. Her boss wants the chart to be sent over to the Public Relations department with a line in the chart showing the variations in the company’s turnover, as well as a prediction for the next 2 years. The turnover values for each year also need to be sent separately in an Excel file. What should Linda do to achieve this in the shortest possible time?
    Answer: c. Change chart type to a line chart and type all the values into an Excel file.
    05. Question: You want to add an image as the first character in your paragraph. Which type of text wrapping treats your graphic as if it were a character?
    Answer: b. Square
    06. Question: Roger was editing a Word document, when his mobile phone rang. By mistake, some button got clicked on the Word 2010 Ribbon area, so that the document’s appearance changed from Image A to Image B. Which of the following options could be the cause?
    Answer: b. Tables with maximum number of rows and columns was added to the document.
    07. Question: A particular chart layout can be applied to a chart only if:
    Answer: c. it is a 2D chart.
    08. Question: Choose the INCORRECT statement:
    Answer: a. Only high-risk documents from an uncertain location are opened in Read-Only view.
    09. Question: With which chart type(s) is the “Depth Gridlines” option available?
    Answer: b. Line chart
    10. Question: Which of the following is NOT an option under File > Print > Microsoft Document Image Writer?
    Answer: c. MDI
    11. Question: I want to use the AutoCaption feature for several elements in my document. What type of file format is NOT available in the AutoCaption dialog box?
    Answer: c. XLS
    12. Question: What view must be used when inserting a subdocument?
    Answer: b. Web Layout
    13. Question: Josh is creating a collage for his college project. He has an image – Image A – which he wants to show in different color themes so as to represent different moods in the collage (Images B, C and D). How can Josh achieve this in Microsoft Word 2010?
    Answer: c. By using the Recolor option under Format Picture.
    14. Question: Which of the following in NOT a type of Section Break?
    Answer: d. Continuous
    15. Question: Samantha is given an article to proofread. The article runs into hundreds of pages. She is asked to use hyphens to allow words in the article to break between two lines. There is an option in Microsoft Word 2010 which can be used to achieve this result with a single click. Please identify it.
    Answer: c. Orientation
    16. Question: Which of the following options allows you to arrange drawings in your document so they may be moved, kept together, aligned, or formatted more easily?
    Answer: b. Insert Flowchart
    17. Question: When you apply a theme to a Microsoft Word 2010 document, all the tables, charts, SmartArt graphics, shapes, and other objects are updated to complement one another.
    Answer: b. False
    18. Question: My table heading row is not repeating on subsequent pages though I have properly set the header row to repeat. What is one problem that might be causing this behavior?
    Answer: a. “Allow row to break across pages” is unchecked.
    19. Question: Microsoft Word 2010 has enabled ligatures for which of the following fonts?
    Answer: a. Open Type fonts

    Microsoft word test answer

    1. Question: Which among the following methods would you select when you want to add protection to parts of a template?
    Answer: Go to the Developer tab, click on Properties in the Controls group and then click any of the Locking options in the Content Control Properties dialog box.
    2. Question: Which of the following is/are true about phishing?
    Answer: All if the above
    3. Question: This question is based upon the figure shown below
    In some cases, when lists are combined into one “List,” the formatting is not updated. Refer to the picture given above. Which among the following options should be used to update this formatting?
    Answer: D
    4. Question: Which among the following charts do not have axes?
    Answer: Doughnut charts
    5. Question: Microsoft named two styles that work in Word 2007 as both character and paragraph types as being ______ styles:
    Answer: Linked
    6. Question: This question is based upon the figure shown below
    Answer: It ensures that the text is not obscured by binding.
    7. Question: With the help of which view will the Watermark not be seen?
    Answer: Web Layout view
    8. Question: This question is based upon the figure shown below
    How will the Message Bar alerts be enabled as shown in the given picture?
    Answer: Select Word Options from the Microsoft Office Button. Click on Trust Center, then click Trust Center Settings, and then click Message Bar.
    9. Question: Which among the following is not a Bookmark option to sort the list of bookmarks in the document?
    Answer: Author
    10. Question: This question is based upon the figure shown below
    Why is the “Different First Page” option used in the Page Setup dialog box as shown in the given picture?
    Answer: This option allows you to remove the Page Number from the first page.
    11. Question: State whether true or false:
    Once a bullet is removed from the “Bullet Library” and it is no longer available in the “Document Bullets” area, the bullet cannot be added back to the Bullet Library.
    Answer: False
    12. Question: This question is based upon the figure shown below
    Which of the following types of charts are not supported by either Lines or Bars, as shown in the picture?
    Answer: Area charts
    13. Question: Which among the following features could be used to create a connection to a Shared Network folder?
    Answer: Map Network Drive
    14. Question: Edit tracking changes are typically formatted in the following manner: (1) deletions—red strikethroughs, (2) additions—green and underlined, and (3) formatting changes are made bold in almost any other desired color. Where in Word 2007 could you set your own custom formatting options for tracking changes?
    Answer: Select the Review ribbon and then select the triangle by Track Changes. In the drop-down menu, select “Change Tracking Options” and then set your formatting options in the Track Changes Options dialog box.
    15. Question: How will you insert text boxes for a printed form?
    Answer: Select the Insert tab, in the Text group, click on Text Box and then select Draw Text Box.
    16. Question: To enter a symbol or special character into your document (to where the cursor is located), which of the following methods could you employ in Word 2007?
    Answer: Open the Insert ribbon. Click Symbol in the Symbols group. A menu will appear with a small selection of symbols. If you don’t see the symbol or character you’d like to insert, click More Symbols. Choose the special character (or symbol) that you want and then click Insert and click Close.
    17. Question: You are editing a figure using the Drawing Tools > Format options. Which among the following Shape Fill options in the Shape Styles group adds a solid color and transparency to a shape?
    Answer: More Fill Colors…
    18. Question: State whether true or false:
    When you save a document as a Web page, the textures and gradients are saved as JPEG files and the patterns are saved as GIF files.
    Answer: True
    19. Question: Which among the following options is the reason of text deletion at the insertion point when you type a document?
    Answer: The “overtype mode” is turned on in Word options.
    20. Question: What is meant by Enhanced ScreenTips?
    Answer: Enhanced ScreenTips are larger windows that display more descriptive text than a ScreenTip and can have a link to a Help topic.
    21. Question: This question is based upon the figure shown below
    Refer to the given picture. Which of the following Line Numbers should be used when each page has to begin with the number 1?
    Answer: Restart Each Page
    22. Question: Which keyboard shortcut could be used to switch to Draft View?
    Answer: ALT+CTRL+N
    23. Question: State whether true or false:
    The “Add Assistant” shape option in a SmartArt graphic is available only if an organization chart layout is chosen.
    Answer: True
    24. Question: Which view(s) could be used to view the Equation placeholders in the Document Views group?
    Answer: All of the above
    25. Question: State whether true or false:
    Any changes that are saved to “Normal.dotm” will be applied to the documents that you create in the future.
    Answer: True
    26. Question: State whether true or false:
    Changing the Author property in the Document Information Panel of an existing document has no effect on the User name setting in the Word Options dialog box.
    Answer: True
    27. Question: How will you set the default font so that every time you open Microsoft Word it will use the settings that you had selected?
    Answer: Select the Home tab, and then click the Font Dialog Box Launcher. Select the font style and size. Click on Default… and then click Yes.
    28. Question: Which of the following line-spacing options sets fixed line spacing that Word does not adjust?
    Answer: Doubled
    29. Question: How will you change the author name in an existing document?
    Answer: All of the above
    30. Question: State whether true or false:
    Microsoft Office programs store some additional information within the digital signature automatically that might not be visible in the current view document.
    Answer: True
    31. Question: Which among the following options could be used to turn off the Office Clipboard?
    Answer: All of the above
    32. Question: What does the command “Winword.exe /f MyDocument.docx” mean?
    Answer: This command instructs Word to start and immediately open a file named MyDocument.docx.
    33. Question: Which among the following is an invalid character to include in a file name?
    Answer: All of the above
    34. Question: State whether true or false:
    Gridlines do not print when a document is printed.
    Answer: True
    35. Question: Which keyboard shortcut inserts a hyperlink?
    Answer: CTRL+K
    36. Question: Which among the following wildcards should be used to select any single character?
    Answer: ?
    37. Question: This question is based upon the figure shown below
    Refer to the given image. Which option should be selected to convert a professionally formatted equation into an equation on one line?
    Answer: C
    38. Question: Which of the following is not a Content Control?
    Answer: Chart
    39. Question: This question is based upon the figure shown below
    Answer: Numbering
    40. Question: Which among the following is a correct way to make your file “Read-only?”
    Answer: Click “Save As” from the Microsoft Office Button. Click on Tools and then click General Options. Select the Read-only recommended check box. Click OK. Click on Save.
    41. Question: Which among the following options should be used to start a bulleted list automatically?
    Answer: Type * (asterisk) and then press spacebar or the Tab key.
    42. Question: Which of the following can be the reason for the appearance of the red X, as shown in the picture?
    Answer: All of the above
    43. Question: State whether true or false:
    ASCII-formatted text contains no formatting information such as bold, italic, or fonts.
    Answer: True
    44. Question: State whether true or false:
    New text animation effects can be applied in Microsoft Word 2007.
    Answer: False
    45. Question: Which among the following options should be used to number the cells in a table?
    Answer: Select the table cells that need to be numbered. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click on Numbering.
    46. Question: Which of the following options repeats a table heading on subsequent pages?
    Answer: Repeat Header Rows
    47. Question: Which keyboard shortcut could be used to check the spelling of a text file?
    Answer: F7
    48. Question: Which among the following is not true regarding the use of a pie chart?
    Answer: A pie chart should be used when there are more than seven categories.
    49. Question: This question is based upon the figure shown below
    Refer to the given picture. Which of the following options turns off Enhanced ScreenTips but keeps the ScreenTips still visible?
    Answer: B
    50. Question: Unlike the other types of styles (paragraph, character, linked, and table), predefined list styles are available when you first create a document in Word 2007.
    Answer: False
    51. Question: This question is based upon the figure shown below
    What is the maximum number of columns that can be created in the Columns dialog box as shown in the picture?
    Answer: 13
    52. Question: This question is based upon the figure shown below
    Refer to the given image. In Picture1, axes appear on the left side. Which setting should you use to make them appear on the right side, as shown in Picture2?
    Answer: Select the Axis Options tab in the Format Axis dialog box. Set the Axis labels: field to High.
    53. Question: Which of the following two paragraphs is/are true for Word 2007?
    (1)To show or hide formatting marks in your editing markup — on the Home ribbon, in the Paragraph group, click the Show/Hide button.
    (2) The Show/Hide button will not hide all the formatting marks in the document if you selected those marks that are to be displayed at all times (such as paragraph marks, tab characters, hidden text, optional hyphens, object anchors, or spaces). To turn off any or all of these selected formatting marks, follow this procedure: Click the Microsoft Office Button and then click Word Options. Then Click Display. Under “Always show these formatting marks on the screen,” clear the check boxes for any formatting marks that you do not want to show at all times in your documents.
    Answer: Both (1) and (2)
    54. Question: This question is based upon the figure shown below
    In the given picture, the “Washout” option has been selected. What purpose does it serve?
    Answer: It lightens the picture so that it does not interfere with the text.
    55. Question: The default installation of Word 2007 includes several built-in character styles. Which of the following is NOT one of the default, built-in character styles:
    Answer: Special Emphasis
    56. Question: What steps should be followed to replace a shape with other shape?
    Answer: Select the shape to be changed. Select the Format tab; use the “Change Shape” button in the Shape Styles group.
    57. Question: Just as in Word 2003 or prior Word versions, the default standard view for Word 2007 is the Draft view (and is still also called the Normal view in Word 2007):
    Answer: False
    58. Question: This question is based upon the figure shown below
    What is the purpose of the “Demote” button as shown in the diagram?
    Answer: It increases the level of a selected bullet or a shape.
    59. Question: Which feature(s) should be selected in order to find and remove hidden data and personal information in Office documents?
    Answer: Document Inspector
    60. Question: Which keyboard shortcut is used to make the text size smaller?
    Answer: CTRL+SHIFT+<
    61. Question: Which among the following options will you use to add a command to the Quick Access Toolbar?
    Answer: All of the above
    62. Question: Which option(s) should you select to remove a chart or axis title from a chart?
    Answer: To remove an axis title, select the Layout tab. In the Labels group, click on Axis Titles, click the type of axis title, and then click None.
    63. Question: Which among the following macro settings is meant for developers only?
    Answer: Trust access to the VBA project object model.
    64. Question: State whether true or false:
    A building block can be added to as many galleries as you want.
    Answer: True
    65. Question: Which of the following is/are true about phishing?
    Answer: It is an online fraud technique used by criminals to lure users into disclosing their personal in

    PHP5 odesk test answer

    1. load is possible with:
    A. checkbox
    B. select
    C. file
    D. all of the above
    Ans : A
    2. State whether true or false
    Paamayim nekudotayim operator allows access only to the static members of a class?
    a. True
    b. False
    Ans: A
    3. What is the output of the following code?
    echo $a % 2 * $b;
    a. 100
    b. 200
    c. 500
    d. 0
    e. Syntax error
    Ans: D
    4. which function will suitable replace “X”?
    a. Filesize
    b. Size
    c. sizeofFile
    d. getSize
    Ans: A
    5. Which of the following is not true for a persistent connection?
    a. these are not closed even after the execution of the script
    b. these are mainly used to increase the efficiency of thesystem
    c. These can’t be converted to non-persistent connections
    d. These are preferable not used in the scripts involving transactions
    Ans: C
    6. Which one is correct?
    a. $s=fwrite(“a string here”);
    b. $s=fwrite($fp,”a string here”);
    c. $s=fwrite(“a string here ”,$fp);
    d. none of the above
    Ans: B
    7. Which will be the output of the following code?
    the getSal() of emp has to behave exacltyle as getSal() ofperson . Which of the following lines of code would you use to replace the “???”?
    a. Parent:: getSal();
    b. Person::getSal();
    c. Parent::getsal;
    d. Person::getSal;
    Ans: A
    11. What is true regarding this code?
    a. setcookie will return false
    b. setcookie will return true
    c. setcookie will return null
    d. Any of the above can happen
    Answer: b
    12. Which of the following is not the correct way of starting a session?
    a. session.auto_start
    b. session_register()
    c. session_initiate()
    d. session_start()
    Answer: c;
    13. Which of the following functions do you need to implement HTTP Basic Authentication?
    a. authenticate ()
    b. header ()
    c. basic_auth ()
    d. None of the above
    Answer: d;
    14. Which of the following Command Line Interface constant is not defined in the CLI SAPI?
    a. STDIN
    b. STDOUT
    c. STDPRT
    d. STDERR
    Answer: c;
    15. Which of the following statements is correct with regard to final and abstract?
    a. An abstract class cannot have final methods
    b. An abstract class cannot have non abstract methods
    c. A final class cannot have abstract methods
    d. A final class cannot have final methods
    Answer: C
    Explanation :
    a. An abstract class can have final method.
    b. An abstract class can have other than abstract method.
    c. a final class can have final method (but not a must requirement).
    d. BUT a final class cannot have abstract method.
    16. Which composite data types are supported by php?
    a. Array
    b. Enumeration
    c. List
    d. Object
    e. Integer
    Answer: A and D
    17. The default value of register_globals in PHP is:
    a. Off
    b. On
    Answer A
    18. Using Register Globals
    WarningThis feature has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged.
    Perhaps the most controversial change in PHP is when the default value for the PHP directive register_globals went from ON to OFF in PHP » 4.2.0.
    Choose the correct statement:
    a. include() includes and evaluates a specific file
    b. require() includes and evaluates a specific file
    c. include_once() includes and evaluates a specific file only if it has not been included before
    d. require_once() includes and evaluates a specific file only if it has not been included before
    e. All of the above
    Answer: E
    19. If the session_cache_expire() is not set, then by default the session cache will expire after:
    a. 1 hr
    b. 2 hrs
    c. 3 hrs
    d. 4 hrs
    Answer: C
    20. The cache expire is reset to the default value of 180 stored in session.cache_expire at request startup time. Thus, you need to call session_cache_expire() for every request (and before session_start() is called).
    What will be the output of the following script?
    function Argument()
    echo $count;
    a. It will print 50
    b. It will print 51
    c. It will print 52
    d. It will print 1
    Answer: D;
    Explanation : $count is local in the method.
    21. Which of the following statements is true with regard to comparisons in PHP5?
    a. With “= =” operator, two object instances are equal if they have the same attributes and values, and are instances of a different class.
    b. With “==” operator two object instances are equal if they have the same attributes and values, and are instances of the same class.
    c. With (===) operator, object variables are identical if and only if they refer to the same instance of the same class.
    d. With (===) operator, object variables are identical if and only if they refer to the different instance of the same class.
    Answer C;
    21. What will be the output of the following code?
    echo $i . ” ” . $j . ” ” . $k . ” “;
    a. 5 31 6
    b. 5 31 6.2
    c. 5 31 7
    d. 4 31 7.5
    e. 5 31 7.5
    Answer e;
    Explanation : After increment then Divition command will execute.
    22. Which of the following is a not a correct way of commenting in php?
    a. //PHP Comment
    b. /*PHP Comment*/
    c. #PHP Comment
    d. /#PHP Comment
    Answer d;
    23. Following is a php code block:
    $z=$n++/$m++ + –$z;
    echo $z;
    what will be the output?
    a. 16
    b. 18
    c. 19
    d. 20
    e. 17
    Answer: B; (?? not understand)
    24. Which of the following is the correct way of specifying default value?
    a. function GetDiscount($Type = “Special”) { . . . }
    b. function GetDiscount(Type := “Special”) { . . . }
    c. function GetDiscount($Type := “Special”) { . . . }
    d. function GetDiscount($Type : “Special”) { . . . }
    Answre a;
    25. With reference to the following php script:
    print ‘Text Line1′
    print ‘Text Line2′
    What will be the output on running the script?
    a. Text Line1Text Line2
    b. Text Line1 Text Line2
    c. ‘Text Line1′
    d. ‘Text Line2′
    e. Error message will be printed
    Answer e;
    26. Late PHP versions support remote file accessing for the functions:
    a. include()
    b. include_once()
    c. require_once()
    d. Both a and b
    e. Both b and c
    Answer: e;
    27. Which of the following does not represent logical AND operator in PHP?
    a. &
    b. &&
    c. And
    d. AND
    Answer: a
    28. Which of the following are invalid data types in PHP?
    a. string
    b. integer
    c. float
    d. char
    e. array
    f. object
    Answer: D
    29. The Manager and Office classes are as follows:
    class Manager{
    function printName() {
    echo “Manager”;
    class Office{
    function getManager() {
    return new Manager();
    $ofc = new Office();
    Which of the following should replace ‘???’ to obtain the value of printName() function?
    a. $ofc->getManager()->printName();
    b. new Office()->getManager()->printName();
    c. $ofc->getManager->printName;
    d. Office::getManager()::printName();
    Answer: a
    30.Which of the following variable declarations within a class is invalid in PHP5?
    a. private $type = ‘moderate’;
    b. var $term =3;
    c. public $amnt = ’500′;
    d. protected $name = ‘Quantas Private Limited’;
    Answer: b;
    31. What will be the output of following code?
    $arr = “a”;
    echo $arr;
    echo $arr[0];
    a. ab
    b. $arr is undefined
    c. bb
    d. Parse error
    Answer: C
    32. What is the result of the following expression?
    5+2 * 4+6
    a. 70
    b. 19
    c. 34
    d. 21
    Anwer: b
    33. What will be the output of following code?
    $var = 1 + “-1.3e3?;
    echo $var;
    a. -1299
    b. 1
    c. 1-1.3e3
    d. Error:cannot add integer and string
    An swer: a
    34. What will be the output of following code?
    echo “$var1 $a”;
    a. a b
    b. $var1 $a
    c. Error: $a is undefined
    d. Error: Parse error in line 2 ($$var1 = “b”)
    Answer a
    35. What will be the ouput of the following code?
    if (-1)
    print “true”;
    print “false”;
    a. true
    b. false
    Answer: a
    36. What will be the output of the following code?
    echo 12 . 6;
    a. 12 . 6
    b. 126
    c. 12.6
    d. Error: You cannot add integers through the concatenation operator(.)
    Answer: B
    37. Consider the following sample code:
    $x = 0xFFFE;
    $y = 2;
    $z = $x && $y;
    What will be the value of $z?
    a. 0
    b. 1
    c. 2
    d. 3
    e. 4
    Answer: B
    38. what would be the output of the following code?
    $stg=’good day’;
    $stg= ucwords($stg);
    echo $stg;
    a. good day
    b. GOOD DAY
    c. Good Day
    d None of the above
    Ans: C
    39. Which one of the following is turnary operator?
    a. &
    b. =
    d. ?:
    e. +=
    f. &&
    Ans: D
    40. If you want to pass a value to a function by reference, the correct way is:
    a. function ModifyReport(&$Rptfile){}
    b. function ModifyReport($Rptfile){}
    c. function ModifyReport(ByRef $Rptfile){}
    d. function ModifyReport(&Rptfile){}
    Ans: A
    THANKS TO ALL………………..

    odesk English spelling Test U S Version

    English Spelling Test (U.S. Version)
    Question: 01
    Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
    a. Accomodate
    b. Analyze
    c. Acknowledgment
    d. Asterisk
    02. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
    a. Yacht
    b. Youthful
    c. Yeilding
    d. Yesterday
    03. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
    The clown’s performance was _______________, to say the least.
    a. dissapointing
    b. dissappointing
    c. disapointing
    d. disappointing
    04. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
    a. Vacuum
    b. Vaccuum
    c. Vacumm
    d. Vaccum
    05. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
    a. Manoeuvar
    b. Manouver
    c. Maneuver
    d. Manuver
    06. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
    Sally’s nervous __________ left her standing at the altar.
    a. fiancé
    b. finance
    c. feancé
    d. fience
    07. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
    Mrs. Baker took her ______________ class on a field trip to the zoo.
    a. kindergarden
    b. kindegarten
    c. kindergarten
    d. kindegarden
    08. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
    Hazel Dormouse is a _________ creature.
    a. nocternal
    b. nocturnal
    c. noctarnal
    d. nacturnal
    09. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
    The savvy dancer acted as a __________ between the detective and the cabaret owner.
    a. liasion
    b. liaison
    c. liasone
    d. leason
    10. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
    _________animals feed almost exclusively on meat.
    a. Carnivorus
    b. Carnivorous
    c. Carnivoures
    d. Carnivoreus
    11. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
    a. Gauge
    b. Gaje
    c. Guage
    d. Gaige
    12. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
    Emma has always been fascinated by the way the mind works, so she’s decided to get a degree in __________.
    a. pshycology
    b. psycology
    c. psyhcology
    d. psychology
    13. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
    a. Efficency
    b. Efficentsy
    c. Efficiensy
    d. Efficiency
    14. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
    a. Heinous
    b. Henous
    c. Heinus
    15. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
    a. Stationery
    b. Statutory
    c. Sincerely
    d. Sanctuery
    16. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
    a. Parallel
    b. Prevalent
    c. Prejudice
    d. Perserverance
    17. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
    a. Leiutenant
    b. Luietenant
    c. Lieutanent
    d. Lieutenant
    18. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
    a. Pageant
    b. Poignant
    c. Plummage
    d. Priggish
    19. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
    a. Quixotic
    b. Quite
    c. Questionaire
    d. Quarantine
    20. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
    a. Adress
    b. Addrress
    c. Addres
    d. Address
    21. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
    a. Reminiscience
    b. Reminiscence
    c. Reminescence
    d. Reminisense
    22. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
    a. Rhythmical
    b. Reminiscence
    c. Rheumatism
    d. Resevoir
    23. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
    The judge granted the reluctant witness complete ____________ from prosecution for his part in the crime.
    a. amnesty
    b. amnasty
    c. anmesty
    d. emnesty
    24. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
    He __________ a summer house, an exercise bike, and a hamster in the divorce settlement.
    a. accquired
    b. ecquired
    c. acquired
    d. akquired
    25. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
    a. Temperamental
    b. Tempermental
    c. Temperamentle
    d. Temparamental
    26. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
    The crowd ________________ me on my acceptance into Mensa.
    a. congradulated
    b. congrachulated
    c. congratulated
    d. congratilated
    27. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
    a. Cachet
    b. Connoisseur
    c. Charateristic
    d. Catastrophe
    28. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
    a. Wierd
    b. Wired
    c. Whined
    d. Willful
    29. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
    On the ____________ day of Christmas, Lucy was annoyed to find her yard full of noisy drummers drumming.
    a. twelvth
    b. twelfth
    c. twelfeth
    d. twelth
    30. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
    a. Enhancement
    b. Elicit
    c. Enegma
    d. Ecstasy
    31. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
    a. Sophomore
    b. Supersede
    c. Susceptable
    d. Spontaneous
    32. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
    He wrote __________on every topic from shoestrings to string theory.
    a. prollifically
    b. prolificaly
    c. prollificaly
    d. prolifically
    33. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
    a. Dexterity
    b. Desicate
    c. Dyeing
    d. Desecrate
    34. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
    Be sure to leave your travel __________with the secretary so he’ll know how to reach you while you’re away.
    a. itenreray
    b. itinerary
    c. iteneray
    d. itinirary
    35. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
    My father does not believe in ____________ , but my mother does.
    a. reincanation
    b. reincarenation
    c. reincarnation
    d. reincantation
    36. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
    Peter always makes such a _____________ of himself!
    a. nuisance
    b. nuisents
    c. newsanse
    d. nuisince
    37. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
    Clara the cat simply chose to ignore the ______________ of our dog.
    a. existence
    b. existance
    c. existense
    d. existanse
    38. Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
    a. Forfiet
    b. Forfeit
    c. Forefeit
    d. Fourfit
    39. Identify the misspelled word in the list below.
    a. Fluorescent
    b. Full fill
    c. Facsimile
    d. Fictitious
    40. Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
    Sam _________ a successful political campaign.
    a. orchestraited
    b. orchestrated
    c. orchestrea

    oDesk Readiness Test Answer

    Can I start my own agency on oDesk?
    a. Yes! You can create an agency and earn money by selling the services of your agency contractors.
    b. No, oDesk is for independent contractors only
    Ans: a
    Which of the following are TRUE about your oDesk Work Diary?
    a. Allows employers to see when and what their contractors are working on
    b. Enables automatic billing for hourly contracts
    c. The oDesk Team application auto-tracks time which can be reviewed in the Work Diary
    d. Manual time can be added, but isn’t guaranteed payment
    e. All of the above
    Ans: e
    Which of the following statements about oDesk fees is FALSE?
    a. The oDesk fee is 10% of the employer’s payment to oDesk
    b. oDesk is free to join
    c. oDesk is free for contractors to apply and work on jobs
    d. The oDesk fee is $2/hour for hourly contracts
    e. All of the above
    Ans: d
    Which of the following actions are NOT allowed when applying to job postings?
    a. Misrepresenting your skills, experiences, portfolio, etc.
    b. Submitting boilerplate, placeholder or generic bids or other spam
    c. Disclosing direct contact information
    d. Applying when you are not truly qualified
    e. All of the above
    Which of the following are required to qualify for guaranteed payment?
    a. An hourly contract
    b. Tracking your time with the oDesk Team application
    c. Entering relevant memos
    d. An employer with a verified payment method
    e. All of the above
    Which of the following are NOT permitted on oDesk?
    a. Sharing a single account between multiple people
    b. Opening more than one account on oDesk
    c. Using a logo or clip art as your profile portrait
    d. Using a fake name
    e. All of the above
    Which of the following is TRUE about fixed-price contracts?
    a. Employer billed automatically each week
    b. How much to pay and when to pay is at the employer’s discretion
    c. Hours worked will show on your profile
    d. Time-tracking required
    e. Qualify for the oDesk payment guarantee
    The oDesk Team application Time Tracker records which of the following?
    a. Screenshot of the active screen once per billing segment
    b. Number of keystrokes
    c. Number of mouse clicks
    d. Memo entered by the contractor
    e. All of the above
    What happens when a contract ends?
    a. You lose access to the Work Diary
    b. Both users can leave feedback
    c. The feedback system is double blind, so your employer cannot see the feedback you left them until after they have left feedback for you
    d. Hours will be billed (and disputes may be filed) according to the usual weekly payment schedule
    e. All of the above
    Ans: e
    Which of the following is FALSE about weekly limits on hourly contracts?
    a. Hours in excess of the weekly limit will not be billed to the employer
    b. You should discuss any need to work beyond your limit with your employer
    c. The weekly limit can be changed by the contractor
    d. The weekly limit can be changed by the employer
    e. Hours in excess of the weekly limit are not guaranteed payment
    Ans: c
    Which of the following are TRUE about the oDesk dispute process?
    a. The dispute process only applies to Hourly contracts
    b. If you fail to respond, oDesk will refund the employer and suspend your account
    c. If you reject the dispute, oDesk specialists will review your Work Diary and evaluate it against the criteria of the payment guarantee
    d. Disputed hours ruled in the employers favor are refunded
    e. All of the above
    Ans: e

    oDesk Readiness Test for Independent Contractors and Staffing Managers

    by   kaderontor469161    On April 1, 2012 ·
    1. Which of the following is FALSE about weekly limits on hourly contracts?
    a.Hours in excess of the weekly limit will not be billed to the employer
    b.You should discuss any need to work beyond your limit with your employer
    c. The weekly limit can be changed by the contractor (Answer)
    d.The weekly limit can be changed by the employer
    e. Hours in excess of the weekly limit are not guaranteed payment

    2.Which of the following actions are NOT allowed when applying to job openings?
    e.  All of the above (Answer)
    3.Which of the following statements about the oDesk Team application are true?
    e.  All of the above (Answer)
    4. Which of the following are TRUE about the oDesk dispute process?
    a.The dispute process only applies to Hourly contracts
    b. If you fail to respond, oDesk will refund the employer and suspend your account
    c. If you reject the dispute, oDesk specialists will review your Work Diary and evaluate it against the criteria of the payment guarantee
    d.  Disputed hours ruled in the employers favor are refunded
    e.  All of the above (Answer)
    5. Which of the following are TRUE about your oDesk Work Diary?
    a.  Allows employers to see when and what their contractors are working on
    b. Enables automatic billing for hourly contracts
    c.The oDesk Team application auto-tracks time which can be reviewed in the Work Diary
    d. Manual time can be added, but isn’t guaranteed payment
    e. All of the above (Answer)
    6.What happens when a contract ends?
    a. You lose access to the Work Diary
    b. Both users can leave feedback
    c. The feedback system is double blind, so your employer cannot see the feedback you left them until after they have left feedback for you
    d.  Hours will be billed (and disputes may be filed) according to the usual weekly payment schedule
    e.   All of the above (Answer)
    7.Can I start my own agency on oDesk?
    a.     Yes! You can create an agency and earn money by selling the services of your agency contractors. (Answer)
    b.     No, oDesk is for independent contractors only
    8.Which of the following is true of your oDesk timelog?
    e.  All of the above (Answer)
    9 Which of the following are required to qualify for guaranteed payment?
    a. An hourly contract
    b. Tracking your time with the oDesk Team application
    c. Entering relevant memos
    d. An employer with a verified payment method
    e. All of the above (Answer)
    10 Which of the following statements are correct about oDesk fees?
    e.  All of the above (Answer)
    11. Which of the following actions are NOT allowed when applying to job postings?
    a. Misrepresenting your skills, experiences, portfolio, etc.
    b. Submitting boilerplate, placeholder or generic bids or other spam
    c. Disclosing direct contact information
    d. Applying when you are not truly qualified
    e.  All of the above (Answer)
    12. Which of the following are NOT permitted on oDesk?
    a.  Sharing a single account between multiple people
    b. Opening more than one account on oDesk
    c. Using a logo or clip art as your profile portrait
    d.  Using a fake name
    e.  All of the above (Answer)
    13. What do you need to do to ensure guaranteed payment on hourly jobs?
    e.  All of the above (Answer)
    14. Which of the following break the oDesk user agreement?
    e.  All of the above (Answer)
    15.Which of the following statements about oDesk fees is FALSE?
    a.  The oDesk fee is 10% of the employer’s payment to oDesk
    b.  oDesk is free to join
    c.  oDesk is free for contractors to apply and work on jobs
    d.  The oDesk fee is $2/hour for hourly contracts (Answer)
    e.  All of the above
    16. Buyers set weekly limits on hourly assignments, how do these work?
    e.  All of the above (Answer)
    17. The oDesk Team application Time Tracker records which of the following
    a.  Screenshot of the active screen once per billing segment
    b. Number of keystrokes
    c.  Number of mouse clicks
    d.  Memo entered by the contractor
    e.  All of the above (Answer)
    18. Can I start my own company on oDesk?
    a. Yes! oDesk allows you to build and manage a team of workers, colleagues and collaborators. You can even subcontract other workers on oDesk to other customers oDesk (and take a cut). (Answer)
    b. No
    19.How does feedback work on oDesk?
    e.  All of the above (Answer)
    20. Which of the following is TRUE about fixed-price contracts?
    a. Employer billed automatically each week
    b. How much to pay and when to pay is at the employer’s discretion (Answer)
    c. Hours worked will show on your profile
    d. Time-tracking required
    e. Qualify for the oDesk payment guarantee

    odesk seo test answer

    1.  Which black hat Seo Techique is characterized by a method to deceive search engines,  by detecting the search engine bot and “feeding” it with a different HTML actually served to users?
    ans:   Cloaking
    2. Which is the function of indexer part of the Google search Engine?
    ans.   It helps to retrieve web pages from the world wide wed
    3. Google display up to _______ characters of a webpages Title Tag.
    ans:  66
    4. which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placement  strategies?
    ans:    a. targeting synonyms of the main keyword
              d. Optimizing five or more keywords per page
    5. What will happen if you type the words Certification-Networking in the google search  box?
    ans:   google will find all the web pages in which the words certerfication and networking  appear together
    6. which search engine technology prevents a website from appearing in numerous top  positions in the search engine result pages
    ans:   clustering
    7. if a websites search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is  20%. what does it mean?
    ans:   only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine
    8. Which of the following statements about google techinical and quality guidlines is  true.
    ans:   Avoid using robot.txt to prevent crawling of search results pages or other auto- generated pages, even if they dont add much value for users coming from the search  engines.
    9. Impleminting a 301 permanent Redirects on the old pages to redirect to the new pages  is a good idea from the SEO perspective.
    True or False?
    ans: True
    10. what is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for the word  ‘actor’ will also show search results for related words such as actress, acting or  act?
    ans:    RSD ( real time synonym detection )
    11. Are Rss/Atom feeds returned in Google search results?
    12. All major search engines are case sensitive
    ans:    False
    13. Cloaking is a controversial SEO technique. What does it involve
    ans:   Offering a different set of web pages to the search engines
    14. which of the following statements is correct with regard to the description meta tag?
    ans:     Google uses the meta description to generate the search engine results pages.
    15. which of the following statements about the search engine optimization techniques are  correct.
    ans:    websites with deep linking are looked at the favorably by search engines
    16.Which of the following factors have an impact on the google pagerank
    ans:     the subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a web site
    17. what is the most likely time period required for getting a google page rank
    ans:   More Than 3 monts.
    18. Which of the following is an ethical SEO Techique?
    ans:   Non of the above.
    19. What is Anchor text
    ans:  it is the visible text that is hyper linked to another page
    20. Google looks down upon paid links for enhancing page rank. If a website sells a  links, what actions does Google recommend to avoid being penalized
    ans:    Paid links should be disclosed through index-nofollow attribute in the hyperlink
    21. if you search for the term “iq test” in the word tracker keyword suggestion tool, will  it return the number of independent searches for the term “iq”
    Yes or no?
    ans:    no
    22. if you enter “help site:‘ in the google search box, what will  google search for
    ans:     it will find pages about help with-in
    23. which of the following website design guidelines have been recommended by Google
    ans:    Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link
    24. Which of the following statements regarding website content are correct?
    ans:     If you have two versions of a document on your website, google recommends that you  only allow the indexing of the better version
    25. which of the following statements about the RSS are correct.
    ans:      it is a form of XML
    26. what is the main reason for the effectiveness of optimizing a webpages towards a long  tail keyword search
    ans:     there are fewer websites that have targeted such keywords.
    27. how are the site maps important for the search engine optimization process
    ans:ste maps help the search engine spider pick up more pages from the website..
    28. which of the following actions could get you banned by Google
    ans:non of the above.
    29. Do search engines such as google detect innatural linking patterns by checking the  Class C ip address of the page where the link to the websites originates? Yes or no?
    30. what is the term for optimization strategies that are in an unknown area of  reputability/validity
    ans:Silver hat techiques

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